
  • The Sims 4 offers a variety of drinks and potions that can benefit players in different ways, from curing illnesses to improving mood and gaining skills faster.
  • Emotion potions, obtained through the Master Mixologist aspiration, can help Sims feel specific emotions like happiness, inspiration, or confidence.
  • Reward store potions can provide various buffs and abilities, including refreshing needs, removing quirks or fears, and even saving Sims from death by old age.

In The Sims 4, players can use their creativity for more than just creating houses and telling stories. They can concoct a variety of delightful drinks and potions, each with their own twist. From healing potions and soothing elixirs to nature-defying concoctions, players can greatly benefit from exploring the art of mixology.

The Sims 4's Aspiration Points Explained

Aspirations in The Sims 4 have a great many requirements for players to fulfil, but the reward points they give make them worth the trouble.

These drinks will quench the thirst for inspiration, whether players are looking to cure their Sims' illnesses, uplift their spirits, or even explore the extraordinary. So grab the nearest shaker and delve into the world of tantalizing beverages that can turn the ordinary into the extraordinary in The Sims 4.

10 Orange Juice

Benefit: Cures Illnesses

A Sim is drinking orange juice to cure his illness and make him happy

Like humans, Sims can occasionally get sick from time to time. They can develop a cold or flu or break out in itchy hives. There are several remedies that players can fall back on to cure these illnesses, but this simple hack might be the easiest and quickest way to do so.

Peel the sickly Sim from the comfort of their beds and couches, open the fridge, select "Have a Quick Meal," and find orange juice among the options. After finishing their drink, Sims will be cured of their illness and receive the Smooth Sipping buff that makes Sims happy. The best part, it's free! If only this trick worked in real life. Although this drink can be helpful, there are several other drinks in The Sims 4 that are much more useful.

9 Emotion Potions

Benefit: +100 Mood Buff

Sims who complete the Master Mixologist aspiration and achieve the Potion Master trait can make these handy emotion potions.

Sometimes Simmers desire their characters to feel a specific emotion to solidify a realistic storyline or achieve an aspiration goal. There are a few ways players can cheat a Sim's moodlets, but this method is all-natural.

To make emotion potions, players must have their Sim finish the Master Mixologist aspiration, which requires level 10 of the mixology skill. Completing this aspiration will reward the Sim with the Potion Master reward trait and allow them to create potions with a mood buff of +100 for three Sim hours. Make Sims feel happy, inspired, focused, energized, confident, or flirty by drinking these emotion potions.

8 Reward Store Potions

Benefit: Variety of Buffs

With satisfaction points from completing whims and other goals, Sims can purchase useful potions from the rewards store.

Sims earn satisfaction points for completing whims and reaching milestones in their aspirations. These points can be redeemed in the rewards store for new traits and potions that benefit the Sim in many ways. Similar to emotion potions, players can purchase potions like the Confident Potion or the Energized Potion for 200 points.

13 Best Things To Buy From The Rewards Store In The Sims 4

The rewards store in The Sims 4 is one way to make the game incredibly easy, from powerful potions to extraordinary new traits.

What makes reward store potions more advantageous is the expansion of its abilities. Several potions in the rewards store can refresh needs like Sleep Replacement and Moodlet Solver. Remove annoying quirks or fears by having Sims drink Quirk-B-Gone and the Fear-B-Gone potions. Sims on the brink of death by old age can be saved with the Potion of Youth potion for 1,500 points.

7 Snaggle Fluster

Benefit: Gain Skills at a Faster Rate

Make the Snaggle Fluster drink to boost skill gains at an increasingly greater rate

To create this valuable beverage, a Sim must first reach level nine of the culinary career in the mixologist branch. Send the Sim to work until they receive a notification that gives them the opportunity to buy the mythical drink guidebook. Sims can then make and drink the Snaggle Fluster, which will give the Sim a dazed moodlet for three hours.

Sims will gain skills at a much faster rate after drinking the Snaggle Fluster, which is perfect for meeting skill-level requirements for aspirations, job promotions, or challenges. Granted it will upset the Sim's stomach during this time and can drain their bladder. Players should be cautious when practicing skills like robotics because the dazed moodlet increases the chances of death by electrocution.

6 Tea

Benefit: Cures Illnesses & Improves Mood

An elder Sim makes tea to boost his mood, performance, and cure sicknesses.

It's time to spill the tea about this underrated and easily accessible drink. Tea can greatly improve a Sim's daily life in a number of different ways. Like previous drinks and potions, Sims can brew pots of tea that can improve Sims' moods with a +2 buff for four hours. For example, Steamy Ginseng tea can make a Sim feel flirty while Pitch Black tea will put them in a focused mood.

