
  • The Sims 4 offers various ways for players to embrace their evil side through traits and interactions, allowing for a realistic and believably evil storyline.
  • Players can engage in mean and mischievous interactions, such as arguing, fighting, and pranking, to fulfill their desire for deviance and debauchery.
  • The game provides opportunities for evil activities, like burglary, using voodoo dolls, becoming a scientist, playing as occult sims, breaking up relationships, running fight clubs, and causing deadly mishaps.

In The Sims 4, players strive to harbor harmonious households and generations of prosperous families. Others, however, have a thirst for mischief, mayhem, and morally ambiguous behavior. Thankfully, this game of endless possibilities offers several ways for Sims to embrace the dark and evil sides of their personality.

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For players of evil characters, The Sims 4 can serve as a therapeutic outlet and a means to channel their anger and frustrations through Sims. This way, they can take solace knowing that no real harm is being done and there is nothing to lose. That is, except for the lives of the poor, unsuspecting townies. From playful pranks to more complex schemes, players can navigate the fine line between chaos and creativity.

12 Trait Selection

An evil Sim selects the traits Evil, Mean, and Mastermind

Traits and trait mods are the first step to helping Sims embrace their evil side. In Create-A-Sim, players can equip traits that cause Sims to feel a range of emotions that could lead them down evil paths. That is not to say that Sims (or players) who possess these traits are evil. It just makes them experience more emotions that make for a more realistic and believably evil storyline.

Most obviously, the Evil and Mean traits will cause Sims to perform mean and mischievous interactions more frequently. After completing the Deviance Aspiration, Sims can earn the Dastardly and Mastermind traits, which strengthens mean interactions and gives Sims the ability to easily put other Sims in distress. The Erratic, Hot-Headed, Kleptomaniac, and Jealous traits can also give Sims the motivation to be malicious.

11 Take Advantage Of Mean & Mischievous Interactions

An evil Sim pulls pranks on Geoffrey Landgraab who doesn't think he's very funny

With the right personality traits and the perfect evil backstory set up, it's time to start deviance and debauchery! Under the mean interaction category, Sims can argue and yell at other Sims. There are a variety of truly evil insults like "Imply Mother Is A Llama" and even physical altercations like "Shove" and "Fight."

Those who enjoy a little mischief will find many options for deception and pranks. The higher the mischief skill level, the more interactions are unlocked. Tell little white lies like "Lie About Career" or stir up drama with "StartA Preposterous Rumor." Carry out hilarious and devilish pranks like "Trick With Hand Buzzer" or "Noxious Cloud."

10 Burglary

An evil Sim has the kleptomaniac trait and can steal things from other households

Sims with the Kleptomaniac trait can "borrow" things from community lots or other Sims' homes. They might benefit from befriending corrupt wealthy families like the Landgraabs or celebrities like Judith Ward. That way there is direct access to their household and all of their expensive furniture items to be sold for a profit.

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Other than price, there are plenty of things to consider when it comes to stealing from other Sims' homes. Players must avoid getting caught stealing by other Sims, but klepto Sims can snatch just about anything. Whether it's as big as a grand piano or as small as a child's toy, it can be swiped.

9 Use Voodoo Dolls

A collage of all of the options available for performing evil acts of voodoo

Voodoo dolls are underrated instruments of torment and chaos in The Sims 4. Fortunately, there are many ways for Sims to obtain it, from ordering one to crafting it themselves. Once it is in the Sim's inventory, it can be bound to a Sim and the torture can begin.

Players can choose to "Poke" the voodoo doll to cause the bound Sim to feel angry or "Tickle" it to cause pain and discomfort. The Sims will have no idea why they are feeling so strange and who is to blame, making it the perfect way to practice being evil in the shadows.

8 Become A Scientist

An evil Sim uses the Sim Ray to terrorize Geoffrey Landgraab

Scientists, an entertaining active career from Get To Work, have the perfect opportunity to play out their most evil dreams. Scientists will be influenced to play pranks on their coworkers and tourists near their laboratory. Craft serums like Red Hot to cause a Sim to feel angry or Ghost Goo to temporarily turn Sims into ghosts.

Inventions are a big part of this career, and they definitely help scientists embrace their evil sides. The Sim Ray can be upgraded to change any Sim's outfit and appearance, send them into a panicked frenzy, or control them to clean, sit, eat, or sleep. The Satellite Dish can affect nearby Sims' moodlets, making them happy or angry, while also influencing them to dance, pee themselves, or sleep. Create an evil twin or duplicate items for profit with the Cloning Machine invention.

7 Untamed Occult Sims

A photo of several different occult Sims that could easily be the evil villain of the storyline

There are plenty of occult species added to The Sims 4 that have a lot of potential for evil. "Scare (Sims) With Probes," "Erase (their) Memory," and perform scientific tests on human Sims as an alien. Players with the Realm of Magic pack can experiment with spellcaster Sims who dabble in the art of untamed and mischievous magic.

