Despite being a technically stunning experience at times, The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim possesses a number of glitches and bugs that have plagued the game since it first launched. Over the years, Skyrim fans have come to appreciate the absurd nature of the bugs, given that it adds an unexpected layer to what the game already has to offer. Now, one player has witnessed a truly bizarre sight in-game.

Unlike many other AAA releases that suffered from a cacophony of technical issues, Skyrim remains an outlier for several members of the gaming community. On top of being absolutely hilarious, many of the glitches in Skyrim are quite beneficial to players, with the overwhelming majority of Skyrim speedruns relying almost exclusively on glitches. Although, this most recent glitch involves a seemingly inebriated bear.

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Over on Reddit, a user named DvNT_Exile posted an image of a bear slumped over a bar counter, giving the appearance of being asleep. It appears that the bar in question is located in Ivarstead and how the bear managed to find itself in the bar is quite the conundrum. Regardless, it's an extremely humorous circumstance that most players in Skyrim likely wouldn't expect to encounter.

As to how exactly the bear found its way into the bar, there are a fair number of possibilities. Character models have a tendency to sometimes spawn in random locations or inside of other character models, such as one hilarious instance of a cow glitching inside a horse in Skyrim. There's also the possibility that the player just happened to lift the bear on top of the bar counter and pose it in a particular way.

As of right now, there's no way for players to move dead bodies inside of buildings since players can't insert corpses into their inventory. Some Skyrim players have recently taken to inserting a large number of specific items inside of buildings, such as one player filling Breezehome with cheese. However, it's unlikely that this incident with the bear is similar since there's no way for the player to transport the bear inside.

In any case, it's amazing that players are still managing to find bizarre occurrences like this within Skyrim. Even with the release of Skyrim: Anniversary Edition, players are still managing to find and accomplish so many new things within the game. It will be interesting to see if Skyrim's popularity continues to persist once The Elder Scrolls 6 finally releases.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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