
  • Ambitious mods like Skywind and Skyblivion aim to recreate Morrowind and Oblivion in Skyrim, offering new locations to explore.
  • Players can enjoy a variety of mods that add new areas to Skyrim, expanding the game beyond the vanilla experience.
  • From savage landscapes to tropical paradises, these mods offer unique challenges and stories for players to discover.

When it comes to new location mods for the ultra-popular Skyrim, all eyes are fixated on the upcoming Skywind and Skyblivion mods which seek to painstakingly recreate The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind and The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion within the Skyrim engine. Both ports are incredibly ambitious and have been in development for years at this point. Meanwhile, Skyrim players can sate their desire for expanded content by diving into the current crop of mods that add new locations to explore, and that goes far beyond just simple player home mods.

Skyrim: The 20 Strongest Mages, According To Lore

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim contains a magical world that has been shaped by these powerful mages. Fans can learn even more about them through lore.

Not all of these mods are necessarily lore-friendly, but veterans of Skyrim won't mind. After all, these titles do a great job of justifying their existence as either standalone experiences or extensions to the world of Skyrim, both of which are appealing in their own way. Regardless of whether players are okay with ambitious mods that aren't vanilla-friendly, there's no denying that the sheer amount of love and effort put into these mods is something truly remarkable.

Unless specified otherwise, all mods support The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Special Edition.

Updated on April 9, 2024, by Ritwik Mitra: Skyrim is one of the greatest games ever made, and this sentiment has just become stronger after the release of Starfield has made it infinitely clear why this adventure through the lands of the Nords was such a blast. The immaculate world design made each and every corner of this vast world worth exploring, and it's easy to see why players still can't get enough of this magical adventure. The fact that this game becomes even more engaging with the use of mods allows for endless replayability, including certain bits of fan-made content that add a completely new areas of the world to explore. As Skyrim has expanded with these new areas, more mods have been added to this list.

21 Chanterelle

Downloads: 170,249

The Chanterelle mod for Skyrim
  • Creator: Vactrol, Farazon1234, Cecell, BlubboDE, GreyMtnFox, Cryptd**k, Modball, Maxsssnake, Dreifels, Shazdeh
  • Download Link

Players who want to explore a particularly savage world in Skyrim will have a blast exploring Chantarelle. This area is full of Nordic barbarians who are a little rough around the edges, but are still pretty endearing in their own right when they're not actively gunning for the Dragonborn's head.

This unique landscape is full to the brim with unique enemies, locations, and loot, making it another fun distraction to add to the many ways that players can completely sidetrack themselves from the main quest of Skyrim. Players can join the side of good or evil, either saving Chantarelle from the evil Tribals, or dooming the land with their actions.

20 The Realm Of Merentif

Downloads: 52,143

The Realm of Merentif, a Skyrim mod

It takes something really impressive for a mod that already adds a new world to explore to be graced with yet another mod that adds another original landscape for players to get lost in. It's mod-ception, and as such, players should download the mod that adds Vominheim to their game before downloading The Realm of Merentif.

This mod adds a wealth of tough enemies for players to deal with, making it important that their levels are very high to tackle the many threats that stand in their way. Taking down the Disciples of Vuldur in this mod is no mean feat, which is why the well-constructed dungeon present in this fan-made piece of content is so impressive.

19 Northpoint

Downloads: 35,432

Northpoint, A Skyrim Mod

A wintry world perfectly in line with Skyrim's icy landscapes, Northpoint is a fun area for players who want to explore a world full of snow, dungeons, enemies, and a bunch of new NPCs to interact with. While there aren't any quests to complete per se, the sheer magic of the game's exploration makes this area worth wandering through.

The amount of love and effort put into recreating this world is magical, and fans will be surprised to know that this mod would've been abandoned had it not been for the love of fans who appreciated the effort being put into it. Now, with the passion of fans and the amazing work they've put in here, players can finally explore this frigid landscape that is full to the brim with secrets to uncover.

18 Wyrmstooth

Downloads: 2,268,495

five year update february 2021

When people talk about ambitious mods for Skyrim, it's only a matter of time before Wyrmstooth is mentioned. This popular mod adheres to the lore of the Elder Scrolls and lets players enjoy a wondrous world that is packed to the brim with content. There are a lot of tasks players can accomplish in Wyrmstooth, with the island featuring a castle players can buy and a new shout to discover as well.

8 Darkest Skyrim Characters, Ranked

The snowy lands of Skyrim have created some truly cruel characters that fester and feed off of darkness, creating some truly memorable characters.

The effort put into Wyrmstooth is admirable and makes it worth checking out for any fan of good-quality Skyrim mods. It's easy to see why this is one of the most popular mods for Skyrim and a great place to jump in if players want to check out a well-made custom land to explore before experimenting with other such mods.

17 The Republic Of Maslea

Downloads: 61,498

The Republic Of Maslea mod for Skyrim

Players who want to explore a tropical area in Skyrim's engine will be well-serviced by The Republic of Maslea. This ambitious mod lets players explore the eponymous location that is roughly the size of the Dragonborn DLC, making it a pretty impressive feat.

