
  • The presence of aliens in The Sims franchise has been a long-standing and intriguing aspect for players since The Sims 2 , and the inclusion of another family with an alien fixation in The Sims 5 would be a welcome addition.
  • The Curious Brothers in The Sims 2 were deeply associated with alien encounters, with their father suffering an abduction and multiple family members being impregnated by aliens. Their story captivated fans and added an interesting layer to the game's lore.
  • The Sims 4 still features various supernatural beings, so making the return of an alien-obsessed family in The Sims 5 consistent with the franchise's themes and conventions.

Alien life has long been a subject of discussion in the science fiction community, with several franchises like Star Wars predicated on the existence of many species in the universe. In recent years, games have been finding creative ways to incorporate extraterrestrial life, and the prospect of discovering an ET host has generated hype for upcoming games like Starfield. The Sims has involved aliens in its lore since day one, and the creatures are still very much active in the latest edition, The Sims 4. The Curious Brothers' lore had deep links with the creatures in The Sims 2, and Maxis should embrace another family with their alien fixation in The Sims 5.

Variety is the spice of life, and the mechanism of individual quirks in every Sim is a critical part of the life simulator's allure. Pre-made Sims typically have small bits of lore that align with their behavioral patterns and hobbies in their descriptions, and the Curious Brothers in The Sims 2 had one too many alien visitations due to their search for truth. Their thirst for answers is an admirable trait, and The Sims 5 should feature another family dedicated to their tendency towards intergalactic investigation.

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It's Time for Another Curious Brothers Household in Sims 5

Curious family in The Sims 4

For a life simulator, the events of The Sims are influenced by other species quite a lot, featuring extraordinary beings such as the unnerving Cowplant, Grim Reaper, vampires, and werewolves. Aliens are another species in the franchise, and unlike other unorthodox beings, the extraterrestrial Sims have direct imprints on The Sims' lore. Deemed responsible for the disappearance of Bella Goth in The Sims 2, players have been fascinated with the creatures ever since, and forcing an alien encounter is often a topic of discussion in the community.

In The Sims 2, the poster family for alien interactions was the Curious Brothers, who -- as their name implies -- were a bit too curious about the universe's workings. Their father, Glarn Curious, suffered an abduction at the hands of Pollination Technician 9 and subsequently gave birth to twin daughters whom he abandoned. He went on to sire four children with Kitty Hogleg; three boys (Pascal, Vidcund, and Lazlo) and a girl, who ironically married his alien abductor. After his death and shortly before the start of The Sims 2's events, Pascal was also abducted and impregnated by aliens, and upon using the telescope in-game, Vidcund meets the same fate.

Lazlo manages to avoid his household's strange pattern, but the regularity of the alien abductions in The Sims 2's nerdy family left many fans puzzled. All brothers were scientifically inclined, with Pascal and Vidcund pursuing careers as Lab Assistants while Lazlo was a Field Researcher. Pascal and Vidcund also have similar traits, with Pascal collecting conspiracy theories for fun and the latter harboring aspirations of fitting the universe into a compact package. Again, Lazlo slightly differs from his siblings with an easy-going nature, although he still has nerdy inclinations. An often-peddled theory about the incessant alien abductions and impregnations is that the brothers actively sought out the creatures, possibly for answers about their father's kidnapping.

In The Sims 4, Pascal is still pregnant, although the unborn child is not an alien, muddying clues about its parentage since only aliens can get males pregnant in the Maxis series. The brothers also retain their love for science in the latest edition, but the line of abductions seems to have disappeared from the household. Since Sims still encounter mermaids, vampires, and other occult species in The Sims 4, the return of an alien-obsessed family in The Sims 5 would line up nicely with the franchise's conventions.

The Sims 5 is in development.

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