Shumi Come Home, a forthcoming narrative-based exploration game, will be making an appearance at Jirard "The Completionist" Khalil's IndieLand charity livestream to show off its eponymous mushroom protagonist, Shumi. The charity event is scheduled to start tomorrow and run until Sunday, November 13. The indie title, currently in development by Noah Lone, known online as SomeHumbleOnion, features light puzzle solving, platforming, real-world mycology, with an emphasis on charming, Adventure Time-esque writing.

Lone is a fan of The Completionist and is looking forward to give Shumi a chance to shine, but he is equally eager for the opportunity to introduce himself to his audience of cozy game fans. Game ZXC spoke with Lone about the inspirations and influences that shaped Shumi Come Home, and he also had a lot to share about trends in the cozy game market, including a key insight to the catalyst for the recent cozy game boom.

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Nintendo Switch: The Cozy Gamer's Platform

Shumi Come Home Character Lanterns

Most developers seem to believe that cozy and comfort games are a reflection of current affairs - the world has become a frightening place, so life sims, exploration-based titles, and combat free adventures have become more appealing. But Lone thinks the boom in cozy titles can be traced to a different source: the Nintendo Switch.

"Most of these cozy gamers are playing on the Switch. One of the biggest questions I get about my game is 'Oh, is it coming to Switch? Is it coming on the Switch?' because my target audience is cozy gamers, and their target platform, the majority of the time, is the Switch."

While breakout hits like Stardew Valley, A Short Hike, and Slime Rancher have helped spread cozy titles on PC, the influence of Nintendo's system should not be underestimated. Many current owners had their first experience as gamers with Animal Crossing: New Horizons, which became a social phenomenon as much as a game in the depths of the pandemic. The system's portability, indie developer-friendly specs, and comparatively affordable price point have helped introduce legions of new fans to the hobby, and that new market has brought new appetites about what games can and should be.

A Personal Connection with Indie Developers

Shumi Come Home Mycology Journal

One thing Lone appreciates about indie game development is the ability for creators to form a personal relationship with their audience. AAA game development often appears monolithic to consumers, and many developers experience a sense of anonymity among enormous teams. Despite the tremendous challenges of solo game development, and the rising development costs of indie titles, Lone believes the ability to personally connect with his audience is something to be treasured:

"[T]hat’s one thing I love about indie games. It’s a very personal connection between the player and the creator, and I am looking to establish that more with IndieLand."

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Solo-development necessitates a communicative feedback loop between creator and audience. Systems like Early Access releases and Discord forums have made one-to-one communication between devs and players a common, and often vital, part of independent development. In addition to building the game itself, indie developers must also act as community managers, creating a community and communicative ecosystem that will support their titles.

One could also make the argument that such communication is vital for cozy games specifically. Knowing who a creator is can help fans feel good about supporting them as individuals, especially in titles that are meant to act as feel-good experiences. To provide one example, ConcernedApe's candid discussions with fans in interviews and on Twitter helped foster a sense of community in Stardew Valley early on, and has led to tremendous anticipation for his forthcoming new title, Haunted Chocolatier.

A Blind Spot in AAA Development

Shumi Come Home Dark

This need for a personal connection may be the primary reason why AAA developers tend to focus on more traditional genres of games rather short-but-sweet, auteur experiences. That is not to say that AAA cozy games are unheard of: Animal Crossing: New Horizons helped foster the Switch's success, and recently dethroned Pokemon as Japan's top-selling game. But Lone is not worried about AAA developers staking claim of the genre any time soon.

While cozy gamers are a steadily-growing crowd, there is a much smaller audience for those experiences than more traditional genres of games. That said, Lone is not opposed to the idea of AAA developers moving into the genre, as he approaches the issue from a player's perspective. More AAA competition may make it harder for indies to get noticed, but more awesome experiences are good for everyone.

Shumi Come Home is launching for PC and Switch in 2023.

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