Shovel Knight, as a franchise, has had quite the journey. It started on Kickstarter in 2013. The game came out just a year later to great success. However, it took the developers, Yacht Club Games, seven years to put out the final DLC plans listed in their stretch goals. That was in 2019. Now, at long last, the first full-fledged sequel is out: Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon.

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It's more of a spinoff than the main game, but it does directly continue where the original left out. It's doing quite well in reviews like the original on the various aggregates out there. Is Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon that good, or are there hidden issues worth mentioning?

10 Best: A Good Blend Of Roguelikes And Puzzle Games

Playing a level in Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon

There has never been a roguelike or puzzle game quite like Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon. It blends both genres well while calling back to the original Shovel Knight as well. It’s one of the tougher roguelikes out there too so puzzle enthusiasts should be warned.

This is going to take a lot more skill than Tetris or something like that but it’s a good thing. There needs to be more challenging roguelike and puzzle games out there.

9 Worst: Movement Style

Playing a level in Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon

The movement in this game falls on a grid. It is reminiscent of another indie game, Cadence of Hyrule: Crypt of the NecroDancer Featuring The Legend of Zelda. That game also blended two genres. In that case, it was roguelikes and rhythm games.

Players needed to step to the beat and it seems like that’s what Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon was going for too. The accompanying music backs this idea. Unfortunately, it’s not designed like a rhythm game so the step-by-step movement just feels awkward instead.

8 Best: The Music

Playing a level in Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon

Even though the movement feels off, Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon has a killer soundtrack. There are new pieces in here but the best are still the classics from the series. They have been remade with a puzzle game in mind.

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The only downside to note with the music is that the default mix of the audio overall is off balance. The sound effects are turned up too high. To best enjoy the soundtrack, turn down sound effects to a minimum.

7 Worst: Very Short

The opening cutscene from Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon

The content in Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon is very solid. However, there’s not a lot of it. Players can finish the campaign in about thirty minutes if they are skilled enough or if they turn to assist options. There are daily challenges and multiplayer versus modes to broaden the appeal of the package further.

These extras may still not be enough to keep players around for more than a few days, or a week at most. That’s perfectly fine for some but other gamers may want more content in their puzzle and roguelike games.

6 Best: The Multiplayer

A Versus match from Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon

The versus mode may not keep all players around forever but it deserves to be highlighted. Players can go against a friend locally in a one-on-one match or they can fight against the computer. Every character unlocked can be played in this mode.

It’s a good way to practice with characters outside of the main campaign. Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon has a lot of characters too so it is best to try them all. It is impossible to know who will become a favorite.

5 Worst: The Upgrade System

The shop from Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon

One of the best things about roguelikes is progression. Getting further in a dungeon thanks to permanent upgrades and actual player skill is a feeling unmatched in gaming. Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon has no permanent upgrade system.

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The game’s currency is gems, which can be used at camp to buy items that will then appear randomly in the campaign. If they are purchased in the campaign, these items are only temporary. This is another thing that goes against the game’s staying power.

4 Best: Boss Battles

Fighting a boss battle in Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon

Shovel Knight had some amazing boss battles for an indie game. They were all varied from each other and challenging. However, it was never impossible to beat them. That philosophy seems to have boiled over from the original into this spinoff.

The arenas are much smaller which makes them more difficult. It doesn’t make them any less fun though. From classics like Plague Knight to new additions like Prism Knight, Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon will keep players on their toes.

3 Worst: How You Unlock Characters

Fighting a boss battle in Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon

There are two ways to unlock characters in Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon. First, players must beat the campaign. That’s the only way to unlock the newer characters like the aforementioned Prism Knight. Most of the rest can be obtained in boss stages. Some need to be gained through shrines.

The boss levels are rotating so it’s never known what players are going to get until enemies appear. It shouldn't take more than a few playthroughs to get them all. However, roguelikes are based on luck so it may take longer. This system isn’t terrible but it isn’t perfect either.

2 Best: The Art Style

Confronting a Shrinemaster in Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon

Shovel Knight paid homage to the NES era with its gameplay style and 8-Bit graphics. Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon is a step up and looks more like a 16-Bit game or at least something close to the SNES. The sprites look great as do the colors.

This may not be the sequel fans were looking forward to in terms of gameplay, but graphically this should wow the fans. They also have Shovel Knight Dig to look forward to which looks like it has the same art style as this game.

1 Best: The Assist Options

Playing a level in Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon

Assist options exploded in 2021. There were more high-profile and indie games that included them than ever before. Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon is a tough game but it thankfully has these special features to become more forgiving.

Players can choose to play the game with stocked lives. This means if they die in battle, they will respawn without triggering a Game Over screen. HP and attack damage can be adjusted as well. The wealth of options in this game is incredible and might be one of the best examples from 2021.

Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon was released on December 13, 2021, and is available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch.

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