
  • Players can fully customize their pirate and ship in Skull and Bones, but lack control over their crew composition.
  • Despite extensive ship customization options, players are stuck with the same first mate, hindering immersion.
  • The lack of crew customization options in Skull and Bones detracts from players fully embodying their pirate captain role, so it would be nice if players could customize crews, or at the very least choose from some different first mate models.

One of the core aspects of Skull and Bones is that players are able to tell their own pirate story. To accomplish that, Ubisoft has given them practically all the tools they need to design their perfect vessel and captain. While it is limited by Skull and Bones' cosmetic items, it still feels like players have a ton of control over how they look within this world. However, there seems to be one important customization option sorely missing.

Players may be able to design their own ship and character in Skull and Bones, yet they have no control over the people who make up their crew. Additionally, every single player is stuck with the same exact first mate, which does not help the immersion. However, it currently seems like Ubisoft has no plans to change that. And because of that, it kind of feels like Skull and Bones does not fully deliver on its premise..

Skull and Bones' World Feels Too Fragmented

Skull and Bones brings players to a massive open world ocean waiting to be conquered, yet that world may not be as exciting as it sounds.

Skull and Bones Needs One More Customization Feature to Feel Complete

Skull and Bones' Players Have Almost Full Control Over Their Adventure

When players first start up Skull and Bones, they are able to fully customize their own appearance. This is nothing new for video games, but it is always nice to see. This lets them create their perfect pirate who will represent them as they sail the high seas, and they have the option to change it if they want a facelift. It may be a bit limited, however, the fact it exists goes a long way in making players feel a bit more connected to their adventure. And luckily, the customization does not stop there.

Once players get their first ship in Skull and Bones, they are given the ability to mold it to their liking. Not only are there multiple types of ships to collect, but players also have virtually limitless control over the actual appearence. They can decide what types of weapons it has, the armor that protects it, the furniture within, the flag, the colors, and even the figurehead. This is also limited by the in-game items on offer, but there seems to be enough options that no two ships will look alike.

Players Should Be Able to Decide Who Sails the High Seas With Them

While players may have control over their ship's appearance and the look of their character, they have no control over who actually crews the ship. Instead, the ship is filled with random NPCs and a First Mate who players meet at the beginning of Skull and Bones. And because of that, players are not really attached to any of these characters. Plus, it also means that there are hundreds of the same character are out there serving as First Mates for every pirate willing to sail the high seas.

It seems strange that a game like Skull and Bones would not let players recruit their own unique crew. The entire game is built on the idea that players are telling their own pirate story, yet not letting players dictate who joins them in that story feels a bit immersion breaking. It is made even worse by the fact that Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag at least had a very basic crew recruiting feature, even if players really did not interact with them.

A future Skull and Bones update really needs to change this, because without it, the game struggles to deliver on its premise. Even if they are not constantly interacting with the crew, letting players at least decide who is featured within it would be a welcome options since that is what a true pirate captain would do. But if that is not possible, then Ubisoft needs to at least introduce different First Mates with unique personalities to liven things up a bit more, since it does not seem right for everyone to have the same exact person helping them conquer the seas.