The Argonians in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim are noticeably different than their Oblivion, Morrowind, and even Elder Scrolls Online counterparts thanks to their lack of feathers and relatively weaker racial skills. They are few and far between in the Nord homeland, though some questlines (notably with the Dark Brotherhood) feature the race prominently.

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Playing an Argonian in Skyrim usually leads to a stealthy approach to the game, though some mods restore the martial and magical prowess of the Lizardfolk of Black Marsh. They are a strange race, even among the diversity of Tamriel, for their devotion to the enigmatic Hist trees and their reverence for Sithis, one of the traditionally "bad" Daedric Princes.

5 Darkwater Den - Argonian Home

Argonian Skyrim Best Mods Addons Darkwater Den

Argonians find Skyrim to be a particularly harsh and unforgiving landscape. They are Lizardfolk, after all, and the bitter cold of the frozen north often proves to be too much for the average Argonian (perhaps explaining their relative rarity in the province). Any Argonian venturing through Skyrim would love to have a warm, familiar home waiting for them – and that's exactly what Darkwater Den is.

Darkwater Den appears on the world map as soon as the mod is installed, though the player has to find the Argonian Derkeethus to acquire the key. Inside is a variety of useful features like an appearance-altering mirror, several display halls for everything from gems to Dragon Priest Masks, an enchanting table, and even a shrine to the Hist, one of the only Hist shrines in Skyrim.

The Darkwater Den mod can be downloaded (and installed) through the Skyrim Nexus

4 Breastless Argonian Females

Argonian Skyrim Best Mods Addons Breastless Females

One problem with Argonians throughout The Elder Scrolls series is the presence of breasts on females. This is explained in-game through various stories involving how the sentient Hist created the Argonians, but ultimately it just doesn't make much sense for humanoid lizards to have mammalian breasts – perhaps they were given human-like breasts to make them less alien, but many players believe them unnecessary.

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The Breastless Argonian Females mod changes this, severely reducing the bust of Argonian women in Skyrim. While male Argonians have thicker heads and broader builds, female Argonians can not be identified not by their immersion-breaking breasts but by their head and body proportions too. It's not a game-changing mod by any means, but the staunch Argonian roleplayer will find this a necessity.

The Breastless Argonian Females mod can be downloaded (and installed) through the Skyrim Nexus.

3 Argonian Amazing Race Tweaks

Argonian Skyrim Best Mods Addons Amazing Race Tweaks

Argonians are given an absolute litany of new powers and skill modifications with their custom version of the Amazing Race Tweaks mod, mostly to do with their connection to the Hist. New abilities include the return of Shadowscale, the near-invisibility ability from Oblivion, the Protective Scales ability which adds melee weapon resistance, and the Histsight and Histskin powers for underwater sight and enhanced healing, respectively.

In addition to all of that, Argonians are also given a much faster swim speed thanks to their tail, a damaging poison cloak, higher health values, better Restoration bonuses, as well as the addition of Poison Resistance and Weakness to Frost. They are given huge bonuses to Restoration and Sneak, while Block, Destruction, Illusion, and Lockpicking receive minor bonuses.

Argonian Amazing Race Tweaks can be installed through the Steam Workshop.

2 Digitigrade Khajiit and Argonian Feet

Argonian Skyrim Best Mods Addons Digitigrade Feet

Argonians as represented in Skyrim are much different than their previous versions. It's not only the lack of feathers (or their strange resemblance to Skyrim's dragons), it's also a problem with their in-game models. Argonian feet look too human to make sense, as they ought to have more lizard-like features. This is true of Khajiit too, whose human-like padded feet don't make sense.

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The Digitigrade Khajiit and Argonian Feet mod is subtle but well worth installing for detail-oriented players. It makes Argonian feet more closely resemble a Velociraptor's than a Human's (and Khajiit, too, are given proper cat-like paws).

The Digitigrade Feet mod can be installed through the Steam Workshop.

1 Argonian Exports

Argonian Skyrim Best Mods Addons Exports Solitude

Black Marsh has very little presence in Skyrim, with only passing references to the endless swampy homeland of the Argonians made in books and in dialogue. Argonian goods are different than most, being made to adapt to the marshland environment, and in-lore their alcoholic drinks are the stuff of legends thanks to Argonians' hardy bodies.

The Argonian Exports mod brings some of this Black Marsh culture and flavor to Skyrim, specifically just outside Solitude. The merchant has his shop on the Saxheel, an Argonian trade ship docked in the Solitude harbor. Players can buy Argonian weapons and armor, Argonian Ale, furnishings and accents, as well as the rare commodity Hist Sap.

The Argonian Exports mod can be installed through the Steam Workshop.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim in its original moddable version (not Special Edition or otherwise) is only available for PC.

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