Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance brings a lot of new content for players who choose to play the Canon of Vengeance. Along with the new story are new major antagonists known as the Qadistu.

Even early on before the different canons branch off in different directions, the Qadistu will begin to show up as new boss battles for the player. While searching for the kidnapped students after the boss fight with Lahmu, players will find Eisheth.

Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance - What Is Skill Potential

Skill Potential refers to the plus or minus sign next to skills in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance; here's what they mean.

Preparing For Eisheth In Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance

Using your navigator, search points of interest and make sure you have at least one Phys Dampener, or two if you want to play it safe. Eisheth has just about all physical attacks, and they all pack quite the punch. Bring any demons that resist physical if possible, but prioritize bringing some that have powerful force spells, such as Fend Huang.

Players should also fuse the Nahobino with either the Shiki-Ouji or Nozuchi essence, as both of these repel physical attacks. Should players not use Yoko in this fight, be sure to bring a demon that knows Tarunda.

Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance - How To Respec

One of the major changes in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance from the base game is the ability to respec the Nahobino; here's how to do it.

How To Beat Eisheth In Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance




  • Force
  • Fire
  • Dark
  • Sleep
  • Mirage
  • Poison
  • Confusion
  • Charm
  • Seal

Your first turn against Eisheth should focus on lowering her attack and buffing the party's defense. Have at least one demon use a force spell to get an additional Press Turn Icon and have the Nahobino use a Phys Dampener before Eisheth gets to attack for the first time. As just about all of her attacks are Physical, this will almost guarantee she hits the repel and instantly ends her turn. This gives the player at least two turns to fully lower her attack and accuracy if possible, along with buffing the party's defense, which is done best with Tao.

Eisheth's biggest threat is Voracious Salvation, which deals heavy damage to any target. With her high strength and the base damage of this stat, it has the potential of one-shotting the Nahobino depending on his build. Eisheth also has access to Toxic Cloud, and getting hit with Voracious Salvation when poisoned greatly increases the amount of damage done.

Eisheth will also often use Axel Claw, which will hit your whole party. Madness Needle and Pierce Armor will be sued less often and have a chance of causing confusion or will lower your defense, respectively. Your goal should be to have a Force spell on every party member and capitalize on extra Press Turn Icons. Overall Eisheth doesn't have much health and is more considered to be a glass canon. With that, it's important to keep her attack fully debuffed and the party's defense fully buffed, otherwise, she will make short work of your party.

Players need to bring a powerful support demon such as Principality that knows Media to heal your entire party. Players should also bring status healing items or have their support demon know Patra to cure any potential status effects before Voracious Salvation can be used as a follow-up.

Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Tag Page Cover Art
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance

June 14, 2024
Atlus , SEGA