Sifu takes place in the modern-day. It can best be described as a kung fu, revenge-based movie. One day, a villain known as Yang comes upon the doorsteps of his old master, or sifu. Yang demands his sifu teach him a forbidden technique.

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The sifu refuses and dies, leaving his son or daughter (depending on the player's choice) behind to stop Yang. They can't do it in their current state, but they train hard for the day that they can one day fight Yang and his accomplices. Sifu is a tough game and players will need all the help they can get, so here are a few choice tips.

8 How Death Works

Fighting enemies in Sifu

There are no difficulty modes in the game at the start. There are also no assist options to make the game any easier. Before jumping into things, it’s good to know that Sifu is a brutal challenge. The only way through it is through real-world experience and practice.

When players die, they are resurrected on the spot at the cost of age. Players must finish the game within their lifetime, which usually clocks out in the 70s. There are move upgrades but no health or other permanent stat buffs. This may be a roguelike beyond the grasp of casual fans, but dedication and practice can make beating the game doable.

7 Pick One Move Per Run And Master It

The upgrade menu from Sifu

Players can use experience points to buy new martial arts moves on their runs. They can spend more to unlock these moves permanently. It’s a good idea to stick to one move, per run, to unlock it. Buying skills without the ability to fully unlock them can feel like a waste. It may take a lot of time to unlock every move in the game this way, but it is a good strategy mathematically. Some good ones to start with include Focus attacks like the leg sweep along with the normal sliding kick.

6 Learn Your Moves

The training mode in Sifu

From dodges to punches, there are a lot of combos for players to remember in Sifu. It can be intense. Since the only way through is with real-world experience, it’s a good idea to practice these moves at home.

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There is a dojo where players can fight digital opponents who stand by idly or who try to fight back. The stick adjustments can be especially hard to master with buttons. If something feels too off, the controller can also be adjusted in the menu. Again, practice makes perfect.

5 Shrine Upgrades To Focus On

The shrine menu from Sifu

Shrines can be found throughout each stage. There are three categories with three choices in each for a total of nine stat upgrades. Each category takes something away from the player including age, score, or experience.

Even though it might cause move upgrades to slow down, the Focus meter in the experience category should be purchased as soon as possible. From there, alternate between increasing health drains and stamina balances. Weapon upgrades could be useful, too, from more damage to better durability.

4 Stay In The Squats

Talking to enemies in Sifu

The Squats is the first area of the game. Players may be able to finish it on their first, second, or third try. It is an intense trial but it leans on the easier side of things.

Train in The Squats to learn new permanent moves and to practice learning the controls in a more intense environment. The second stage, The Club, kicks things up a notch. If players finish The Squats late in life, they’re going to die fast in The Club. Players should get out of The Squats once they can make it out alive in their late 20s, or early 30s at max.

3 Always Go For the Weapon Wielders First

Fighting enemies in Sifu

Weapons are the best friends of players. It might be obvious to say this in a game like Sifu but always try to find a weapon. Use these to take care of crowds without getting overwhelmed. The longer the reach, the better.

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Using weapons on bigger characters is also a good idea. In this same vein, players should always try to take out weapon-wielding enemies first. These brutes can do the most damage. Players can then take their weapons afterward.

2 Running Away And Lures

Sneaking around enemies in Sifu

If there are no weapons available, never fear, as there are other options for taking out large crowds of enemies. It is possible to lure enemies into corners where they can’t surround the player.

Hallways and doorways are two examples, while backing into walls is another. Wait for enemies to strike and then counter from the wall. Just pay attention to the sides due to sneaky enemies. Running away is also an option if things ever get too overwhelming. Running around and tiring bosses is also a great strategy.

1 Use Photo Mode To Check Out Your Situation

Fighting enemies in Sifu

Photo mode returns in Sifu which is a huge plus. The game may not have assist options, but this feature is always welcome. It’s a great way to capture intense fights. There is another use for photo mode other than to take cool screenshots, though. Players can use it to pause the game and survey an area.

Again, crowds of enemies can be overwhelming and it may be hard to think with twenty fists pummeling away at their character. By using photo mode, players can look around for possible exit strategies. They can even try to find weapons if they look carefully.

Sifu was released on February 8, 2022 and is available on PC, PS4, and PS5.

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