Star Wars fans may have taken some time to warm up to Ahsoka Tano when she first appeared in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, but in the time since she has become a favorite across the franchise. Ahsoka's story eventually sees her leaving the Jedi Order, but aside from occasional cameo appearances in other Star Wars media, little is known about what Ahsoka is up for chunks of her life. With Skydance Interactive's upcoming Star Wars project set to cover the Galactic Civil War, fans may finally get answers about how she survived through the decades.

Ahsoka's original appearance in The Clone Wars theatrical film was met with harsh criticism by critics who did not like the precocious 14 year old following around the prelude to Darth Vader. However, fans came around to Ahsoka as they were shown a fuller picture of who Anakin was before he fell to the dark side, and a large part of that humanization came from his interactions with the young Padawan. Even outside that relationship, Ahsoka proved herself to be a fantastic Jedi and leading character, with the show's depiction of Order 66 focusing on her. Ahsoka is arguably the most connected to all current Star Wars titles, yet much of her personal story remains untold.

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Skydance Could Fill the Gaps in Ahsoka's Story

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Amy Hennig is set to head the Skydance project, which many are calling a spiritual successor to her canceled Star Wars game Ragtag. With upcoming Ahsoka miniseries on Disney+, many have already been vocal about their hopes to see more of Ahsoka's journey. The Skydance game does not even have a name, but with so little media covering the years between Anakin's fall to the Dark Side R2D2 seeking Princess Leia, Ahsoka is one character who could benefit the developing project.

Ahsoka's popularity grew upon her appearance in Star Wars: Rebels, where she acts as a protector and mentor to young Jedi on the run before dying at the hands of her former master (later being saved via time-travel shenanigans). Ahsoka left the Jedi order while still a Padawan, but in the following spin-off she is a master with her own ideology that sets herself apart from the order that trained her.

Fans were left frustrated when The Book of Boba Fett revealed that a much-anticipated meeting between Luke Skywalker and Ahsoka had occurred off-screen. Fans have received no closure for her and Rex, no idea of if or when she learned about Obi-Wan and Anakin's deaths, or that her former master returned to the light before his passing. Although some of these important moments may be shown in the Ahsoka series, what remains unanswered can be addressed in an Ahsoka-centric game.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars still holds a special place in the hearts of fans. It helped humanize one of the series' greatest villains, fleshed out a love story that many had initially thought was lackluster, and introduced depth to characters that remain beloved in the franchise to this day. Ahsoka has lost much in her journey so far, but if fans can see and live those experiences with her, it would make it more impactful when they finally get to see what comes next in her story. Skydance's upcoming Star Wars project seems like a perfect testing ground for the character.

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