
  • Sims 4 has longevity due to endless DLC options.
  • Project Rene by Maxis will not replace Sims 4, both will co-exist, and require more than DLC.
  • Modders should be supported by Maxis, who can create content faster and more creatively.

The Sims 4 has had a long lifespan, and it’s not hard to understand why. Its sandbox-style gameplay allows for limitless play, and for players to live out whatever virtual life they wish. The game has also been supported with a seemingly endless stream of DLC.

DLC for The Sims 4 comes in the form of Kits, Stuff Packs, Game Packs, and Expansion Packs. This content has been vital for ensuring the game remains fresh. However, a little something more will be needed once Project Rene is on the market.

The Sims 4's Newest Feature Seems Inevitable for Project Rene

Fans are still divided over one recent addition to The Sims 4, but the controversial feature may make the upcoming Project Rene even more appealing.

How Maxis is Planning Project Rene's Content

Maxis is hard at work on a new game code-named Project Rene. Not much is known about the upcoming game. However, it has been revealed that it will be released on PC and mobile. Furthermore, the base game will be free. Players have also gotten a glimpse of the customization features that have been upgraded from The Sims 4.

There have also been several leaks that give a sneak peek into what Maxis is busy with, and mixed reactions have emerged. Controversially, it appears the game will make use of Denuvo anti-tamper software. Furthermore, some fans are unhappy with the cartoonish graphics of Project Rene.

The Sims 4 Will Live Alongside Project Rene

Though Project Rene sounds exciting, it’s important to remember that it won’t replace The Sims 4. Instead, the two will co-exist. This is surprising news for a game over 10 years old, and it is uncertain whether The Sims 4 DLC will be enough to keep it alive when Project Rene drops.

Sims 4’s Longevity Can Be Extended Through Mods

The Sims 4 has had a long history of modding, and there are several tools around to help modders with their creations. Through modding it's possible to add new clothing, items, gameplay options, or to completely transform the game. This, more than DLC, is the key to keeping The Sims 4 alive after Project Rene is released.

DLC from Maxis has been good, but it is also expensive to collect it all. Maxis has also been quite aggressive in advertising DLC, including adding an in-game shopping cart icon to The Sims 4 which caused outrage among players. Furthermore, a lot of the time, it feels like DLC is adding features that should have been present in the base game.

After working on the game for over a decade, it may be time to hand over the reins to the fans to show off their creative efforts. Maxis should focus on supporting the modding community by providing modding tools and other fan-focused features. Though new content from Maxis is appreciated, fans who are modding can release content faster than the studio could, and perhaps with more creativity.

Most Prominent The Sims 4 Modders

Some of The Sims 4 modders have managed to make a name for themselves in the community through their creations. These are the modders that Maxis should be supporting to ensure they keep churning out content that draws in players. This includes Kawaai Stacey who makes slice-of-life mods, and Deaderpool whose mods give players more control of their game.

The Sims 4 has the potential to stick around for another decade if Maxis makes the right moves and isn’t overly reliant on DLC, which modders and mods can help with. In fact, The Sims 4 fans can and most likely will create what they need to keep the game entertaining even after Project Rene is released.