The Sims 4 had a historic run, but it is exciting to see that The Sims 5 may be in development. With the new game comes the opportunity to improve on the gameplay that made The Sims 4 so popular for so long. The Sims 5 should focus on Create-a-Sim, as the current game's rendition of it is lacking in a few departments. With a couple of tweaks, the game could feature the best Create-a-Sim the series has ever seen.

The Create a Style tool from The Sims 3 should make a return, as it gave gamers a greater ability to express their creativity. The next game's Create-a-Sim should also be far more inclusive by including more gender identities and disabled bodies. Furthermore, having the ability to tweak minor features such as height would also be greatly appreciated. The Sims 4 was released in 2014, which has given technology plenty of time to improve. This could result in the upcoming game being leaps and bounds ahead of its predecessor.

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Sims 5's Create-a-Sim Should Be More Inclusive

The Sims 4 Fabrication Skill

When The Sims 4 launched, it had a very binary view of gender and sexuality, though things have changed quite a bit since then. Preferred pronouns were added to The Sims 4 in 2022, as well as the ability to select a Sim's sexuality and how it is expressed. Sexuality is flexible, as it changes as gameplay progresses. While this is welcome, these are still very basic additions, and much more can be done to make the franchise more inclusive.

This can be done in The Sims 5 by further expanding Sims' gender and pronoun options, allowing gamers more freedom regarding their Sim's identity. The upcoming game could also be more inclusive in terms of its representation of disabled bodies. This could include Sims that are blind, in wheelchairs, have prosthetic limbs, or have ear implants. Although these features may seem minor, they could go a long way toward making gamers feel more represented. Inclusivity involves representing a wide variety of bodies. Although there is great variety in The Sims 4, players haven't been able to change the height of their Sims. Whether gamers want to create Sims that are as tall as basketball players or Sims that have dwarfism, all options should be available.

Create a Style Should Make a Return in The Sims 5

The Sims 4 Growing Together Life Stages

In The Sims 3, gamers had the Create a Style tool. It let players alter the pattern and colors of objects such as clothing and furniture. This gave players a lot more freedom when it comes to styling clothing and crafting precisely the desired look for Sims. Unfortunately, this feature hasn't made a return in The Sims 4, and while there are plenty of customization options present, Create a Style's absence is felt. Having this feature return in The Sims 5 would satisfy longtime fans in addition to reintroducing a great degree of customization. The tool should be extended to be used on other surfaces, including hair and fingernails.

No release date has been announced for the game, though it seems to be getting developed under the codename "Project Rene." It is a perfect time for newcomers to jump into the world of The Sims, as The Sims 4 has been made free-to-play. This will be sure to generate hype for the franchise as the current game winds down in anticipation of its successor.

The Sims 4 is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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