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With vampire Sims, players can hypnotize and drain the plasma from human Sims or start a vampiric cult by attempting to turn all townies into vampires. The newest occult species of werewolves can intimidate other Sims with just their presence and also can engage in brawls.

6 Become A Homewrecker

An evil Sim gets caught cheating with Mortimer Goth by his wife Bella

Love is a gift and marriage can be an exciting milestone to look forward to in The Sims 4. Only an evil person would come between a Sim and their loving partner. It would be a shame if someone were to break up iconic couples like Mortimer and Bella Goth.

Evil Sims indulge themselves by causing arguments and conveniently getting caught flirting (or more than that) with married couples. Sims can "Forge A Breakup Letter" or be more direct by encouraging Sims to break up with their partner or spouse. Several pre-made characters are designed for infidelity, most notably Don Lothario. Begin the Serial Romantic aspiration to receive rewards for being intimate and having relationships with multiple Sims at once.

5 Run A Fight Club

An evil Sim creates a fight club to encourage mischief around town

The club system is a feature that many players forget about. A club could be the perfect way to build a community with other evil Sims. The Renegades are a pre-existing club that comes with the Get Together expansion pack, and they are focused on pulling pranks like sabotaging public utilities. Players can create a club and filter members by evil Sims.

Build a secret lair for the fight club to gather and add club activities like "Be Mean to Everyone," "Prank," "Swipe Objects," and "Fight Everyone." This way, club members will be more inclined to commit acts of evil and the club receives reward points for doing so. With points, purchase the "Infamous Club" status or equip skill bonuses when the club is gathering. Just don't forget the first rule about fight club.

4 "Incidental" & Deadly Mishaps

At the hands of an evil Sim and player, one Sim is burning to death while the other one drowns

Sometimes, despite players' best efforts, some Sims get neglected and pass away. It can be horrendously tragic when a Sim dies, but for evil players and Sims, their deaths can also be incredibly hilarious. Perhaps someone accidentally starts a fire or cooks poor-quality pufferfish nigiri.

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The most infamous death in The Sims 4 is death by drowning. Once players get the designated victim in the pool, delete pool ladders and build a fence or wall around the pool. It may take a while, but the Sim will eventually sink to their demise. Death by overexertion is also a possibility. Elder Sims can be woohooed to death or forced to exercise well beyond their limits. There are no consequences for deaths in The Sims 4 and plenty of ways to make it look like an accident.

3 Secret Basements & Dungeons

Behind the secret bookcase door, Geoffrey Landgraab is locked in a hidden dungeon

What's behind that locked Hidden Bookcase Door? Build a secret basement or dungeon to store annoying and disliked Sims, and the best part is no one will suspect a thing. It may be the most evil thing players can do in the game. If a certain NPC in the game wrongs players' evil Sims, show them that they messed with the wrong person by locking them up and letting them slowly starve to death.

Perhaps Sims happen to find themselves locked in a steam room and die by steam. Maybe a hungry cowplant can be planted in the room to keep them company. Those unfortunate souls locked in a player's basement or dungeon can even make money for their household by doing work-from-home jobs and freelance work, painting, and writing stories.

2 Download Sacrificial's Mods

Evil players would benefit from downloading Sacrificial's Mods, such as the Extreme Violence and the Life Tragedies mods

There are several mods players can download to help Sims with their evil escapades. A content creator known by the name Sacrificial has graciously created a variety of different mods catered toward evil and bloodthirsty Sims. The Extreme Violence mod adds options for Sims to explore more options for deadly and non-deadly violence. Be a part of villainous gangs and commit incredibly brutal acts of violence and wickedness.

A similar mod, also by Sacrificial, is the Life Tragedies mod. Don't want to do the dirty work? Summon famous horror characters like Jason Voorhees to do what serial killers do best. This mod also allows for evil storylines like kidnapping, armed robberies, and hit-and-run car accidents.

1 Playing Challenges

An evil Sim feels prideful in the graveyard

If players aren't sure where to start with their evil Sims, they might consider trying The Sims 4 challenges. The Black Widow Challenge is perfect for an evil, lustrous, gold-digging female Sim who isn't afraid to get her hands dirty. The goal for this challenge is to woo and marry 10 different male Sims, take all of their money, and find creative ways to get rid of them.

The 13 Souls Challenge, created by Jon Mayo, has evil Sims killing townies who embody the seven deadly sins and the six ethereal truths. Each victim must have specific traits, such as mean (envy) and materialistic (greed). To inadvertently torture a handful of Sims, try The SimWithCheese's Asylum Challenge, where the player controls one Sim in an asylum with seven other Sims in poor conditions.

The Sims 4 is available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox X/S, and PC.

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