The Skate series has been around for quite some time, but the latest entry was released over 10 years ago. This long gap between releases has concerned fans of the realistic skateboard sim series, but EA has not forgotten about Skate.

Before the latest trailer, EA has shared little to no information in regard to the next entry in the Skate series. The developer simply claimed a game was in the works, which was exciting to hear for fans but still did not give any definitive information. The latest trailer, which was announced as “pre-pre-pre-alpha gameplay”, answered fans’ concerns by showing off brand-new gameplay and features coming to the next game.

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New Features Coming to Skate


Though the new trailer was short, it was jam-packed with plenty of gameplay footage. In true Skate fashion, the video was presented with a sort of comedic and nonchalant vibe which shows that, even after 10 years, the creators want to keep the same energy for the next game. While most of the footage showed the game in early stages of development, there were still plenty of noteworthy details. The beginning mostly showed classic Skate tricks and stunts performed in an unrendered background but quickly transitioned into fully rendered environments and multiple skaters. Even though EA claims that this footage might look different from what fans are expecting, it seems to show a lot of polished gameplay.

Skate fans love the realistic physics integrated into the game that make it feel more like actual skateboarding compared to exaggerated arcade skateboard sims. Skate looks to be continuing to work on the physics and make them even more realistic and responsive which should look and feel great on modern consoles. In addition to the characters, the camera system also seems to move more optimally with the player, complete with different lenses and angles that create even more fluidity and realism.

One of the most noticeable features shown in the trailer was the number of skaters shown on screen at the same time. Though some of them were likely used for testing purposes, it is likely that it was also used to highlight Skate’s multiplayer, which has always been a fan favorite. With the latest Skate title confirmed on PC as well as consoles and the trailer suggesting cross-play will also be available, this game could feature advanced multiplayer and be the most accessible title to date.

Fans of the series have praised the developer for continuing to introduce new ways of travel and exploration with each new game in the series. Skate 2 allowed for players to get off their board and walk and jump around the environment in order to more easily access certain areas, and it looks like the newest game is going to be taking that one step further. The footage showed many characters climbing, vaulting, wall-running, and swinging their way around the environment, which suggests that Skate is taking a few notes from other open world games and including parkour. This new feature will allow players to navigate the world with ease on and off the skateboard and also grant them access to new areas such as high structures and rooftops.

One scene in the trailer gave fans a glimpse of what looked to be a giant obstacle course or player-made park full of ramps and pylons. Skate has always had a park creator, but this custom-made area looked to be taking the creativity to a new level and suggests that players will be able to build some intricate structures that can be shared for skating, parkour, and the famous Hall of Meat.

What This Early Footage Means for Skate

Skate Key Art

The next game in the Skate series is long overdue, but EA seems to be doing right by its fans by sharing this early access footage and being transparent about the progress being made, as well as showing that the developers are actively listening to fans’ suggestions and incorporating them into the game. All the new features included in the trailer in addition to the clean and polished-looking content will surely have fans even more excited than before for Skate.

Claiming that this footage is pre-pre-pre-alpha implies that there is still quite a bit of development that still needs to be done in order to ship the game, but the amount of work being done inspires hope that this will be the best Skate game yet. Though there is still no official release date, this new trailer in conjunction with recent rumors suggests that EA will be sharing more information soon.

The next Skate game is currently in development.

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