The Sims 4 Cottage Living Expansion Pack is heavily inspired by farming life. Not only can players raise new animals like cows and llamas, but they can also walk around in the new neighborhood and see if someone needs help.

RELATED: Sims 4: Is The Farmland Mod Better Than The Cottage Living Expansion?

In the new The Sims 4 World, Henford-on-Bagley, there are many people who’d ask Simmers to run errands for them. The full details are listed below.

Types Of Errands In The Sims 4

a couple of errands in the Sims 4 Cottage Living

There are two types of errands; non-repeatable and repeatable. The first can only be given once to players. After they complete it, it won't appear again on the errands list. As for the second type of errands, it will pop up from time to time on the list, even if Simmers have finished it before. Some can be a bit of a challenge to complete.

Completing a non-repeatable errand will help players have a better understanding of the Villager who gave it, like how solving the Strangerville mystery requires having a strong relationship with the neighborhood. Although each person has their own set of errands, some of them give the same one. For example, Both Agatha and Agnes have the Sow What's New errand. In this case, players need to accept it from one of them (it doesn't matter which one). When completed, the other similar errand disappears.

How To Help Every Villager In The Sims 4

the seven villagers who can give errands in the Sims 4 Cottage Living

There are seven NPCs in The Sims 4 who need help with errands:

  1. Agatha Crumplebottom
  2. Agnes Crumplebottom
  3. Kim Goldbloom
  4. Lavina Chopra
  5. Rahul Chopra
  6. Michael Bell
  7. Sara Scott

Agatha Crumplebottom, Garden Stall Co-owner

some of Agatha's errands in the Sims 4 Cottage Living

Agatha considers herself the matchmaker of Finchwick market. She likes to listen to gossip and help single Sims find love.


Errand's Tasks


Do I Gnome You?

  • Talk to a Gnome: Buy any Gnome from Build Mode and select “Talk To”.
  • Report Gnome gossip to Agatha Crumplebottom: Seek Agatha and deliver the gossip.
  • Deliver a dessert to Agatha Crumplebottom: Bake any desserts from the baking list and give it to Agatha.
  • Find Two single Sims: Talk to Sims around Finchwick market and select “Ask If Single” from the Romantic Category.
  • Report on single Sims to Agatha Crumplebottom: Once players find two single Sims, head to Agatha and tell her.
  • $175
  • A Random Decorative Gnome
  • Oversized Crop Seeds

Meddlin And Peddlin

  • Offer Roses to two Single Sims: Roses can be purchased from the Gifts option on the phone, or they can be planted in a garden. Once players have two roses, give them to the two single Sims they talked to before.
  • Encourage one Sim who received a rose to flirt with the other Sim: Have both Sims with roses be in the same area. Then press on one of them and select “Encourage To Flirt” with the other Sim.
  • Buy Extra Seeds from Agatha Crumplebottom: Search for Agatha and buy Extra Seeds from her.
  • Sell three harvestable seeds to other Sims: Talk with three Sims and sell the purchased seeds. Players should try doing friendly interactions first before selling anything.
  • Buy Extra Plants from Agatha Crumplebottom: Click on Agatha and select “Buy Extra Plants.” It will only cost Simmers $50.
  • Sell four harvestable to other Sims: As mentioned before, Simmers should do some friendly gestures before trying to sell any harvestable with other Sims.
  • Celebrate with Agatha Crumplebottom: After selling the harvestable, seek Agatha and celebrate together.
  • $300
  • A Random Decorative Gnome
  • Flirty Potion
  • Super Vitality Fertilizer

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Agnes Crumplebottom, Garden Shop Co-owner

some of Agnes's errands in the sims 4 Cottage Living

Agnes is the complete opposite of her cousin Agatha. She hates romance and would walk around beating couples with her purse.


Errand's Tasks


Another Useless Tourist

  • Plant a pumpkin: Buy a Gardening Plot from The Sims 4’s Build Mode. Then click on “buy oversized seeds” and choose “pumpkin”. They can also buy these items from the Garden Stall.
  • Scold Grocery Owner: Head to the Grocery Stall and select Scold on Agnes Behalf.
  • Bring some milk to Agnes: If players own a cow, they can milk it and give it to Agnes. Alternatively, buy milk from the Grocery Shop.
  • $175
  • Grow-fast Fertilizer
  • Cross-stitch Pattern

Not So Useless

  • Harvest a homegrown pumpkin: The pumpkin that was previously planted needs to be harvested, once it's matured.
  • Deliver a pumpkin to Agnes Crumplebottom: Seek Agnes and give her the harvested pumpkin.
  • Deliver a Cross-stitch to Agnes Crumplebottom: Buy the “Make It Sew Cross-stitch Kit” and proceed to sow a Cross Stitch. Players can also buy a Hoop from the Garden Shop. The pattern and size don’t matter.
  • Deliver another Cross-stitch to Agnes Crumplebottom: Same as Before.
  • Deliver llama Wool to Agnes Crumplebottom: The Llama Wool can be bought from Garden Stall. Or if Simmers own a Llama, they can get their wool from it.
  • Deliver a Jar of Mayonnaise to Agnes Crumplebottom: Players can make their own jar (requires one egg and level 3 cooking). After making it, deliver it to Agnes.
  • $300
  • Cross-stitch Pattern
  • Cowplant Berry
  • Super Grow-Fast Fertilizer

Kim Goldbloom, Grocery Deliverer

some of Kim's errands in the Sims 4 Cottage Living

Kim is a hopeless romantic who has a huge crush on Michael Bell. She runs the Grocery Shop in Finchwick and tries to help her customers as much as she can.


