
  • Yacht Club Games unveils a new Shovel Knight project, promising groundbreaking gameplay and a bold adventure for fans.
  • Fans speculate on the new release, with hints from logo changes suggesting a possible 3D direction for the game.
  • Shovel Knight Dig and Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon receive new DLC, and sales are announced on various platforms.

Yacht Club Games has announced a brand-new project in the Shovel Knight franchise. Fans have long-anticipated a new mainline Shovel Knight game. There have been various DLC expansions to the game, and even new spin-off titles, such as Shovel Knight Dig. However, fans of Yacht Club Games have been wondering what's next for the company and hoping for a release that further iterates on the Shovel Knight formula.

In the meantime, Yacht Club Games has been busy at work. Shovel Knight Dig expanded on the lore of the series and allowed players to see the action hero in a different visual style. The upcoming release Mina the Hollower signals that the company intends to continue making games that utilize retro esthetics similarly to Shovel Knight while providing a new character, story, and style of gameplay.

Shovel Knight Dig: How Long to Beat

While it is possible to beat Shovel Knight Dig fairly quickly, there are several ways that players can extend their time with the game.

Yacht Club Games has officially announced work on a new Shovel Knight project. It was emphasized during the June 14 Yacht Club Games Presents that this release will not be a sequel, rather, a step in a different direction for the Shovel Knight franchise. This has led to a resulting wave of speculation and excitement on social media. The indie developer promises its fans that the new release will offer "groundbreaking, innovative gameplay," and be a "bold new adventure." Attentive fans have been pointing to the change in the company's logo as the biggest hint for what may come next.

Yacht Club Games Announces New Shovel Knight Project

Yacht Club Games has set somewhat of a precedent when it comes to logo changes. When playing Shovel Knight, gamers are treated to a pixelated version of the company logo. Usually the Yacht Club Games logo appears in a flat 2d design, and the company has changed its logo on April Fools to a smiling version of their yacht. During the Yacht Club Games Presents, a redesign of the logo was shown off and given a 360-degree view. The Yacht Club Games logo having characteristics of polygons in classic 3D games has led Shovel Knight fans to predict that the game will be a 3D release in the same vein as Mario 64, which would make sense, considering the respect and homage that the Shovel Knight series often pays to the legacy of gaming.

In addition, Yacht Club games has made plenty of other announcements. Shovel Knight Dig and Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon are both receiving new DLC, along with sales that will take place from June 17-27 on Steam and June 14-27 on Switch. A PlayStation sale is to be announced at a later date. Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope will have sales from June 14-27 on Switch, Humble, and GOG, and June 17-27 on Steam, with PlayStation and Xbox sales coming later. An enhanced version of this release called Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope DX has also been announced.