
  • Faction questlines in Skyrim provide Dragonborn with great gear and story-driven quests, like meeting the Augur of Dunlain.
  • The Augur's tale in Skyrim warns about the corrupting power of knowledge, unlike other mages enslaved by Daedric Princes.
  • The title "Augur" signifies great power and wisdom, resembling Ancient Roman priests interpreting the will of the gods.

One of the best ways to go on a side adventure in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is to go on faction questlines. Each one bestows the Dragonborn with great gear and a steady stream of quests for gold. However, the main highlights of each faction's questline are their story and unique set of characters. This is apparent in College of Winterhold, where players get to meet the Augur of Dunlain, one of the most peculiar wizards in Skyrim.

The Elder Scrolls franchise has some of the most regarded role-playing game (RPG) titles in the past two decades. Its latest installment, Skyrim, continues to have a solid player base since its release in 2011. This is mostly because of the game’s timeless first-person RPG gameplay and extensive modding potential. Plus, players also have various side questlines to keep themselves occupied after finishing the main story, like the College of Winterhold’s faction missions.

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Bethesda has done its best to honor a specific release date with its biggest games, but its most perfect release date is still two decades away.

How the Augur of Dunlain Became a Non-Corporeal Entity in Skyrim

Players will encounter the Augur of Dunlain when they take the Good Intentions or Restoration Ritual Spell quests in the College of Winterhold. They’ll notice that the wizard doesn’t inhabit a humanoid form. He manifests as a glowing blue orb known as a “non-corporeal entity.” The Augur is one of the wisest mages in Skyrim, which is why many turn to him for advice about ancient artifacts like the Eye of Magnus and for mastering Restoration magic.

A common subject that the Augur reiterates during conversations is the power of knowledge, and how an insatiable thirst for it can corrupt a person. This nugget of truth comes from his own experience. His fellow wizards say that he’s the best of them. During his early days as a Breton mage, he made innovations in magic that no one else had seen before. However, one of his magical experiments caused a freak accident that turned him into a non-corporeal entity linked to the flow of energy within the College of Winterhold.

Uncovering the Mystery Behind the Augur of Dunlain’s Identity

Map Of High Rock From The Elder Scrolls

The Augur and his colleagues aren’t keen on divulging his identity before his accident. There is no information about this in any of the game’s books, either. His surname references a town located in the province of High Rock called “Dunlain Falls.” This suggests that the Augur might have been from this area, and he journeyed to the College of Winterhold in Skyrim to hone his skills as a mage.

The Possible Meaning of the Augur of Dunlain’s Title

“Augur” is not the wizard’s first name. It’s more of a title that also isn’t discussed as much in the game’s lore. The term references the real Ancient Roman priests who interpreted the will of the gods by observing events, like the flight of birds, accidents, and the weather.

Augurs were powerful public figures during the era of the Roman Empire, as they had the power to influence the process of law.

With such insights, one could assume that the Augur title in Skyrim would be given to magical practitioners with extraordinary power bestowed on them by fate or the will of the gods. Another interpretation would be that an Augur is a wizard who is wise and powerful enough to become the College’s most trusted advisor. It would be fitting, as Colette Marence says that the Augur is very particular about whom he passes on his wisdom.

The Augur of Dunlain’s backstory is one of the many cautionary tales in Skyrim about the consuming and corrupting nature of pursuing magical knowledge. Case in point: Septimus Signus, Miraak, and countless other people were enslaved by the Daedric Prince of Knowledge: Hermaeus Mora. Unlike them, however, the Augur had the chance to turn his misfortune into something positive. While he no longer has a body, he seems to have transcended into an immortal gatekeeper of powerful magic — sharing his gifts only with those worthy of them.