With a compelling main quest, numerous side quests, and a wealth of new content to explore in this vast world, it's easy to see why fans who download The Republic of Maslea will find themselves hopelessly enamored by its content. With the success of this mod, Episode 2 is going to be a reality sooner rather than later.

16 Shumer And The Fall Of Allagard

Downloads: 32,964

Shumer And The Fall Of Allagard mod for Skyrim

A massive and detailed area with two additional islands to check out, Shumer is a great place for the Dragonborn to get lost in for hours on end. Many people find it hard to believe that this lore-friendly area was actually made by a passionate fan.

Players can easily spend around 30 hours in this area, which is around the same length as an entire game. It's easy to see why so many people find this mod to be impressive and a worthy addition for players to check out if they've memorized the map of the base game and its official DLCs.

15 Unmarked Locations Pack

Downloads: 475,068

Unmarked Locations Pack for Skyrim

There's no denying that Skyrim is jam-packed with a wealth of locations to explore, but there are times when the copy-paste nature of these areas becomes a bit too overbearing. Players have been spoiled by the many innovations that have taken place in the open-world landscape following the release of Skyrim, and a bit of innovation would most definitely be welcome.

21 Best Skyrim Romance Mods

You can find a mod for just about anything in Skyrim. These romance mods add a new element to the game.

This is where the Unmarked Locations Pack comes into the picture, adding fifty unique areas all around the world for players to explore. Players who have a great time with this mod can download the Sovngarde edition of this mod, which gives players a lot of things to do in the Nordic afterlife and fleshes out an area of the game that most people find to be a bit too brief for their liking.

14 Warden Of The Coast

Downloads: 188,273

Image from a Skyrim mod showing an Oblivion gate as seen in The Elder Scrolls 4.

Players who found the storytelling and companion mechanics of Skyrim to be a bit too lacking will love what Wardens of the Coast brings to the table. The mod is inspired by BioWare's RPG systems and has a ton of effort put into it, featuring an enthralling main quest and many lines of voiced dialogue that bring this adventure to life in the best way possible.

The story has different endings and lasts for around 15 hours, which is a testament to how incredible this mod is. Fans looking for a mod that lets them explore a brand new world with unique companions and a lot of heart will love what Wardens of the Coast brings to the table, making it one of the best new mods (relatively speaking) for this game.

13 Elden Root - A Tale Of Valenwood

Downloads: 12,160

Elden Root mod for Skyrim

Players who love The Elder Scrolls and want to explore numerous locales set in this world will have a great time in Elden Root. The location added by this mod is truly beautiful and does great justice to the established lore of the franchise.

However, as impressive as Elden Root may be, fans should be aware of the fact that this mod is solely meant for exploration purposes. There aren't any quests to speak of, which can be rather disappointing, but the effort put into making such a well-realized world should be lauded regardless.

12 Darkend

Downloads: 1,800,582

Skyrim Darkend Modded World

Players who always dreamed of mixing the Dark Souls atmosphere into Skyrim should definitely give the Darkend mod a chance. The mod adds a brand-new area called the island of Phalos, which draws a lot of inspiration from the Souls games and universe. Unlike most other new locational mods, Darkend doesn't actually have any active quests and focuses more on open-ended exploration.

The Forgotten City: 10 Things The Game Does Better Than The Skyrim Mod

Skyrim's The Forgotten City mod is incredible, but the game might be even better.

New features include a brand-new location, filled with new enemies and challenges, as well as dungeons. With new monsters to fight also come new, powerful, and unique weapons players can discover during their adventures. Due to how tough the mod can be, the creator of the mod has mentioned that players should level up to level 15 before attempting to enter Darkend.

11 Beyond Reach

Downloads: 1,002,564

Skyrim Beyond Reach Mod

Another cool location Elder Scrolls fans have been hoping to explore is High Rock. It was one of the locations theorized to be the subject of The Elder Scrolls 6, which is why it's no wonder modders decided to turn it into a full-blown fan-made DLC called Beyond Reach. With its unique quests and story, it expands the story of Bretons and the history of The Reach.

There are brand-new locations to explore, which according to the creator of the mod, total the size of three Skyrim holds. There are new characters and factions, which are still in the process of being fully voiced. And finally, players can expect to find new gear, including unique weapons and armor, and even brand-new spells for dedicated mages.

10 Summerset Isle

Downloads: 135,979

Skyrim Summerset Isle Mod

The Summerset Isle has been mentioned in Elder Scrolls lore before as the home of High Elves or Altmer, making it a perfectly plausible location for a DLC. The Summerset Isle mod itself is massive in scope, promising huge amounts of content that could rival the Dragonborn DLC. There are new quests, locations, NPCs, merchants, and a whopping seven new homes the Dragonborn can live in.

Not only is the content and its quality staggeringly good, but it also has dedicated voice actors. Moreover, the mod adds a bit of challenge with players forced to explore rather than following after their quest markers religiously. Storywise, it expands on the lackluster College of Winterhold quest line, with the new Arch-Mage invited to the isle.

