Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance gives players the choice of playing through a new story in the Canon of Vengeance. While the beginning of the game plays out mostly the same, new characters and events will quickly set the Nahobino on a new path.

One of these new events that happens early on is the first encounter with Naamah. Hot on the heels of the Hydra fight, this boss can pose quite a challenge for those unprepared and without a way to handle status ailments.

Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance - How To Defeat Mitamas

Mitmas are a unique type of demon in Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance that doesn't have a universal weakness to rely on; here's how to defeat them.

How To Defeat Naamah In Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance



  • Physical
  • Fire
  • Ice
  • Electric
  • Force
  • Dark
  • Sleep
  • Mirage
  • Poison
  • Confusion
  • Charm
  • Seal

Right off the bat, it will be difficult to damage Naamah for many demons, as the only damage she takes will be from Physical or Light attacks. A magic-focused party is off the board, but a physical-heavy party will excel. Those pursuing a Strength build for the Nahobino will find great success with the Aramasa ability, and with it, he should be the main damage dealer. Despite this being new Vengeance content, Yoko should quickly leave change out of the battle after doing some initial debuffing.

It is highly recommended that Legion be in your party, and the Nahobino resists Dark. Naamah will often use Dark magic that hits your whole party, and Legion will block his portion of the attack and use up her second Press Turn icon to end her turn. Players should also have at least one demon on Patra, and items that cure status ailments, specifically charm.

In the battle itself, Naamah's biggest threat is Capitulate to Pleasure and her Dark magic. As long as none of your demons are weak to dark, these spells will only hurt a lot and not cause a potential insta-kill. Capitulate to Pleasure has a high chance of charming each member of your party, and should be cured as quickly as possible when it happens.

As Naamah is weak to physical attacks, every demon in your party will be able to hit her weakness. Each turn, have every member of your party hit her with a physical attack, even if it is just a basic attack. These first four attacks will essentially be free damage as every party member will be able to act again with the additional Press Turn icons. Focus on debuffing Naamah with Rakunda and Tarunda, keeping a double stack of both debuffs active at all times.

With the best early-game miracles in Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance, all these physical attacks will quickly charge up your magatsuhi bar to use your strongest attacks to bring Naamah down.

Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Tag Page Cover Art
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance

June 14, 2024
Atlus , SEGA