Errand's Tasks


Too Busy

  • Collect four grocery orders: Speak with four random Sims and take their grocery order.
  • Relay grocery orders to the Grocery Owner: Return to the Grocery Owner and tell them what the orders are.
  • Deliver a dozen white eggs to the grocery owner: Collect 12 eggs and deliver them to the Grocery Owner. Either raise hens and collect eggs every day at 6 AM or buy the available eggs in the Grocery Stall every few days.
  • Deliver a single serving of Food to Kim Goldbloom: Simmers can cook any dish and deliver it. Keep in mind that Kim only wants a single serving. So, grab a serving and put it in the Inventory.
  • Deliver a rose to the Creature Keeper: Buy a rose from the Gifts section on the phone, then give it to the Creature Keeper. He lives in a cottage in Bramblewood near a stone bridge.
  • Give Creature Keeper’s regards to Kim: After delivering the rose, players need to go back to Kim and relay his regards.
  • $175
  • An assortment of Eggs, milk, flour, cheese, and sugar
  • Animal Treats

Lavina Chopra, Mayor of Henford-on-Bagley

some of Lavina's errands in the Sims 4 Cottage Living

Lavina is the Mayor of Hanford-on-Bagley and works as a judge at the weekly fairs in Finchwick. She has a son named Rahul.


Errand's Tasks


Welcome To Henford-on-Bagley!

  • Catch a fish in Old New Henford’s Lake: In Old New Henford, there exists a giant lake. Go there and press on the fishing sign to start fishing. This will help level up the Fishing Skill in The Sims 4. After catching a fish, deliver it to Lavina.
  • Browse the Garden or Grocery Shop in Finchwick: Press the Grocery or the Garden Stall and select “Buy Items”. Simmers don’t have to buy anything.
  • Ask the Grocery Deliverer about their dreams: Seek Rahul Chopra and pick “Ask About Dreams” interaction.
  • Discuss the Grocery Deliverer’s Dreams with the Mayor: Relay the conversation to the mayor.
  • $175
  • Different types of berries
  • Llama wool
  • Animal treats

Rahul Chopra, Grocery Deliverer

some of Rahul's errands in the Sims 4 Cottage Living

Rahul is the teenage son of the town's Mayor, Lavina Chopra. He's a normal high schooler and has a girlfriend.


Errand's Tasks


Taste For Adventure

  • Take a photo outside of Henford-on-Bagley: Travel to any World other than Henford-on-Bagley and take a photo using a camera or a phone.
  • Give the photo to the Grocery Deliverer: The photo will be in the Sim’s Inventory. Find Rahul and give it to him.
  • Chat about Mayor with Grocery Deliverer: Head to any Grocery Deliverer and talk about the Mayor.
  • Make a Cross-Stitch: Head to the Cross Stitching Kit and make a Cross Stitch. The pattern and the size don’t matter.
  • Deliver the Cross-Stitch to the Mayor: After completing the Cross Stitch, give it to the Mayor.
  • Convey Mayor’s feelings to the Grocery Deliverer: Head to Rahul and convey the Mayor’s feelings.
  • Give a Chocolate Pie to the Grocery Deliverer: Chocolate Pie requires level five Cooking. Simmers need to make it and put it in their Inventory. After that, search for Rahul and give him the pie.
  • Give a Chocoberry to the Grocery Deliverer: Chocoberries can be purchased from the Garden And Grocery Stalls. If players don't find them, keep checking the shops daily until they appear. Another option would be to plant them and harvest the Chocoberry once they matured. Keep them in the Inventory, then give them to Rahul.
  • $175
  • Postcards
  • Livestock upgrade part
  • Grocery Delivery coupon

Michael Bell, Creature Keeper

some of Michael's errands in the Sims 4 Cottage Living

Michael loves animals to the point that he became the Creature Keeper of Hanford-on-Bagley so he can take care of them. He lives in a cottage in Bramblewood and visits the town from time to time.


