The latest Sims 4 expansion pack, Growing Together, is all about family and deepening the connections between its members. Not only does it allow for many more storyline varieties, but it also adds a pinch of realism throughout the various life stages available in the game.

RELATED: The Sims 4: Every Life Stage And Lifespan (Infant Update)

One of the many features available in this Sims 4 pack is the ability to take an infant out on the town with an adult Sim by putting them in a baby carrier. It may not seem obvious how one can obtain this item initially, so this article will explain exactly how to find it.

How To Get a Baby Carrier in The Sims 4

sim carrying a baby on her back

Whether a Sim wants to go on a power walk around the San Sequoia lake or they want to go out to the library, it's always nice to take their infant with them so the baby also gets to experience parts of the outside world. However, to do this, the adult Sim needs a baby carrier. Thankfully, baby carriers aren't something players need to purchase in the Sims 4 - they're totally free.

putting infant in carrier

Players can take their children with them in a carrier by interacting with the infant while controlling an adult Sim, choosing the Toddler Care option, and then selecting Put [Sim's name] in Back Carrier.

Only infants can be put in back carriers in The Sims 4 , so, unfortunately, players won't be able to do this once their child ages up and becomes a toddler.

Back Carrier Options

selecting a back carrier for infant

There are a few baby carriers to choose from in The Sims 4. They vary in color, and there are also timed-exclusive carriers for fans that purchased the Growing Together expansion pack before April 27.

These are the options available for everyone that has bought the pack:

  • Infant Wrangler - Black with Yellow accents
  • Infant Wrangler - Black with Gray accents
  • Infant Wrangler - Black with White accents
  • Infant Wrangler - Black with Pink accents

And these are the options for gamers that purchased the pack in the first few weeks of its release:

  • PowerWalk Companion - Blue
  • PowerWalk Companion - Gray
  • PowerWalk Companion - Green
  • PowerWalk Companion - Orange
  • PowerWalk Companion - Red
setting preferred back carrier sims 4

To change the baby carrier an infant will use when going for a walk, the player has to select the infant, enter the Toddler Care menu, and then choose the Select Preferred Back Carrier option.

The PowerWalk Companion is simply a different style for the carrier; it's not required to go on power walks with an infant.

The Sims 4 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S

MORE: The Sims 4: Growing Together Complete Guide