9 Midwood Isle

Downloads: 511,194

Skyrim Midwood Isle Mod

Midwood Isle is a smaller locational mod, but by no means poorly made. In fact, this new location is incredibly beautiful, featuring another island that's estimated to be the size of two Skyrim holds according to the mod's creator. Included is also an alternative spirit world that's roughly the same size.

What makes this mod so special is the attention to detail. There are dedicated voice actors for each new NPC and a bunch of new stories and quests that will unfold as soon as the Dragonborn arrives at Midwood Isle. And with adventure also comes loot, as players can expect new gear, weapons, and even two additional unique Dragon Shouts.

8 Land Of Vominheim

Downloads: 324,979

Skyrim - Land of Vominheim

This mod picked up some steam when it debuted in January 2020 to massive acclaim and a Hot Mods of 2020 nomination. Land of Vominheim is exactly that - a new area to explore that is almost the same as Solstheim. It comes complete with a backstory detailing each of the five islands that can be explored by the player.

The 10 Best Bethesda Games That Aren't RPG's, Ranked

Bethesda is well known for its amazing RPG adventures like Fallout and The Elder Scrolls but the company also has some great non-RPGs in its catalog.

No questlines have been added to the mod (yet), but that's no reason to skip it. There are lots of new areas to explore, plus new loot, journals, and dungeons to sate curious adventurers. Where it goes from here is anyone's guess, but future updates could expand on the mod in a big way.

7 Moonpath To Elsweyr SSE

Downloads: 1,200,537

Skyrim - Moonpath to Elsweyr

The original version of this particular mod has a long and storied history. It was one of the first and most ambitious mods ever developed for Skyrim, predating the existence of developer Bethesda's Creation Kit platform. Throughout the years, it has become a must-have for modders looking to inject exciting new content into Skyrim.

This latest version of Moonpath to Elsweyr boasts the same cinematic and story-based experience featuring frightening new enemies strewn across a multitude of different environments, including jungles and desert locales. Beware of possible bugs due to how long in the tooth this mod is, however.

6 Pit Of 100 Battles

Downloads: 9,529

Skyrim - Pit Of 100 Battles

Skyrim brawlers will love what Pit of 100 Battles brings to their gaming experience, especially since exploration is also a major component of the mod. The premise is simple - the player is tasked with descending a full one hundred levels tied to various architectural styles while tackling foes on each floor.

Further, every tenth floor is home to an extremely powerful boss character that will require cunning skill, and raw power to overcome. Those who enjoy bragging rights will love what this mod has to offer. Players can challenge themselves to see if they can make it through the entire hundred floors.

5 Skyrim Underground

Downloads: 1,125,060

Skyrim - Skyrim Underground

The advantage of crafting underground mods is that they don't require much in the way of scripted integration with Skyrim in the same way that an exterior location mod would. This allows modders to unleash their creative potential with mods like Skyrim Underground, which is far more ambitious than it first appears.

This mod creates an entire network of underground dungeons littered with new monsters to slay while gamers complete various quests with full voice-acted NPCs. It's a creepy and atmospheric mod that injects an incredible new area into Skyrim.

4 Hope's Abandon

Downloads: 20,797

Skyrim - Hope's Abandon

This mod introduces a brand-new dungeon to the west of Whiterun near Gjukar's Monument for players to explore, and was designed to test skills with a challenging play experience, and one very tough boss to top it all off.

Skyrim: The 18 Most Brutal Difficulty Mods, Ranked

Skyrim's difficulty can fall a little flat for gamers seeking a more hardcore experience. But these difficulty mods can make it quite punishing.

Hope's Abandon even includes an entirely new custom follower in case one needs a little backup. Traps, puzzles, and secret loot abound as the player inches ever closer to victory against a force trying to wipe out all of Skyrim's would-be heroes by luring them inside for the final kill.

3 Forgotten Dungeons

Downloads: 548,564

Skyrim - Forgotten Dungeons

If dungeon exploring is something players enjoy a lot, then there's always room to expand. Forgotten Dungeons adds 50 brand new dungeons peppered all across the country for players to find. Some of these dungeons are simple exploratory affairs, while others are radiant-quest enabled.

A healthy dose of creativity went into the creation of each dungeon, which means there's plenty of adventure to be had. This mod is sure to expand Skyrim's gameplay time by a significant margin, and when mixed with other expanded content mods, can keep the adventure going for years.

2 Falskaar

Downloads: 1,562,279

Skyrim - Falskaar

Few location mods are as large and bold in undertaking as Falskaar. This is a DLC-sized mod boasting over 20 hours worth of exploration, quests, and content. NPCs are fully voiced by a team of actors to help sell the immersion of the game.

Falskaar is essentially a new map to explore, and although it isn't quite as large as Skyrim, it's still going to take gamers into a lot of uncharted territories. The mod integrates well with the base game by providing a story-based transition to the new map. Gamers can take a boat between Falskaar and Skyrim any time they choose, as well.