
  • The Sims 4 underwent significant changes from its original design, with unused families and multiplayer elements left in the game code.
  • Cut features include Harvest Stands and families like the Ponds and Powers, although some features made it into the game later.
  • Development issues may have led to the removal of features like toddlers.

The Sims 4 has had quite the journey. The sequel in the beloved life simulation franchise has experienced several additions in the decade since its release. While many expansion packs and updates have bolstered the game’s versatility, the content cut from the game’s initial version is just as fascinating.

The cut content could have completely redefined the gameplay and made The Sims 4 more similar to earlier installments of the franchise. These edits to The Sims 4 go far beyond a shinier Plumbob. These cuts range from world-building abilities to character features that players were able to access in previous Sims versions.

10 Things Cut From The Sims 4 (That Were In The Original Game)

The Sims 4 has taken flack from fans for not having the same magic as the original game. Here are some quirky things not in the current installment.

The Sims 4's Various Scrapped Features

There’s quite a bit of evidence to suggest that The Sims 4 was originally intended to be a different playing experience. Multiplayer source code was found in the game files of the retail version of The Sims 4, and Olympus (a previous, online installment of The Sims) is referenced in The Sims 4's UI files. Regardless of whether The Sims 4 was originally intended to be multiplayer or even an MMO, it’s fascinating that these elements exist in the game's code.

Aside from these broader differences from previous versions, many smaller details were either cut from or changed in The Sims 4. One of the most auspicious pieces of cut content from The Sims 4 was the Harvest Stands. First introduced in The Sims 3, the Harvest Stands were meant to offer an alternative for characters to buy and sell produce. While the Harvest Stands were featured in promotional content ahead of the game's release, they were instead included in later expansion packs for The Sims 4.

Unreleased Families in The Sims 4

There are also characters that ended up being cut for The Sims 4, which have been discovered through examination of the game's files. These unused characters include entire families. Characters in these unused Sims 4 families include the Ponds (Jimmy and Alaina), the Powers (Patricia, Randy, and Kennedy) and the household of Rita Riviera and Memphis Waters. There's also an unused test family in the game's code that consists of Iko Yono, Joel Meadows, and Andy Campbells. It's unclear why these families were left out of the initial release of The Sims 4, but their inclusion might have made the world a little more vibrant.

Possible Development Issues with The Sims 4

While it's not certain, there's evidence to suggest that The Sims 4 was meant to include several features that were scrapped due to a stressed development timeline. In a post on the game's official website, Sims 4 executive producer Rachel Franklin wrote, "The fact was that there would be trade-offs, and these would disappoint some of our fans. Hard pill to swallow, believe me, but delivering on the vision set out for The Sims 4 required focus."

This implies that some of the content that was later patched back into The Sims 4, such as toddlers and pools, may have been cut from the game out of necessity rather than as a creative decision. Franklin mentions both of these features in her post close to the time of release. Despite the explanation, the abrupt cut of these features led to suspicion that they may have originally been intended to feature in The Sims 4. While it's not known for sure if development issues played a role in The Sims 4 cut content, it's clear that features such as toddlers and pools were beloved by fans enough for EA and Maxis to reinstate them in later updates of the game.

"So, rather than include toddlers, we chose to go deeper on the features that make Sims come alive..." - The Sims 4 EP Rachel Franklin - July 7, 2014.

The Sims 4 was a departure from previous The Sims games in several ways. While many features have been made available through expansion packs and mods, The Sims 4 still looks and feels unique. These distinctive differences from earlier installments make The Sims 4 a singular playing experience.