Though the Nintendo Switch already has plenty of triple-A titles under its list of playable games, many indie developers seem to have a preference of releasing their work on the portable console. One of these independent companies, namely Yacht Club Games, who is known for developing and publishing 2D side-scroll, platforming game Shovel Knight, recently announced that they are developing a new IP, which will be coming to the Switch and other platforms. The announcement came alongside the release of a trailer video of the upcoming action-adventure game title Mina the Hollower.

The Yacht Club Games development team seems to be keeping quite busy, as the company just released Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon for the Nintendo Switch last December 2021. Though it is likely that the devs will continue making more games and spin-off titles in the Shovel Knight universe, fans are likely relieved that the team is also working on something completely new. Though this is the first time that Yacht Club Games is sharing information about Mina the Hollower, interested players will likely have a lot to take in from the game's website and announcement trailer video.

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The announcement of Mina the Hollower was part of the 3rd official indie showcase presentation shared by Yacht Club Games on February 2, 2021. Alongside updates on Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon and Cyber Shadow, the team shared details of the new game, including the gothic themes of the story, compelling anthropomorphic characters, and fast-paced battles. According to the official site, Mina the Hollower will bring a modern twist to the 8-bit pixel aesthetic that was prolific in games during the GameBoy Advance era. What's more, the trailer video showcased action-packed gameplay that will have players going through challenging obstacles, difficult stages, and larger-than-life foes.

The announcement also indicated the launch of the game's Kickstarter campaign, where interested fans can help the devs fund the title's production while continuously getting updates on its progress. With Shovel Knight also mostly funded on Kickstarter, it is not surprising for Yacht Club Games to continue relying on the fundraising platform to gather support the community. As of writing, Mina the Hollower has already reached its original goal of $311,500 USD, with more than 5,500 backers and counting.

Given just how much detail Yacht Club Games has provided fans about Mina the Hollower, interest about the video game will definitely keep growing. What's more, the pixel visuals will likely bring out nostalgic feelings for gamers who adore the classic look of video games.

Mina the Hollower is currently in development for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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