Errand's Tasks


Mushroom Madness

  • Deliver three Chocoberries to the Creature Keeper: Chocoberries can be planted in Sim’s garden. If players are too lazy, they can also be found in both stalls in Finchwick. Buy as much as needed, then deliver it to Michael.
  • Deliver six Spicy Mushrooms to the Creature Keeper: Players can either buy the Mushroom from the Garden Shop and plant it, or head to the ruins of Bramblewood forest at night. There will be many patches of Strange Mushroom (they can be any type of fungus). Find the Spicy Mushroom and plant it.
  • Eat Mushroom Mash: After players give Michael all the ingredients, he will give them a dish called Mushroom Mash. It can be found in the Inventory.
  • Talk to a flock of birds while "Juiced": In Bramblewood, somewhere near Michael's cottage, there are some Wild Birds Houses. Approach one of them and attempt talking to the birds. Do this immediately after eating the Mushroom Mash, as it gives them the Juiced Moodlets.
  • Admit hearing the birds to the Creature Keeper: Seek the Creature Keeper and tell him about the experience.
  • $175
  • An Assortment of Produce
  • Flowers
  • Mushrooms
  • Fertilizer
  • Piece of Animal Clothing

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Sara Scott, Pub Owner

some of Sara's errands in the Sims 4 Cottage Living

Sara has a career in bartending, one of the two branches from the Culinary career in The Sims 4. This is why she owns a Pub in Finchwick. She runs it with her husband, who came from the city. She and her lover are trying to have children.

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Errand's Tasks


Signature Drink

  • Deliver a Blueberry, a Raspberry, and a Chocoberry to the Pub Owner: As mentioned before, all berries can either be purchased or planted. Once players have the requested berries, give them to Sara.
  • Deliver a Charming Mushroom and a Verdant Mushroom to the Pub Owner: These two mushrooms are easily obtained by purchasing them in the Garden Stall. After they’re bought, give them to Sara.
  • Order and drink a Bagley Berry Fizz Sampler: Visit Sara's Pub and select “Order The Bagley Berry Fizz Sampler” from the Friendly Category. It will cost one Simoleon.
  • Order and drink a Verdant and Funk Sampler: Same as before, but this time order “The Verdant and Funk Sampler”.
  • Tell the Pub Owner which drinks to serve: Once players are done, tell Sara which one to serve. This option can be found in the Friendly Section as well.
  • $175
  • A Drink Recipe
  • Cooking Ingredients
  • Freshly Prepared Meal

Repeatable Errands

The remaining errands are repeatable and the same one (sometimes with different names) can be given to players by different Sims. keep in mind that some of these errands will appear when players are doing the important ones. The Sims 4 villagers sometimes run out of errands, so Simmers need to check the errands list daily.



Errand's Tasks


What’s The Scuttlebutt? Also known as Sniff Out The Secrets

  • Lavina Chopra
  • Rahul Chopra
  • Sara Scott
  • Find the Mystery Gifter: Ask other sims if they're the Mystery Gifter until they find them. Doing Friendly Interactions before asking is better than asking immediately.
  • Reveal Mystery Gifter to Villager: Give the Villager who issued the errand the package.
  • Deliver a Full Pie to the Mystery Gifter: To thank the Gifter, make any kind of Pie and give it to them.
  • $250
  • Grocery delivery coupon
  • Flowers
  • Cross-Stitch Pattern
  • Uncommon flavor of milk

A Friendly Visit Also known as Go Say Hello and Be a Good Neighbor

  • Sara Scott
  • Lavina Chopra
  • Rahul Chopra
  • Get the village package from… someone: Simmers have to speak with multiple Sims until they find the one who has a package for them. It's worthy of note that doing a few Friendly Gestures before talking to any of them helps a little.
  • Deliver the village package to Villager: After receiving the package, deliver it to the NPC who asked for help.
  • $90
  • Local meal
  • Some berries
  • Any upgrade part
  • Cross-Stitch Pattern

Creature Comforts Also known as Livestocking Up

  • Rahul Chopra
  • Kim Goldbloom
  • Deliver an Animal Product to The Villager: Head to the Villager and give them any Animal Product; Wool, Milk, eggs, etc.
  • $90
  • Animal Treat
  • Livestock Upgrade Part
  • New Treat Recipe or Animal Clothing
  • Grocery Delivery Coupon

Sow What’s New Also known as Helping Things Grow and Prepping Plants

  • Agnes Crumplebottom
  • Agatha Crumplebottom
  • Harvest a Homegrown harvestable: Plant any type of harvestable, like Berries and Mushrooms. When they are mature, collect them all.
  • Deliver harvestable to the Villager: Seek the Villager that gave the errand, and give them the harvestable.
  • $90
  • Oversized Crop Seeds
  • Fertilizer
  • Berry or Mushroom

A Simple Request Also known as Tummy pangs and Who’s hungry

  • Michael Bell
  • Sara Scott
  • Kim Goldbloom
  • Deliver food to the Villager: Cook any meal, then give it to the Villager.
  • Tip: The Villager only needs one single serving, so keep one serving of food in the inventory, NOT the entire meal.
  • $90
  • An assortment of ingredients
  • Fertilizer
  • Freshly Prepared Meal

Second Nature Also known as Creature Report and Critter Care

  • Michael Bell
  • Watch Wild Animals: Simmers can press on a rabbit or a flock of birds and choose Watch Animal in Actions.
  • Converse with a wild animal: Speak with the Wild Animal by selecting Socialize.
  • Give a report to the Creature Keeper: After watching and speaking with Wild Animals, go back to Michael and give him a report.
  • $90
  • Fruits
  • Wool
  • Animal clothing

It's advised to raise some animals like chickens, llamas, and cows, as it will help immensely with some Errand's Tasks.

The Sims 4 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S.

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