
  • Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance adds virtual training in Tokyo's Diet Building for challenges and rewards.
  • Virtual Training Battles offer Macca, EXP, and item usage without consuming player stock.
  • Iconic boss fights from the original SMT5 story return in virtual training battles.

Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance adds a number of new features to enhance the original's gameplay and plot, with its virtual training being especially noteworthy. Situated in Da'at's Minato ward, the virtual training options become available in Tokyo's Diet Building, where Bethel's researchers convene to gather data and offer the Nahobino certain quests. While backtracking to Minato can become an afterthought for players progressing through Vengeance's new plot, experiencing all that the virtual training has to offer can provide both challenge and accessibility, becoming an especially useful tool for the endgame grind.

Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance's virtual training acts as one might expect, allowing the Nahobino to test his strength against previous boss incarnations. These battles can be chosen in "Original" or "Challenge" modes, with the former keeping its enemies at the levels from which they were first introduced, while the latter sets them to level 100. Challenge mode doesn't stop there, however, as victory can result in the player raising the enemies' levels by increments of one-hundred, all the way up to a cap of 999. Beyond these modes are the options for "Normal" or "Consecutive" battles, letting the player engage in fun boss rushes that correspond with Da'at's regions and rivals.

Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance - Best Early Game Demons In Canon Of Vengeance

When starting your journey in Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance, be sure to add at least a few of these demons to your teams.

Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance's Virtual Training Offers Both Challenge and Reward

Virtual Training Battles Can Be a Great Way to Earn Macca and EXP

Vengeance's virtual training options can be quite valuable to complete, offering both Macca and experience that are helpful towards tackling the endgame's superbosses. This is enhanced through its consecutive battles, as boss rushes give the Nahobino access to a full inventory separate from their own, allowing for use of valuables like Somas and Chakra Pots without having to worry about consuming through the player's own stock. Endgame boss rushes like the Empyrean battles can net the player 63,000 Macca upon completion, making them an accessible way to gather money for expensive compendium summons/demon fusions.

Because healing at Vengeance's leyline founts can cost quite a bit of money depending on how much health and SP needs to be recovered, engaging in the virtual training's consecutive battles simply to use up Somas and other items can also be a way to circumvent the additional cost. With that said, there is a caveat to tackling the virtual training bosses, as defeat will result in a game over. There are plenty of battles to try out that are each worthy of the player's time, including a great nod to some boss fights from the original story that aren't present in the Canon of Vengeance storyline.

Bringing Back Iconic Boss Fights From the Original SMT5 Storyline

As Vengeance's plot substitutes the original's Chiyoda ward with the new location of Shinjuku, there are a few boss battles that don't make the transition. The Army of Chaos virtual training battles, however, allow the player to revisit these fights, giving iconic demons like Ishtar another chance to shine. Beyond Macca and experience points, completing the virtual training's boss rushes for the first time will net the player some Balms used to increase the Nahobino's stats, as well as some unique dialogue with Tsukuyomi that gives greater context to his feelings during the latter half of the game, making the Tiamat boss fight hit even harder.

Interacting With Other Bethel Researchers

Besides the virtual training options, the requests from Bethel's other researchers shouldn't be missed, as they are key in gathering the original's DLC demons, now available in Vengeance's base game. Artemis, Cleopatra, and Mephisto all make for great allies both in Da'at's overworld and the virtual training battles, as do some of the essences gathered from completing the researchers' requests. Tsukuyomi's essences, enabling the Nahobino to use unique moves like the multi-hit spell Paraselene Blur, can be accessed through this dialogue, so players shouldn't miss out on returning to the Tokyo Diet Building during the later stages of the game.