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The Plant-A-Sim Scenario is one of the few challenges that revolve around an occult in The Sims 4. In this Scenario, Simmers will truly understand the meaning of what’s it like to live as a PlantSim. PlantSims are a type of occults in The Sims 4 that requires special care as they have different needs than the other Sims. For example, the Bladder is replaced by Water.

According to the game’s description, Plant-A-Sim has an easy difficulty, and it only has one outcome. Like all other Sims 4 Scenarios, players need to complete all the necessary steps to earn 5,000 Satisfaction Points.

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How To Complete The Plant A Sim Scenario In The Sims 4

plant a sim scenario in the sims 4

First thing first, players need to make one Young Adult or Older Sim in CAS. It doesn’t matter if it’s a female or a male, as long as they meet the conditions. After that, pick any Lot to live in, and then the Scenario will start. Players can also enter Build Mode and change the Lot’s trait to Homey and Great Soil to help with the challenge.

plant a sim scenario list in the sims 4

To finish the challenge, people need to complete a long list of actions, namely:

  1. Eat the Forbidden Fruit of the PlantSim from your inventory
  2. Have your PlantSim Talk to Plants x5
  3. Harvest from a Perfect Quality plant
  4. Satisfy water needs x5
  5. Absorb Solar Energy from Plants x5
  6. Photosynthesize by absorbing sunlight x25
  7. Care for plants as a PlantSim x99

Eat The Forbidden Fruit Of The PlantSim From Your Inventory

the forbidden fruit of the plantsim in the sims 4

By opening the Sim’s Inventory, players can find four Forbidden Fruits of the PlantSim. Eating one will transform the Sim into an Occult in The Sims 4. Keep in mind that the fruit’s effect lasts for four Sims days.

After that, players have to eat another one before the 18 hours Wilted Moodlet disappears, or else the challenge ends in failure. Therefore, it is highly crucial that Simmers plant a forbidden fruit for future uses.

Have Your PlantSim Talk To Plants

talk to plant interaction in the sims 4

To complete this step, buy any dirt patch from The Sims 4 Buy Mode, then click on it to purchase seeds to plant them. Players can also buy starter seed packs from Buy Mode like Starter Fruits.

After planting the seeds, click on it and select Talk to Plant. Do the same interactions five times and the step is complete.

Harvest From A Perfect Quality Plant

perfect quality forbidden fruit tree in the sims 4

All plants have five stages of qualities; Normal, Nice, Excellent, Magnificent, and Perfect. If a plant is being tended to and is properly taken care of, it will be ready to Evolve. The Evolve process improves the plant’s quality. Once the plant starts sparkling, then it’s ready to Evolve. To finish this step, harvest anything from a Perfect quality plant.

It’s easier to focus on a plant that grows in all Sims 4 seasons like the Forbidden Fruit of the PlantSim, as seasonal plants will go back to the first stage of growth once their season ends.

Satisfy Water Needs

plantsim swimming in the sims 4

Satisfying the water needs can be done in several methods; showering, swimming, washing hands, drinking water, playing in the rain, or any other water-related activities. Repeat any activity five times to finish this step.

Absorb Solar Energy From Plants

absorb energy feom plants interaction in the sims 4

Once a plant matures into any stage of growth after the second one, Simmers can click on it and Absorb Solar Energy five times to finish the Scenario’s goal. Doing this will fill up the hunger needs for PlantSims. However, absorbing the plant’s solar energy will revert it back to the previous stage. For example, absorbing the energy from a tree will transform it into a plant.

Photosynthesize By Absorbing Sunlight

plantsim photosynthesizing in the sims 4

After satisfying their water needs, PlantSim will have to get some sun to Photosynthesize. This needs to be done 25 times to complete the step. This method also fills up the hunger needs.

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Unfortunately, because of the Seasons Expansion Pack in The Sims 4, the sun won’t appear sometimes. In this case, players need to either travel to another World until they find sunlight or absorb Solar energy from plants and risk losing the progress.

Care For Plants As A PlantSim

plantsim tending to garden in the sims 4

Simmers have to take care of plants 99 times while being a PlantSim. This means they have to harvest, water, weed, and spray for bugs.

The Sims 4 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, and Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S.

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