The Survival Mode add-on has introduced Skyrim players to almost a brand new way of playing. Sleeping and eating food are now a necessity to survive. Dressing up in warm clothing or armor is needed to survive the harsh freezing weather. Diseases will actually prove to be troublesome if left untreated.

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Before the release of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Anniversary Edition, choosing a race didn’t really matter and players could choose whichever one they wanted without consequences. In Survival Mode, it could potentially prove to be very beneficial or make the journey very difficult. If players are planning to play Survival Mode, it should be carefully thought out on which one to play.

Update February 17, 2022 by Sarah Prado: Skyrim continues to be one of the most popular games of all time. The Anniversary Edition has plenty of new quests to keep players entertained and released new weapons, armor, and other items to collect. One thing that was added that a lot of fans have grown to love is Survival Mode. Playing in this mode made Skyrim feel like a completely different game and added on challenges to make it tougher. Even choosing what race to play can make it easier or harder. Most of the races already had passives that made them stand out, but now more passives have been added for some of them in Survival Mode.

10 Imperial

Skyrim Imperial female General Tullius
  • Passive Abilities in normal Skyrim – Imperial Luck: Imperials always find more gold
  • Passives Abilities added in Survival Mode – None

The Imperials might rule the heart of Tamriel, but there’s not much use for them in Skyrim. In Survival Mode, they don’t receive any extra abilities or get any hindrances, but that’s the problem. They don’t get anything to make the overall experience more challenging or easier. They still have their Imperial Luck ability which allows them to receive a little more gold, but that doesn’t offer much.

It’s not to say they’re completely useless in Survival Mode, but the other races of Tamriel outshine the Imperials in other aspects. Their bonuses are pretty good like +10 in Restoration and +5 in Heavy Armor, but that only does so much when compared to the others.

9 Redguard

Skyrim Rayya Nazir Redguard
  • Passive Abilities in normal Skyrim: Resist Poison 50%
  • Passive Abilities added in Survival Mode: None

The Redguards in Skyrim are in the same boat as the Imperials. They don’t get anything extra, good or bad. Their resistance to poison ability makes them a slightly better choice compared to the Imperials. Overall, they’re okay to play as, but don’t have much to offer in Survival Mode.

Unfortunately, their Adrenaline Rush ability, which allows the player to regenerate stamina faster for a time, won’t do anything to stave off Fatigue in Survival Mode. They do get a +5 in Blacksmithing as a bonus, so they could learn to make better armor quicker. However, just because the armor is better doesn’t necessarily mean it will keep characters warm when traversing through the Cold and Freezing climates of Skyrim.

8 Breton

Skyrim Breton female Phinis Gestor
  • Passive Abilities in normal Skyrim: Resist Magic 25%
  • Passive Abilities added in Survival Mode: None

The Bretons are similar to Redguards and Imperials in Survival Mode, but they do have a little more to offer. They already have a natural resistance to all elemental damage, and their Dragonskin power is one of the most useful skills in the game, allowing them to absorb 50% of the magicka from spells that target them for a short time.

Bretons are very talented magic users and can be one of the best ones in the game. However, they don’t have any resistance to Fatigue, which can drain magicka and become a problem in Survival Mode. If players want to play as a Breton, making them a spellblade would be best. That way, players have a weapon on hand if their magicka runs out.

7 High Elf

Skyrim Ondolemar Faralda High Elf
  • Passive Abilities in normal Skyrim: +50 Magicka
  • Passive Abilities added in Survival Mode: Resist Fatigue 25%

High Elves are known for their magical prowess, which can provide some relief in Survival Mode. They already have a higher magicka pool than the other Tamrielic races, and their Highborn power allows them to regenerate it faster for one minute a day. In Survival Mode, they have a resistance to Fatigue, which can lower the max magicka pool. Thanks to this resistance, players will have a little more time before they have to sleep and recover.

RELATED: Skyrim Anniversary Edition: Beginner Tips For Survival Mode You Need To Know

They learn Destruction and Restoration magic 5% faster usual, races which is useful when visiting colder areas like Windhelm and Winterhold. They’ll be able to learn spells like Flame Cloak, which is useful for staying warm, a lot faster.

6 Dark Elf

Skyrim Neloth Jenassa Dark Elf
  • Passive Abilities in normal Skyrim: Resist Fire 50%
  • Passive Abilities added in Survival Mode: Resist Fatigue 25%

The Dark Elf has some benefits that keep them from being at the bottom. They have resistance to fire damage and Fatigue. Depending on the player and the build that’s created, running out of magicka might not be too much of a problem. The Dark Elf can be a great warrior, spellblade, or mage. They also get a +10 bonus to Destruction, the highest bonus to this skill of any race.

