The Nahobino is the protagonist in Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance and is the most versatile character in the game. Every time the Nahobino levels up, they will get a few skill points in some set stats, but will also get one skill point to put in whichever stat the player wants. The Nahobino will also get three stat points from Aogami whenever they talk in the Demon Haunt in Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance.

The Nahobino is a completely blank slate and can be built to fit whatever role the player wants. Through essences, he can learn just about any move in the game, and his ending stats will heavily focus on whatever the player wants. While there is no wrong way to build him, there are ways to utilize his points which are much more efficient.

Best Stats To Level Up In Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance


Improves the damage of physical-based attacks.


Improves the damage of magic-based attacks.


Reduces damage taken by an enemy.


Increases the chances of evading attacks and landing attacks.


Increases the chances of landing ailments, and critical hits.

There are two ideal builds for players to choose from that they will need to start focusing on upgrading right away: Strength or Magic. Just about all the points earned for the Nahobino should go in one of these two stats. Occasionally, it is worthwhile to upgrade your Vitality at about a three or four-to-one ratio, but either Strength or Magic should be the majority of stats.

Players should pick one or the other and will need to stick to it, as trying to upgrade both will cause them both to lag behind, and keep the Nahobino from achieving his full potential. The Nahobino's stats can go well beyond 100, but this will require a heavy focus on only one stat with a bit of Vitality.

Is Strength Or Magic Better In Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance

Both builds are very usable, with magic builds dominating the early game, and strength builds dominating the late game. Strength builds can also be a bit more complex as getting the most damage out of these attacks will require a heavier focus on buffs, debuffs, and charges. The Nahobino does have access to a lot of unique physical moves such as Aramasa, which will output higher damage than the magic equivalents.

The benefit of a magic build is the ability to target enemies' weaknesses. Strength builds are a bit more one-note and can only hit one type of weakness. Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance does bring a few new late-game spells to make this build much stronger later on, but ultimately Strength still wins out toward the end.

Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Tag Page Cover Art
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance

June 14, 2024
Atlus , SEGA