
  • Unreal Engine 5 offers a glimpse of what a Silent Hill 3 remake could look like, showcasing detailed visuals and immersive environments.
  • Fans eagerly await news on Bloober Team's Silent Hill 2 remake, but the lack of common elements in upcoming projects raises concerns.
  • While the unofficial recreation of Silent Hill 3 in Unreal Engine 5 is impressive, the official remake may not be as detailed due to optimization for consoles.

A fan's video has shown what a Silent Hill 3 remake could look like if it were made in Unreal Engine 5. The powerful game engine is available to the public, and is often used for both brand new projects as well as demonstrating what a game like Silent Hill 3 could look like in modern times.

Fans of Silent Hill are eagerly awaiting further news on Bloober Team's Silent Hill 2 remake. The title was revealed back in 2022, but doesn't have a release date at this time. Players are anxious to see if the experience can be recreated well, but the third title in the series is also an excellent candidate for the remake treatment. While it hasn't aged as badly as the original Silent Hill game, the title's in-engine cutscenes and controls leave something to be desired, especially for newer players. Whether Silent Hill 3 gets a remake probably depends upon how Silent Hill 2 remake performs, but in the meantime, fans can give players an idea of what it could be like.

Silent Hill's Next Games Being Drastically Different Could End Up Biting It

While Silent Hill has returned with several upcoming releases, the lack of common elements between these new projects is a bit concerning.

Such is the case with EverLifeZach, who shared a video on YouTube demonstrating how the Lakeside Amusement Park of Silent Hill 3 could look if it were remade in Unreal Engine 5. The video gives a close look at the entrance of the amusement park where protagonist Heather starts and ends the game. The detail and lighting in the video stand out, but the real highlight is when the demonstration shifts to the terrifying Otherworld. The grimy and visceral textures of the broken-down environment shine here, and give an idea of how disturbing it would be to trapped there with modern HD graphics.

As EverLifeZach explains in the video's description, the models seen here are made by the artist themselves in Blender, while the textures largely came from a repository. The models here are quite detailed, as the artist tried to push Unreal Engine 5 as far as they could. While the level isn't being made available for download, EverLifeZach notes that despite recreating a small area, the project size rose to about 100GB.

Will Silent Hill 2 Remake Look This Good?

The Silent Hill 2 remake it slated to use the Unreal Engine 5, as this project did. Very little has been shown from the game so far, so fans may be wondering if they can expect this level of detail in the official remake. While the game is likely to look impressive, it may not be quite as detailed as this player's recreation. While the Silent Hill 2 remake has an entire team working on it, the game will have to be optimized to function well on game consoles and PCs. Small areas like this video's Silent Hill 3 Lakeside Amusement Park entrance taking up 100GB won't be feasible.