Skull and Bones has finally arrived after years of delays, and players can plunder and pillage across the open seas. They will make a name for themselves as they become powerful Kingpins in charge of their own Pirate Dens. However, this doesn't have to be a solo endeavor; players can help each other in many ways.

During their travels, players will procure valuable items such as materials, treasure maps, food rations, and commodities. They can store extras in their warehouse or trade them for Silver and loot to NPCs and other players. Using the outpost NPCs is easy, but how to trade with other players in Skull and Bones is less apparent, so players can use this guide to learn how.

Skull and Bones: What Are Trade Routes?

Trade Routes appear regularly as pirates travel the seas in Ubisoft's Skull and Bones, and here is what they mean.

How to Trade With Other Players in Skull and Bones

Sending a Trade Request

Skull and Bones PVP Trade Offers

Skull and Bones has solo play, but its multiplayer aspects influence the game in several ways. Every server can host up to 20 players in one world, so coming across others at outposts or sailing the seas is common. Players can also team up in groups of three or fewer using online co-op lobbies. You can send group invites to friends or anyone on the server from the social menu anytime.

If players have items they don't need or want some extra Silver, they can trade with each other. PVP trading in Skull and Bones is available among group members and random players on the server. Luckily, it is very easy to make a trade.

Skull and Bones Player Options Group Members

Players looking for something specific, like Ingot or Gems, can use the server chat features to see if anyone would be interested in trading. Follow the directions below to PVP trade in Skull and Bones:

  • Approach another player until the "Interact" notification appears.
  • Find and click "Send Trade Request." The trade can only be completed if they accept the request.
  • Choose which items you are offering.
  • When both of you are happy with the trade, click confirm.
  • Confirm the trade again to solidify it.
Skull and Bones PVP Trade Confirmation

Once the trade has been completed, you can go on your way or send a group invite to team up from the social menu. Trading is only one benefit of online co-op. Players can also assist each other with plundering, gathering crafting materials, and finishing contracts. When one member finishes a contract, it is marked as complete in everyone's journey, and they get a portion of Silver.

Of course, whenever trading with others isn't available, players can use many outposts and trade stations run by NPCs. Still, PVP trading comes in handy when on the move.

Skull and Bones

February 16, 2024
Ubisoft Singapore
Action , Adventure
M for Mature: Blood, Strong Language, Use of Drugs, Violence