In 2021, SK8 the Infinity, the first skateboarding anime premiered on our screens. The anime follows the friendship of Reki and Langa, two high school boys who love to skate. Reki is your average Okinawa local boy who loves to skateboard. He participates in "S" races, a best-kept secret racetrack where skaters compete against each other in a rule-less race. Langa on the other hand newly immigrates from Canada with his mother after his father's passing.

Langa is attracted to skateboarding and eventually, through Reki's training and his transferrable snowboarding skills, becomes a force to be reckoned with on the track. Amidst the various memorable characters, comes a villain who is as twisted as he is eccentric. His name is Adam.

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Young Adam

Young adam

Before he became the eclectic Adam, Ainosuke Shindo was the son of a well-known politician in Okinawa. From a very young age, he was trained to continue his family legacy in the political race. His aunts raised him in an abusive manner, which shaped him into the disturbed adult he became. Despite growing up in the lap of luxury, Adam had a very lonely childhood, feeling nothing but familial pressure and his future decided for him.

Adam Begins to Skate

Adam and Tadashi practice skating

One of the Shindo's servants gave birth to a son named Tadashi, a boy around the same age as Adam. Tadashi was around the Shindo mansion fairly often. One day as children, Tadashi found Adam crying in a corner in the garden. In an attempt to cheer him up, Tadashi taught him a few skateboarding moves. At that moment, Adam felt a sort of spiritual release with the sport. He and Tadashi skateboarded together for years, an escape from his claustrophobic daily life. This continued until Adam was a teenager.

The Birth of Adam and "S"

adam cherry joe

Under Tadashi's tutelage, Adam became quite the skater. He skated without Tadashi and became friends with Kaoru Sakurayashiki and Kojiro Nanjo (A.K.A "Cherry Blossom" and "Joe", respectively). These three were able to keep up with the other's level of skating, which cemented their friendship. Together, they founded the "S" racetrack, which will be the main stage for SK8 the Infinity's thrilling race sequences.

Adam's skating style changed as he got older. His skill level further increased over time and so did his attitude to the sport. He would insist on fellow skaters skating through dangerous territory, injuring themselves in the process. He became more aggressive and forceful, which Joe and Cherry noticed. Adam felt like no one matched his skill level anymore, desperately seeking for someone who could, his "Eve". The Adam Joe and Cherry once knew no longer existed, and a dark twisted version of him was now in his place.

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Adam's father noticed his son's lack of interest in politics as a result of his love for skating. In an attempt to discipline him, he burned Adam's skateboard to steer him in the "right" direction. Heartbroken and distraught, Adam fled Okinawa for the USA.

Adam Returns

adult adam

Now an adult, Adam came back to Okinawa to resume his political career. He still loves to skate, evidently continuing the sport overseas. He watches the "S" races in a secret room he built in his mansion, with the assistance of Tadashi. The appearance of Langa at "S" piqued Adams interest greatly, with his style of skating and raw untapped talent. Could Adam have found his Eve?


adam langa

Eventually, Adam rejoined the race at "S" in typical flamboyant Adam fashion. Clad in his theatrical garb and mask, Adam desperately wanted to compete with Langa in a "dance" of skateboarding. The anime ends with Langa and Adam competing on a glowing (literally) new track, where Adam's competiteveness is at its peak. He donned a funeral-esque costume for the occassion, marking the end of Langa. The two have very different styles of skating: where Langa skates from a place of fun and freedom, Adam skates from power and dominance. By the time the race is over, Adam's heart softens and relearns why he began skating in the first place: pure unadulterated fun.

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