The Silent Hill 2 remake won't have any new enemies in the upcoming revival of the series. This information was confirmed by the producer of the Silent Hill franchise, Motoi Okamoto. While there won't be any new enemies added by developer Bloober Team, the way enemies behave and interact with players will be changing.

When the Silent Hill 2 remake was revealed late last year and the first trailer was shown, the game seemed to be faithful to the original, choosing to preserve the original game's atmosphere and story. The camera will be changing to an over-the-shoulder perspective, and not many details have been revealed about the game's combat changes, but Konami and Bloober Team are seemingly emphasizing further with this announcement that any changes to Silent Hill 2 will be safe.

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In a new interview with IGN, Okamoto, along with Silent Hill 2 concept artist Masahiro Ito and composer Akira Yamaoka, sat down to discuss the game's conception, the faithfulness the game will try to maintain, as well as the decision to make the game for current-gen hardware only, and finally, the future of the Silent Hill franchise. While there was some new information revealed about the upcoming remake, a lot of the game is still shrouded in mystery. But one thing can now be certain: Bloober Team and Konami will be sticking very close to the original Silent Hill 2 when it comes to the enemies that protagonist James Sunderland will have to combat on his journey to find his thought-to-be-dead wife, Mary. In the interview, Okamoto once again expressed how faithful the remake of the game will be to the original, going on to say, "Bloober Team cares a lot about the original as well. They're not going to simply add new enemies."


Okamoto also stated that the team looked at the small details to make the combat more interesting than it was in the original. Ito also confirmed he was in charge of combat this time and made artistic changes that might change the way some enemies move or behave in a more modern control scheme with a new combat system. The Silent Hill 2 remake will also use DualSense features on the PS5 to make the remake immersive and still faithful to the original. Keeping the enemies the same in Silent Hill 2 remake is pivotal to the game's story and the characters, so this confirmation will likely please a lot of Silent Hill2 veterans.

The Silent Hill 2 remake has been in development since 2019, and the original game is widely regarded as one of the best survival horror games ever made. While new enemies could have been nice to push the game's new combat system, playing it safe with such important design elements seems to be the right decision.

The Silent Hill 2 remake is in development for PC and PS5.

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Source: IGN