
  • Skull and Bones' launch disappoints since it misses fan-favorite features like shipboarding.
  • Ubisoft plans four seasons of post-launch content, which could potentially reinforce the game with new events, battles, and rewards.
  • Updates must deliver what players want to keep the game interesting and improve longevity.

Skull and Bones has finally arrived, and while there is a decent pirate experience underneath, the majority of the game has proven a bit lackluster. The gameplay can get pretty boring, the story is not that interesting, and the game does not seem to include fan-favorite features from Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag like boarding. Even though all of that has pushed some players away, there is still a chance Ubisoft can save Skull and Bones.

Since Skull and Bones is a live-service game, Ubisoft has plans for a plethora of content updates throughout the year. Four seasons of content are on the horizon, with each promising an assortment of content for players to experience. All of that content could help Skull and Bones become the game that was promised; however, it may be facing an incredibly steep uphill battle with players. Already, many have turned their back on the experience, so these updates will have a lot to prove if Ubisoft wants any chance at redeeming this pirate adventure.

Skull and Bones Got Lost at Sea So That a Black Flag Remake Could Set Sail

Skull and Bones has struggled over its 11 years of development, but these difficulties could be to the benefit of the rumored Black Flag remake.

Skull and Bones Post-Launch Content Has a Lot to Prove

Skull and Bones is a Bit Underwhelming at Launch

After multiple delays, the version of Skull and Bones that players got has lacked what it might eventually receiver later on. While the sailing and customization options can be fun, everything else about the game is kind of monotonous. Not only do players have to spend hours grinding their way through extremely similar missions, but the game is also missing many pirate-like mechanics, including hand-to-hand combat and shipboarding.

All of that makes for a pretty forgettable experience that desperately needs some interesting content. Luckily, Ubisoft has plans for four seasons worth that each promise some exciting new additions. Skull and Bones Season 1 will be bringing with it new events, battles, and rewards. Each season after that will introduce similar content, with some mysterious major features coming in the future. And while the exact extent of this content remains to be seen, it does sound like Ubisoft at least has plans to improve the game throughout the year.

The Post-Launch Content Has to Make Skull and Bones Interesting

Skull and Bones' post-launch content has the chance to redeem this game, yet it may be easier said than done. The current game is kind of boring, so many players have likely already turned their back on the experience. The foundations may be strong, but there is nothing to really keep people coming back for more. These updates may give them that reason, though those players may not care enough to give the game another shot.

These updates not only have to build upon Skull and Bones' current systems, but they also have to deliver what players have been asking for. The community wants shipboarding, hand-to-hand combat, more pirate shenanigans, and even mythical creatures, among many other features. Ubisoft at least seems to have plans for mythical creatures, and hopefully it is willing to adopt those other mechanics as well. As long as those additions are strong, they could help the game's longevity.

Live-service games live or die based on the support that they receive, so Ubisoft will want to do everything it can to give Skull and Bones that support.

Rather, it may be too late as some players might have already written the game off. If the community is not there, then the seasonal content past this first-year roadmap may never come to fruition either. But if Ubisoft can add interesting content to the world that players want to see, then there is a chance this game may be able to stick around a bit longer.