Religion is an important aspect in the lives of the people of Skyrim. Many characters are devoted to one or more deities, and there is a temple to a Divine in most cities. Religion is even one of the driving factors behind Skyrim's civil war. Throughout the Dragonborn's journey, various shrines dedicated to the Nine Divines can be found in numerous locations.

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Each of these give unique blessings that provide players with useful buffs, lasting eight hours. There are even mods which make these shrines even more interesting and effective. Thus, it is helpful for players to know where these shrines can be found, and what exactly they do. A shrine for each of the Divines (except for Talos, unless the Stormcloaks win the Civil War) can be found in Solitude's Temple of the Divines, and they can all be built in the cellar of the player's Hearthfire home, but many can be found in other locations as well.

10 Shrine Of Akatosh

Skyrim Akatosh shrine

Several Shrines of Akatosh, the chief deity in the pantheon, can be found throughout Skyrim's wilds. There's one on a hill north of Rorikstead, on the cliff overlooking Twilight Sepulcher in Falkreath Hold, on a hill northeast of Steamcrag Camp in Eastmarch, and at Skyborn Altar. If the Legion occupies Fort Sungard, there's one inside there too.

Shrines of Akatosh provide players with a 10% boost to Magicka regeneration, so they're quite useful for mage builds. Even characters without much focus on Magicka may also find this blessing useful if spells are occasionally used.

9 Shrine Of Arkay

Skyrim Arkay shrine in Whiterun Hall of the Dead

Every Hall of the Dead in Skyrim contains a Shrine of Arkay, the god of birth and death, thus one can be found in every city except Morthal, Winterhold, and Dawnstar. Another Shrine of Arkay can be found in Wayward Pass in the mountains north of Nightgate Inn, and also in the hills northeast of Windhelm overlooking the mouth of the White River (this shrine is replaced by a Stormcloak Camp if the Empire wins the Civil War).

The Blessing of Arkay is useful all-around, as it gives players a 25 point Health bonus.

8 Shrine Of Dibella

Skyrim Dibella Shrine overlooking the Pale

The goddess of beauty seems to be popular in Skyrim, as shrines to her can be found in numerous locations throughout Skyrim. Aside from the Temple of Dibella in Markarth there is a shrine across the bridge at Old Hroldan, in Morvunskar, above the road south of Dawnstar, in the bedroom of Haelga's Bunkhouse, inside Lucky Lorenz's shack across the river from the Abandoned Prison, and also in Broken Tower Redoubt - being desecrated by Forsworn.

Shrines of Dibella grant a 10 point bonus to persuasion, so are useful to players who prefer to make their way in Skyrim with words rather than weapons.

7 Shrine Of Julianos

Skyrim Julianos Shrine in Fort Amol

Several forts occupied by hostile mages contain Shrines of Julianos: Fellglow Keep, Harmugstahl, and Fort Amol. There is also a shrine sitting in the snow beside a skeleton north of Shearpoint, but this one is easy to miss as it is not raised up or decorated like the other shrines, and is in a location of little significance.

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Julianos is the god of wisdom, and his blessing reflects that - it provides a 25 point boost to Magicka, making him a helpful god for mage characters.

6 Shrine Of Kynareth

Skyrim Temple of Kynareth Shrine

Kynareth is the goddess of the wind and sky, taught the Thu'um to humankind, and she is quite popular among the Nords. That popularity is reflected in the numerous locations her shrine can be found: Fort Sungard (if occupied by Forsworn), in the hills just northeast of Brood Cavern in southern Hjaalmarch, inside the Wreck of the Brinehammer, within Crystaldrift Cave in the woods south of Goldenglow Estate, on a hill north of the Earth Stone on Solstheim, and in Whiterun's Temple of Kynareth.

Receiving Kynareth's blessing grants players a 25 point stamina bonus - useful for thieves, assassins, and warriors.

5 Shrine Of Mara

Skyrim Temple of Mara altar

Aside from Riften's Temple of Mara, shrines to the goddess of love can be found in the entrance to Nightcaller Temple above Dawnstar and in the mountains separating Whiterun Hold and Hjaalmarch, near the Lord Stone and the Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon.

Furthermore, if players follow the dirt path north out of Old Hroldan, they may come across the site of a tragic incident. Upon visiting the site a second time, a shrine of Mara will have appeared. Any build utilizing restoration would benefit from Mara's blessing, as it reduces the cost of restoration spells by 10%.

4 Shrine Of Stendarr

Skyrim Hall of the Vigilant shrine

Shrines of Stendarr can be found in the two locations occupied by the god of mercy's followers: Hall of the Vigilant and Stendarr's Beacon. Another shrine can be found in Fort Greenwall, and a fourth in the heart of the Whiterun tundra at the base of the hill west of Fort Greymoor.

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Players who use shields will find the Blessing of Stendarr useful, as it allows players to block 10% more damage. The bonus to blocking also applies to any sort of block, though, despite its description.

3 Shrine Of Zenithar

Skyrim Zenithar shrine on a cliff

A handful of shrines dedicated to the god of commerce can be found throughout the wilderness; right by the cliff at Four Skull Lookout, off the road just north of Riften, in the mountains northeast of Frostmoon Crag on Solstheim, within a ruined fort east of Rorikstead, and another north of that among a ring of boulders.

The Blessing of Zenithar is helpful for merchants, making prices 10% better. The location of most of Zenithar's shrines are a little inconvenient for selling goods, however, but there is one in Solitude's temple close to a number of stores!

2 Shrine Of Talos

Skyrim Shrine of Talos in the glaciers

Shrines of Talos are by far the most numerous in Skyrim, with a total of sixteen that can potentially be found throughout the wilds, in forts, and in cities. The shrine is restored in the Temple of the Divines if the Stormcloaks win the Civil War, and also replaces the Shrine of Kynareth in Fort Sungard if it is occupied by the rebels.

A further fourteen permanent shrines can be found in the following locations: the Temple of Talos in Windhelm; at the Shrines of Talos in Whiterun, Riften, and Markarth; three can be found in numerous locations on the coastline north of Winterhold; on a promontory overlooking Windhelm Stables; at Weynon Stones, south of Dawnstar; within Fellglow Keep; in a cave overlooking the White River, east of Whiterun; at Cradlecrush Pond in the hills northwest of Mixwater Mill; on the mountain above Froki's Shack; and in the forest southwest of the Guardian Stones, overlooking Lake Ilinalta. The Blessing of Talos can be useful for any Dragonborn, as it reduces the time between shouts by 20%.

1 Daedric Shrines & Shrine Of Auriel

Skyrim Shrine of Auriel in cave

The Dawnguard and Dragonborn DLCs added another four shrines to enhance gameplay. Shrines to the Aldmeri god Auriel, granting a 10% boost to archery, can be found in Darkfall Cave and within the Inner Sanctum of the Forgotten Vale.

In Raven Rock's temple, shrines to the Dunmer gods (and Daedric Princes) Azura, Mephala, and Boethiah can be found. They grant 10% magic resistance, 10% more damage with one-handed weapons, and 10% better prices respectively. The Gallows Hall Creation also adds a shrine to Vaermina in that home, granting a 5% boost to Conjuration and Illusion, and the Ghosts of the Tribunal Creation adds another three shrines near Raven Rock to Vivec, Sotha Sil, and Almalexia.

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