
  • Building a balanced team in Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance is crucial for overcoming powerful bosses like Hydra with specific weaknesses.
  • Key demons like Angel, Leanan Sidhe, and Azumi offer valuable support and elemental strengths to handle early-game challenges effectively.
  • Utilizing characters like Yoko Hiromine and Nahobino with essences can provide strategic advantages in combat scenarios in Minato Ward.

Having a balanced team in Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance is crucial for progressing through the story without struggling against bosses, who often possess powerful attacks capable of easily decimating any group of demons.

Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance - Canon Of Creation Or Canon Of Vengeance

Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance gives players the choice of playing through the Canon Of Creation or Canon Of Vengeance, which should you choose?

In the Minato Ward region, the first in the game, selecting demons can be more challenging. As it is the Early Game, it is essential to filter the best options to join the team. There are various useful demons that can fit into Nahobino's team and handle challenges with relative ease during the initial hours of gameplay.


The First Major Support Of The Team

Angel in Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance-1
  • Base level: 10

Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance features a vast list of good healers throughout the game, and one of the first that players can fuse is Angel. Angel possesses the Humble Blessing ability, capable of healing all party members, and also has access to other spells to keep everyone on their feet.

However, during the first major boss fight against Hydra, Angel may struggle due to its weakness to Dark attacks. Therefore, players who wish to keep Angel alive during this battle should bring some dark dampeners.

Leanan Sidhe

Resists Dark Attacks And Has Media

Leanan Sidhe in Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance-1
  • Base level: 17

Another support that players may want in their team during the Minato Ward region is Leanan Sidhe. This demon from Irish mythology can be obtained through fusion or by allying with her during the confrontation against Apsaras.

Besides having access to Media, which heals more HP for the party than Angel's Humble Blessing, Leanan Sidhe is immune to Hydra's Dark attacks, making her a difficult target to take down.


Ice Spells Aid In The Beginning

Azumi in Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance-1
  • Base level: 11

Hydra's main weakness is ice attacks, so having group members with this skill is important when facing her. Fortunately, not far from the boss battle location, players can recruit Azumi.

Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance - Da'at and the Nahobino Have Deep Theological Roots

The philosophical and spiritual significance behind Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance's various naming conventions is no coincidence.

This demon can exploit Hydra's weakness with Bufu+2 and does not have disadvantages against any of Hydra's attacks, making it a robust option throughout the fight.

  • Another option: Mermaid, more attack power but weak to fire.


Essential For A Boss In Canon Of Vengeance

Apsaras in Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance-1
  • Base level: 16

Naamah is a boss added to the game and one of the first significant changes that players will notice if they follow the Canon of Vengeance in Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance. Due to her skills, the fight can be complicated.

She has charm skills that affect the entire group, making Apsaras, who is immune to this type of magic, a crucial part of the battle. Apsaras also has Patra, which cures ailments like charm, helping allies affected during the fight.


Excellent Buffs And Debuffs

Obariyon in Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance
  • Base level: 12

Obariyon is a versatile support for teams in Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance. It has various abilities that can increase the team's chances of evading attacks and reduce the accuracy of adversaries. It is immune to Dark attacks, which helps against Hydra and Naamah.

Additionally, Obariyon can aid the team more offensively, having +3 in physical attacks and the skill Bouncing Claw, which hits an enemy 1 to 3 times per round. Against Naamah, who is weak to this type of attack, Obariyon becomes even more powerful.

  • Another option: Neko Shogun offers other usefull buffs.


Physical Attacker For Combats

Zhen in Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance
  • Base level: 14

Unlike Ippon-Datara and Bicorn, Zhen does not deal significant damage in a single attack but has Needle Spray, which causes less damage but hits multiple times. The trick with Zhen is to enter the battle against enemies like Naamah with the Magatsuhi Gauge at maximum and activate Omagatoki: Critical on the first turn.

Thus, Zhen's attacks will exploit the enemy's weakness and be enhanced by the critical hit, making the damage even more devastating.

  • Another option: Ippon-Datara and Bicorn.


Support For The Second Part Of Minato Ward

Shiisaa in Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance
  • Base level: 19

For the second part of Minato Ward, where enemies are tougher, and battles against Eligor and Nuwa occur, players may consider using Shiisaa as a fixed party member. It has access to electric skills and resistance to force attacks, both highly valued characteristics in th game.

Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance - What Is Skill Potential

Skill Potential refers to the plus or minus sign next to skills in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance; here's what they mean.

Shiisaa also has Sukunda+2, which reduces the accuracy and evasion of enemies, allowing players to adapt it as a support to reduce enemy power when necessary.

  • Another option: Take-Minakata


Fire Attacker Against Nuwa

Jack-o'-Lantern in Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance
  • Base level: 20

The battle against Nuwa can be complicated without the right pieces, and Jack-o'-Lantern is essential for this fight. With an impressive +5 bonus in fire skills, he also uses Jack Agilao, which not only causes elemental damage but also reduces the opponent's attack.

Jack-o'-Lantern can later be used to fuse Alice during the mid-game. Players who want another fire-damage companion against Nuwa can include Aitvaras in the party, which is also very useful.

  • Another option: Aitvaras.

Yoko Hiromine

Guest Character Who Can Use Items

Toko Hiromine in Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance

Yoko Hiromine can join the team early on during the main quest "The Lay of the Land." She has many utilities, such as attacks that exploit enemy weaknesses and high attributes. However, as a story character, she joins and leaves as the narrative progresses.

Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance - How To Beat Glasya-Labolas

Glasya-Labolas is a new boss in the SMTV world, introduced in Vengeance. Here's how to defeat this demon.

In Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance, only humans can handle items, so having characters like Yoko Hiromine in the party is crucial for accessing the inventory while Nahobino can be used for other tasks.


Adapt With Essences

Nahobino in Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance

As the main character, Nahobino will always occupy one of the four available party slots in Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance. Therefore, players need to use essences to change its affinities or learn new skills to better adapt to the combats in Minato Ward.

For example, against Hydra, it is important to have ice attacks. When facing Naamah, players can use Apsaras's essence to gain immunity to charm skills. For Nuwa, it is advisable to seek Sudama's essence, which is immune to force attacks.

Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Tag Page Cover Art
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance

June 14, 2024