There is a puzzle in the Incinerator room in Signalis, which is located on level B3, and it centers around the adjustment of a series of gas valves. While this puzzle is not particularly difficult to solve, it can be a bit confusing initially. For those players that are indeed unclear about how to approach the gas valve puzzle in Signalis's Incinerator room, this guide contains full details on its solution.

To note, players will need to open the Nurse Station wall safe in Signalis before they can access the Incinerator room. To perform this opening, fans must use both the SWORD document, which is found in the Waiting Room on B3, and the numbers that the radio outputs when it is tuned to the Sword frequency. While this is a slightly complicated process, fans will be rewarded with the Incinerator Room Key for getting through it.

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Signalis: Gas Valve Puzzle Solution

The first thing that players should do upon interacting with the gas valve puzzle in Signalis is pull the lever on its right side. This action will cause several rectangles in the top-left corner of the machine to illuminate, and fans should see one of the CO2 rectangles, one of the GAS rectangles, and one of the O2 rectangles light up.

These lights provide information about which directions the associated dials must be turned, and fans of survival horror video games should follow these instructions after the preliminary pull of the lever:

  • If a rectangle with an up arrow illuminates, turn the associated dial to the left.
  • If a rectangle with a down arrow illuminates, turn the associated dial to the right.
  • If no rectangle illuminates, do not move the associated dial.

Once these adjustments have been made, fans of indie horror should pull the lever and observe the lights once again. Players should then make another round of adjustments, using the same instructions, and continue to repeat this process until no CO2, GAS, or O2 rectangles light up. This lack of illumination indicates that the puzzle has been solved, and fans will then be free to collect the Fire Key from the incinerator.

signalis gas valve puzzle solution

To make sure that all of this is perfectly clear, here is an example of what a Signalis player might experience when engaging with the Gas Valve puzzle:

  • Player pulls lever. CO2 with up arrow illuminates. GAS with down arrow illuminate. O2 does not illuminate.
  • Player turns CO2 dial left. Player turns GAS dial right. Player does not move O2 dial.
  • Player pulls lever. CO2 with up arrow illuminates. GAS does not illuminate. O2 does not illuminate.
  • Player turns CO2 dial left. Player does not move GAS dial. Player does not move O2 dial.
  • Player pulls lever. No lights illuminate. Puzzle is solved.

Signalis is available for PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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