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When the Get To Work Expansion Pack was released, many new features were added to The Sims 4. Like careers that allow players to go with their Sim to work and manually do the required tasks. Another amazing addition was Aliens.

Aliens are one of the Occults that can be created at the start of The Sims 4. They can do everything normal Sims can, from going to school, working in a career, and having kids. However, they have a few abilities and interactions that can make the gameplay more intriguing.

RELATED: The Sims 4: Werewolves Complete Guide

Updated on March 21, 2023, by Nahda Nabiilah: As The Sims 4 keeps adding more Occults like Werewolves, new methods to transform into said Occults pop up occasionally. Aliens in particular have existed since the beginning of The Sims series. As for how to get Aliens in The Sims 4, there are a couple of techniques players are allowed to use to control the Occult. Some methods can be done while playing, albeit they are time-consuming, while the rest relies on the use of cheats to be complete.

How To Become An Alien In The Sims 4

female alien sim in the sims 4

There are a couple of methods to create an Alien; in CAS, get abducted by Aliens, Try for Baby with one, and invite Aliens to Join the Household.

Create An Alien In CAS

how to create an alien in cas in the sims 4

The first one is the easiest. Simmers can click on the + icon in Create A Sim (CAS) to add another Sim to the Household. There is an option to add Occults and one of them is Aliens.

Aliens have two looks; their everyday look and a disguise (human look). Players can customize the everyday look by changing the color of the skin, adding weird markings on the face, and so on. The disguise is done like any other human look in CAS.

Get Abducted By Aliens

a satellite dish shooting a beam in the sims 4

The second method is a bit odd. Working in the Scientist Career will allow players to have access to a Satellite Dish. It basically enables players to Contact Aliens and impregnate Male Sim, or to protect the Household from abduction for 24 hours. Keep in mind that a lot of materials are needed to make a Satellite Dish.

RELATED: The Sims 4: A Complete Guide To The Culinary Career

If players don't enter this particular Career, It is possible to get it through cheats. Open the cheat console by pressing:

  • Ctrl+Shift+C for PC
  • Command+Shift+C for Mac
  • R1+R2+L1+L2 for Console
  • All four shoulder buttons for Xbox One

Then, type Testingcheats True or Testingcheats On, and cheats will become enabled. After that, type bb.showhiddenobjects. Next, Simmers need to enter Build Mode and type Satellite in the Search Box. Simply place it on the Lot and that's it.

satellite dish location and how it works in the sims 4

After obtaining the Dish, selecting Contact Aliens will have Players' Male Sim be abducted. The creature usually appears between 9 PM and 4 AM. Having a high Logic Skill and using the Observatory in The Sims 4 can really increase the chance of getting abducted.

It may not happen on the first attempt, so Simmers have to keep selecting Contact Aliens every 24 hours until it happens. Players can also make a save at 9 PM and wait till 4 AM. If nothing happens, they can re-load the save and try again.

female alien sim being abducted in the sims 4

When abduction occurs, small lights will sparkle in a specific area. If the Male Sim stands in this area, he will be pulled up by a light beam that's coming from a spaceship. The Sim will be taken to Planet Sixam, a hidden area in The Sims 4. After some time, if he comes back with a stomachache and is uncomfortable, then congratulations, the Male Sim is pregnant. The pregnancy then continues like normal. Once the Sim gives birth, players can either keep the Alien baby or send it to its hometown.

Because pregnancy has a 25% chance of succeeding, players can save while the Male Sim is being abducted. If he comes back not pregnant, re-load the save until Aliens impregnate him.

Try For Baby With An Alien

female sims giving birth to alien baby in the sims 4

The next method is to Try for Baby with an Alien. If players are playing as the Alien then they have a choice of either trying for a baby with a human to get a half-breed (half-Alien) with some of the abilities, or Try for Baby with an Alien to give birth to a full Alien.

RELATED: The Sims 4: All The Locations Where You Can WooHoo

If Simmers are having trouble encountering Aliens (as most of them walk in disguise), they can try going to a bar on a Tuesday night between 8 PM and 2 AM. Tuesdays are usually Alien night, so the chances of bumping into one are pretty high.

alien baby in the sims 4

Alien babies have a distinct echo cry that could be almost considered disturbing, but other than that, the babies call for what any infant needs; eating, changing diapers, and A LOT of attention. As the Sims 4 infant Aliens grow up, they’ll start to learn how to disguise themselves as humans, which players can change the appearance of in CAS by interacting with any mirror or closet in The Sims 4.

Invite Aliens To Join The Household

split household option in the sims 4

It’s possible to add Aliens to the current Household by using three different methods; Ask to be Roommates, Ask to Join the Household, and Add to Family cheat.

Ask To Be Roommates

ask to be new roomates option in the sims 4

Upon finding an Alien, strike up a conversation with the Occult to gain a little bit of the friendship XP. After a while, click on the Alien, choose the More Choices option, and then click on the Roommate… dialogue option. The Ask to be New Roommate is the only available option. It’s a hit-or-miss method as it’s still possible for the Occult to refuse the offer.

One of the necessary arrangements players must pay attention to is to have an extra room with a spare bed. Otherwise, the Roommate option won’t be available since there’s no room for the Alien.

Ask To Join The Household

ask to join household option in the sims 4

The Household method has a higher chance of succeeding than the Roommate one, albeit it requires a bit of work. The Sims 4 Alien must be at a high friendship level with the other Sim for the desired option to appear.

Click on the Friendly category then choose More Choices… to find the Ask to Join Household option. Once the Occult agrees, a menu will open up that allows players to control the fate of the Alien in The Sims 4. If they happen to live with somebody, Simmers have the option of adding all the Household members to the family or simply choosing the Alien and adding it alone. After that, players will be able to control the Occult.

Add To Family Cheat

add to family cheat in the sims 4

The easiest method to add any Occults to the family is by opening the cheats console and typing Testingcheats on or Testingcheats True. Now, while pressing Shift, click on the Sims 4 Alien and select Add to Family.

Aliens Abilities

alien abilities and interactions in the sims 4

Aliens can do a lot of cool stuff, other than disguising themselves.




Analyze Personality


  • Find out other Sims Traits



  • Be able to feel the same emotion that the other Sim is feeling

Erase Memory


  • Reset the relationship to zero, like both Sim and Alien never met

Scare with Probe


  • Take out a Probe and scare the other Sim with it

Resurrect Dead Alien Collectibles


  • When interacting with an Alien Collectible, Aliens have the choice to bring it back to life

Transmute Elements, Metals, and Crystals


  • By clicking on an Element, a Metal, or Crystal, Aliens have the option to transmute it
  • The results are unexpected, though. So if players transmute a Rare Crystal, they might get something better or worse, it's completely random

Aliens that have only one Alien parent can do some of these abilities, but not all of them. Only pure Aliens can use all of these powers. Aliens that were by Male abduction also have all these abilities.

The Sims 4 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Challenges To Make Playing The Sims 4 More Interesting