
  • The Sims 4 has hidden secret worlds that can be accessed through certain tasks or finding hidden entrances, offering players additional content and unique experiences.
  • Some of the secret worlds, like the Forgotten Grotto and Sylvan Glade, are available in the base game and offer opportunities for fishing, gathering minerals, and catching wildlife.
  • Expansion packs like Realm of Magic and Island Living introduce secret worlds like The Magic Realm and Cave of Sulani, providing new locations, rare items, and unique interactions for players to explore and enjoy.

The Sims 4 was released in 2014, and fans were treated to what they thought was a rather bare base game. Since then, several expansion packs and mods have been released to add extra content for The Sims 4 players. However, there was already a lot of extra content that many players would have missed.

The Sims 4 Expansion Pack Tier List

With 14 expansion packs to date, The Sims 4 offers a massive variety in gameplay, building, and character creation content for any player.

The Sims 4 is no stranger to adding weird things to the world, and quite possibly the weirdest thing in the franchise to date is the addition of secret worlds. These are extra maps and lots sprinkled throughout the main game and can only be accessed by performing a certain task or finding something that was not meant to be seen on a normal playthrough. However, some of these secret worlds are more fascinating than others.

7 Forgotten Grotto

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The Forgotten Grotto is one of the first secret worlds that players come across, as it is available to access straight away in the base game in Oasis Springs. To access this secret, all players need to do is find one of the two entrances. One is behind the Afflusta Mansion and the other is located in Desert Bloom Park. Both entrances are blocked by wooden boards, and a Sim must have a handiness level of 10 or more to remove them and gain access to the Forgotten Grotto.

Inside is a magical realm, the only place in the game where players can find the batfish. The Forgotten Grotto is the perfect secret world for Sims who are good at fishing, digging up minerals, or catching wildlife.

6 Sylvan Glade

Sims 4 Sylvan Glade

The Sylvan Glade is a great place to explore for players who are new to the concept of secret worlds in The Sims 4. Gamers can find this location hidden in the Crick Cabana lot in Willow Creek with only the base game. The large tree in the garden with glowing mushrooms may look interesting, and that is because it is. Have a Sim inspect this tree by viewing it and the second time they interact with the tree should reveal the Sylvan Glade.

This secret world isn’t very big but gets extra points for being easy to access. Inside the Sylvan Glade is a pond and several rare plants and insects to gather. The developers have even included cheats that allow players to build in this secret world.

5 The Magic Realm

The Sims 4 Realm of Magic

Unfortunately, The Magic Realm is only available to those who have the Sims 4: Realm of Magic expansion pack. The Magic Realm can be found when opening up the empty lot in Glimmerbrook. Then, Sims only need to follow the path until they come across the waterfall. With the expansion installed, a portal to the secret world should be visible in the water.

The Sims 4: Realm of Magic - Ultimate Spellcaster Guide

The Sims 4: Realm of Magic allows your Sim to become the ultimate spellcaster. This guide will give all the best tips on how to master magic.

The Magic Realm is unique as it actually has a secret building lot for Sims to live in. So long as players have The Realm of Magic expansion installed, Sims can stay hidden and live in this magic secret world behind the waterfall.

4 Planet Sixam

The Sims 4 Planet Sixam

Not every Sim wants to live on the same planet forever. Fortunately, the Get to Work expansion pack for The Sims 4 features a secret world that is on another planet. Players can access Planet Sixam by reaching level 10 in the scientist career. Then the Sim can access this world by building an upgrade for the Electroflux Wormhole Generator.

On Planet Sixam, Sims can meet and make friends with aliens and find rare metals or crystals. There are also new and rare plants to collect that are unique to this secret world.

3 Mt Komorebi Peak

The Sims 4 Mt Komorebi Peak

The best thing about Mt Komorebi Peak is the view, Available in The Snowy Escape expansion pack, this secret world can be found in the Onsen Bathouse. Once a Sim has reached level six in rock climbing, they can then try to climb to the top of the mountain by completing some time checkpoints.

At the top of Mt Komorebi, players can build on it as if it is a normal lot. The climb also sees the Sim rewarded with some new traits and items.

2 The Hermit’s House

The Sims 4 Deep Woods Location

The Hermit’s House is less of a secret world and more of a secret house, but it is well worth finding. This secret is found in Granite Falls, and players must find the shrub hole in the forest to get to the house.

The Sims 4: Deep Woods (Hermit's House) Guide

The Deep Woods in The Sims 4 is accessible for those that own the Outdoor Retreat pack, which gives fans access to a beautiful area

The house belongs to a hermit NPC who will teach Sims about his Fungal Infusion Remedy once they become friends with him. There are also will-o-wisps surrounding The Hermit’s House, which is the only place players can find these animals.

1 Cave of Sulani

The Sims 4 Cave of Sulani

Every island retreat needs a secret place for residents to hide away. Luckily, that is exactly what players will find in the Cave of Sulani, available in the Island Living expansion. To access this secret in The Sims 4, players must explore the cave and complete the mural.

This mural inside the cave will continuously evolve the more a Sim goes inside. The more filled in, the more gifts the player unlocks. The Cave of Sulani will reward Sims with shells, mermaid kelp, and new interactions.

The Sims 4 is available on PC, Playstation 4, and Xbox One

MORE: Secrets Behind The Making of The Sims