With this Destruction skill, Dark Elves will be able to learn spells like the Fire Cloak spell in a shorter amount of time. Plus, their Ancestor’s Wrath power will keep characters warm for one minute while damaging the enemy — and it’s free to use once a day.

5 Argonian

Skyrim Veezara Keerava Argonian
  • Passive Abilities in normal Skyrim: Resist Disease 50%; Waterbreathing
  • Passive Abilities added in Survival Mode: Weakness to Cold 25%; can eat raw meat without food poisoning

The Argonians are a bit of a double-edged sword in Survival Mode. They can eat raw food without worrying about food poisoning, and have a resistance to disease. Plus, they can breathe underwater and have a small bonus when doing unarmed damage. Their Histskin power can also be handy, since it recovers health faster for one minute.

The biggest con to playing as an Argonian is their weakness to cold. This means if they’re in a cold or freezing climate, their health is going to drain a lot faster than any other race. While it’s a problem, this could provide some players the ultimate "hard mode" Survival Mode experience. With so many cold and freezing areas of Skyrim, players can take this on as an extra challenge to keep their character warm.

4 Khajiit

Skyrim Khajiit female Ri'saad
  • Passives Abilities in normal Skyrim: Khajiit claws do 12 points of damage when unarmed
  • Passives Abilities added in Survival Mode: +15 Warmth; can consume raw meat without food poisoning

For those who haven’t played as a Khajiit before, now would be a good time to play as one for Survival Mode. These crafty felines' passive ability lets them do extra unarmed damage. In Survival Mode, they can eat raw food without worrying about getting food poisoning, and they gain extra warmth thanks to their fur. It will take them a little longer before they start getting cold, and with the right equipment, it could take a long time.

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Playing as Khajiit would be a great option if players are beginners in Survival Mode. Their fur makes them well-equipped to handle the cold and players won’t have to worry so much about cooking food.

3 Nord

Skyrim Vilkas Aela the Huntress Nord
  • Passive Abilities in normal Skyrim: Resist Frost 50%
  • Passive Abilities added in Survival Mode: +25 Warmth

Since Skyrim is their homeland, it’s no surprise that the strong and sturdy Nords are ready to face the cold. They have a natural resistance to frost damage and can stay warm a little longer than most of the other races. They have the highest base Warmth of all races, and it’s easier to raise early on. Most of the bandits early in the game will have Fur Armor, which one of the best armor to stay warm.

They might not be the best to play as in Survival Mode, but they are still pretty good. All of their passives make it relatively easy to traverse through the land with little fear compared to some of the other races.

2 Wood Elf

Skyrim Wood Elf female Elrindir
  • Passive Abilities in normal Skyrim: Resist Poison 50%; Resist Disease 50%
  • Passive Abilities added in Survival Mode: Resist Fatigue 25%

They might be one of the shortest races in Tamriel, but the Wood Elves are pretty mighty against Skyrim’s elements. With their resistance against Poison and Disease, players won’t have to carry too many Cure Disease potions. If this doesn’t sound appealing enough, they also have resistance against Fatigue like the High Elf and Dark Elf. They can make the journey a little easier while running around the vast land of Skyrim.

Their skills make Wood Elves excellent hunters since they receive bonuses in archery and sneaking. Thanks to their various resistances, the Wood Elf is one of the best races to play Survival Mode.

1 Orc

Skyrim Ghorbash the Iron Hand Borgakh the Steel Heart Orc
  • Passive Abilities in normal Skyrim: None
  • Passive Abilities added in Survival Mode: Resist Fatigue 15%; Resist Hunger 15%; +10 Warmth

The Orc is overall the best race to play as in Survival Mode. They didn’t have any special passive abilities in normal mode, but in Survival Mode, they have some that will be extremely useful. They have Fatigue resistance along with Hunger resistance. This means players won’t have to rest or eat as often as other races. Since there’s no fast travel, players will have to get around on foot or by horse. It could take a while to find a proper resting place along with a cooking pot, but the Orc doesn't have to worry so much about this. This makes the Orc race an all around great race to play.

To add on to the benefits they receive, the Orcs also stay warm a little longer. Their warmth may not be as high as Nords or Khajiit, but their extra passives in Survival Mode makes them the best race to take it on.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Anniversary Edition is available on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and PC.

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