Today is the official release date for the digital editions of Sloclap's Sifu. Of course, players have already had the opportunity to get their hands on it a couple of days early as a pre-order bonus for Sifu's Digital Deluxe Edition.

For the duration of its early access, fans have shared their thoughts about the game. And one player has even managed to defeat all of Sifu's bosses without taking damage. But a vocal concern of many fans and early reviewers has been Sifu's intense difficulty. However, Sloclap has acknowledged this concern and taken action to assist players with some last-minute guidance.

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Yesterday, before Sifu's official launch, Sloclap Community Manager Felix Garczynski penned a PlayStation blog entry. The blog details several helpful hints and tips for Sifu in response to the level of difficulty players had ascribed to it in its early access. Sloclap notes that not every player may need to absorb these tips, but that anyone who has struggled thus far with Sifu can hopefully learn from some developer hints to move through it more smoothly.

Garczynski emphasizes that players should experiment with parries and dodges, and that practicing the timing for each is crucial to telegraphing Sifu's enemies. Garczynski states the importance of casual exploration, as it will help players find "access to very effective shortcuts" so that players will not have to return through an entire area once more to encounter a boss they may have died to. Speaking of boss fights, Garczynski says to "learn first" and not rush in, as well as to look for "windows of opportunity in their patterns" where it is best to strike.

Sifu discourages button mashing as a technique, and Garczynski reiterates how important it is to temper an aggressive play-style in these situations. As for groups and crowd control, Sloclap advises players not to "get surrounded by enemies" and instead to use "push backs and knock downs to thin the herd." One last tip given is to identify particular enemies to take down first, such as enemies who have "special health bars" in order to "reduce the threat level and take their weapons for yourself."

Sifu may be a difficult game, but it appears that patience and practice is the best remedy to each encounter if players find themselves having a tough time. Sifu's has no difficulty options available yet, and its challenging nature is therefore intentional. But the satisfaction and triumph players feel may be much more rewarding this way when they have mastered Sifu's combat mechanics.

Sifu is available now on PC, PS4, and PS5.

MORE: Sifu's Elegant Combat System Could Inspire Imitators

Source: PlayStation Blog