
  • Skull & Bones features various factions on the Seven Seas, including locals like the Sea People and megacorporations like the Dutch Merchant Company.
  • Factions control different areas of the map based on power and influence, with each group having distinct sailors, ships, and settlements.
  • The game will likely see new factions added in the future, such as the British Trade Alliance, expanding the already bustling world of pirates and traders.

Skull & Bones aims to grant unbridled freedom on the Seven Seas. However, players aren't the only ones on the water. The pirate adventure contains several factions. Divided into locals and megacorporations, these groups all come with their own sailors, ships, and settlements. Sure enough, they use those resources to carve a piece of the pirate pie.

These factions all control different areas of the various maps. Location and dominance usually come from the faction's power as a nation. Established countries, obviously, have more influence than ragtag marauders. That said, the most daring players won't let any borders stop them. They may want to test their luck sooner rather than later, though.

6 RPGS That Have A Pirate Class

The Pirate class is not a common one in the RPG genre, but the following games are the big exception, each featuring a unique version of the class.

While Skull & Bones sports plenty of factions already, more are likely on the way. The British Trade Alliance, for instance, promo material yet absent from the final product. It's safe to assume that the developers will add it later. Thus, this vast stretch of ocean is about to get pretty crowded.

Sea People

These nomads are nonviolent by nature, but they fight for their place in the Red Isles

Sea People in Skull & Bones

The first of the local factions is a group of self-proclaimed nomads. The Sea People live and die by the water. They generally live a peaceful existence with mystical undertones. They're reluctant to put down roots in any settlement and content to keep sailing. That description seems to match their nomadic boast, and one would think that players could find them anywhere in the ocean.

In reality, the Sea People congregate around the Red Isles. Specifically, they hold the map's eastern and southern regions, with their capital settlement being Tenina Town. The most likely reason for their lack of travel is conflict. The Sea People are at constant war with another faction.

Clan Of Fara

Fierce farmers have strict borders in the Red Isles

Clan of Fara in Skull & Bones

The second batch of locals is the Clan of Fara. These guys started as farmers, but that's no excuse to get complacent around them. They're now making their name as warriors. Their violent exploits make them feared by everyone on the Seven Seas – pirates and traders alike. At least, that's what they boast in their bio, and they certainly have the aggression to prove it.

The Fara fighters are fiercely protective of their home turf. They hang out around the western and northern areas of the Red Isles, with the Ankohonana settlement being their main hub. Players should be careful when sailing in these parts. Considering the contrasting attitudes of its occupying factions, the Red Isles map is like night and day.

Confederation Of Ungwana

These tribal warriors want to expand beyond their African home.

Confederation of Ungwana in Skull & Bones

The Confederation of Ungwana's roots lie in hunting and gathering. These African tribesmen aren't outwardly hostile like the Clan of Fara. Rather, they peddle their coveted ivories to any potential buyers. That doesn't mean they're inherently trustful, though.

6 Best Open-World Games Set In Africa

Some of the best open-world games that players can get their hands on take them to the sprawling space of Africa, filled with potential for adventure.

In fact, Ungwana members are slow to accept unfamiliar faces. They expect any newcomers to prove themselves. Only then can they judge the quality of their characters.

Those wishing to undertake that challenge can find the Ungwana people along the coast of Africa. Namely, they make their home in the northern region and the capital settlement of Jiwe. Explorers shouldn't take them lightly, as the tribesmen have felled beasts bigger than pirates.

Dominion Of Rempah

These would-be traders seek to demolish the Dutch monopoly in the East Indies.

Dominion of Rempah in Skull & Bones

Like the Fara faction, these are warriors of the high seas. The Dominion of Rempah is often locked in combat with the Dutch Merchant Company. That alone is impressive, as their opponents have the backing of an entire country. However, war is not their first choice. The Rempah members actually aspire to be traders, targeting the textile and spice markets. Apparently, though, that market is competitive.

The competition unfolds in the East Indies. Rempah controls the northern half, and their capital city is Suny. Hopeful traders may want to avoid their demographics. Otherwise, David will show how he can go toe-to-toe with Goliath.

Dutch Merchant Company

To save their struggling country, these Dutch sailors strive to be the peak of piracy in the East Indies.

Dutch Merchant Company in Skull & Bones

Now come the megacorporations. The first is the Dutch Merchant Company. As the name suggests, it's made up of Dutch sailors trying to stake a claim to oceanic profit. Their motives aren't purely greedy, though. The Dutch people are apparently starving, so the mariners want to provide relief. Some players might pity the nation, but that's also a mistake. The DMC is among the stronger factions in the pirate game.

6 Best Games About Being A Sky Pirate

Being a sky pirate is as cool as it sounds. These games pull off this fantasy the best.

Players see that strength when traversing the East Indies. The Dutch ships hold the southern half; their main hub is the Oosten Capital along the Naga Coastline. Fans sailing into this region could easily collide with a colossal vessel or fleet. If that happens, their journey to pirate supremacy will come to a quick end.

Compagnie Royale

The French mariners spread far and wide in search of trade partners.

Compagnie Royale in Skull & Bones

The second megacorporation is the Compagnie Royale. It essentially serves as the game's French faction. Like the Dutch, these guys hope to make a fortune on the ocean, but not through conquest. Instead, they're willing to trade with anyone. It doesn't matter if their clients are bloodthirsty pirates. As long as their money's good, a deal is on the table.

Compagnie Royale seeks out these clients in a couple of places. The first in the eastern part of the Red Isles. The faction's capital settlement is here, located at La Bastide. However, the members have infiltrated another region. Players can also find them along the southern Coast of Africa. The French clearly have a longer reach than other factions. That's probably due to their loose social standards. The emphasis on business over combat could conceivably win them the whole sea.

Skull and Bones

February 16, 2024
Ubisoft Singapore