That's not all, tea can also help cure sicknesses and regulate body temperature. Ditch the bland orange juice. Healthy Green tea will cure a Sim of any illnesses that they have. With the Seasons expansion installed, Sims can brew Bee Tea with honey from their inventory. During the happy moodlet buff, Sims will not die from overheating or freezing.

5 Space Energy Drink

Benefit: Restores Energy

Make the Space Energy Drink in The Sims 4 to replenish a Sim's energy need

Forget about mood buffs and curing sicknesses, this next drink is so powerful that it could completely replace a Sim's need for sleep. The Space Energy Drink can restore a large chunk of a Sim's energy need. Rather than sleeping for hours during the day, they can spend a few minutes drinking this beverage to spend their time more productively.

The Sims 4: 11 Pro Tips For Learning Skills Faster

There are many ways to learn skills faster in The Sims 4, but only the pros favor these strategies!

To make the Space Energy Drink, Sims must join the astronaut career and reach level eight in the space ranger branch. Then, even Sims with a low mixology skill can make the Space Energy Drink. This way, there's no need for Sims to have a bed or sleeping pods in their houses. Just grab this drink when a Sim's energy is low and let them continue to go about their days and nights.

4 Shadow Realm

Benefit: Allows Sims To Cheat Death

After reaching level 10 of the mixology skill and obtaining the Death Flower, Sims can make the Shadow Realm drink with powerful abilities.

This powerful drink called the Shadow Realm can help Sims cheat death. Although the road may be long and treacherous, players must first obtain a Death Flower. While begging for the Grim Reaper to spare a Sim, players can gift him with this flower to ensure the Sim's second chance at life.

Sims who reach level 10 in the mixology skill and have a Death Flower in their inventory can concoct a tasty drink for Grim, called the Shadow Realm. The drink will be shrouded in ominous black smoke. Players should quickly and conveniently place the drink in plain sight so that Grim will be tempted to drink it and pay their Sims a favor. After finishing the drink, Grim will bring the Sim back to life.

3 Beetle Juice

Benefit: Become A Ghost

Two ghosts are arguing because they drank too much Beetle Juice and became ghosts in The Sims 4

Beetle Juice! Beetle Juice! Beetle Juice! If a Sim drinks three of these juices one after the other, they will combust into a red cloud of flames and turn into a ghost that players can control in their household. While some may think this is a prank gone too far, it could be the perfect way for evil or mischievous Sims to celebrate Prank Day.

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Why not jazz up your Sims 4 experience with these top-notch custom holiday ideas!

Players can create Beetle Juice if they have the Eco Lifestyle expansion pack downloaded. Raise and nurture beetles from the insect farm. With a level 10 mixology skill, Sims can craft Beetle Juice. Even better, other Sims in the household do not feel the effects of a haunting when the ghost is around. Family, friends, and roommates will not be phased by their newly translucent guests.

2 The Ultimate Vampire Cure

Benefit: Cures Vampirism

Create a drink that can cure vampirism in the Sims 4 - The Ultimate Vampire Cure

While drinks like tea and orange juice can cure illnesses like colds and the flu, this drink can cure something much greater. After achieving level 15 of the vampire lore skill, players can create The Ultimate Vampire Cure drink from their bar. This drink will turn any vampire back into a regular Sim.

Obtain a combination of garlic, plasma fruit, and wolfsbane from The Forgotten Hollow to make this drink. Save The Ultimate Vampire Cure in a Sim's inventory to use on themselves if they so happen to get turned. They can also choose to throw it on a vampire that they dislike to slay them once and for all.

1 Nectar

Benefit: Variety of Buffs, Including Making A Sim Younger

A Sim makes nectar from the nectar making machine, including a list of the nectars Sims can make in the game

Nectar-making is a new skill and hobby in The Sims 4 that came with the Horse Ranch expansion. Purchase a nectar maker in buy mode and gather fruits like strawberries, grapes, and apples to make nectar. Not only is nectar delicious, but it also provides numerous benefits to Sims like boosting positive emotions and replenishing their hunger.

Master nectar makers can make Vitality Nectar that can turn back the clock on a Sim's age or even bring a ghost Sim back to life. Highly skilled Sims who use excellent-quality ingredients and age their nectar can sell their creations for a fortune. Many players have reported selling their nectar for tens of thousands of simoleons.

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The Sims 4

PS4 , Xbox One , PC
September 2, 2014