Shovel Knight debuted on multiple platforms in 2014 to rave reviews but the franchise is having a bit of a resurgence this month thanks to the release of Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove on Nintendo Switch. Now, game director Sean Velasco has let it be known that he wouldn't mind seeing his favorite character show up in another Nintendo game somewhere down the line: Super Smash Bros.

"I think there is a .01% chance that Shovel Knight will appear in a Smash Bros. game," Velasco told Game ZXC in an interview earlier this week. "If he were in it, of course, he would be the best character, well, aside from Mega Man. No one beats the Blue Bomber, not even the Blue Burrower!"

.01 percent may not sound very promising, but hey, we'll take it. There was ample demand within the Smash Bros. community for Shovel Knight to make an appearance as a DLC character in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, but since that didn't happen, all we can do is look to the future.

On that count, fans received a bit of good news last week when Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime strongly suggested during a Facebook Live interview that Smash Bros. will be coming to the Switch. In the meantime, Shovel Knight fans can continue to enjoy one of the best launch games on Nintendo Switch.

Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove is arguably the second best title available to Switch owners right now, next to Zelda, of course. The game includes all previous Shovel Knight campaigns in one package and Switch owners even get some timed-exclusivity with the latest campaign, Specter of Torment. That addition, which features Specter Knight, will be released for free to other platforms starting sometime in April, according to the Yacht Games Q&A on the title.

Shovel Knight is available now on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS, PlayStation Vita, PC, OS X, Linux and Amazon Fire TV.