Prior to the release of Skull and Bones, Ubisoft gave players a look at the new content that would be added to the game over the course of the upcoming year. This new content is to be released across several "seasons," the first of which is set to begin very soon. This guide is here to elaborate upon that statement, and players can find details about when Skull and Bones Season 1 starts, and what it contains, in what follows.

Skull and Bones: Season 1 Start Date

Skull and Bones Season 1, which is dubbed "Raging Tides," will start on Tuesday, February 27. This was confirmed during a developer live stream that occurred on Tuesday, February 20, and players can find that stream in its entirety below.

Skull and Bones: How to Get Sovereigns

This guide will help players earn Sovereigns, a currency in Skull and Bones that is used to purchase several end-game items and cosmetics.

The season's start date was not all that was confirmed during the stream, though, as a variety of new content that is to become available during Raging Tides was also shown. The centerpiece of this new content appears to be Phillipe la Peste, a plague-spewing captain with whom Skull and Bones players will have an "epic showdown." Fans can also look forward to new world events and the start of the first Smuggler's Pass.

With respect to the Smuggler's Pass, it is Skull and Bones' version of a battle pass, and it was revealed that the free version is split into three paths. Those paths are Shipmaster, Quartermaster, and Gunnermaster, and players can earn the Wailing Ward armor, La Potence schematics, and Carronade weapon by working through them. Again, it is confirmed that those seasonal rewards are available on the free Smuggler's Pass, though their precise positions on the paths have yet to be revealed.

There is also a premium Smuggler's Pass, which will give players the opportunity to earn cosmetic items and gold. That gold can then be spent on new premium cosmetics, such as the Call of the Hydra, Suave Seadog, and El Dorado sets, that will be available for a limited time.

skull and bones season 1 start date

Players that purchase Skull and Bones ' Premium Edition receive a Smuggler's Token that can be used to access the premium Smuggler's Pass.

One final thing to mention is that Ubisoft has confirmed that no end-game progression will reset at the start of Season 1. Indeed, fans will keep all the manufactories that they have claimed and the Helm upgrades that they have made through Raging Tides. This information is sure to come as a relief to many players, as it has been a point of concern during the pre-season, and they can look forward to building on their Kingpin Empires in Skull and Bones until they are reset in Season 2.

Skull and Bones

February 16, 2024