Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance rewards players heavily through exploration, with one bonus being finding and completing subquests. While some of these subquests are short and to the point, others include secret boss fights, rare item rewards, and additional fusion options.

After arriving in the Fairy Village and completing the Save The Students quest, players will find Idun's Golden Applies, which will then unlock the subquest A Goddess Stolen. This subquest will have players fighting Loki, and later being offered the chance to eat a Golden Apple and potentially gain immortality.

Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance - Best Nahobino Stats To Upgrade

The Nahobino is by far the strongest character players can use in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance; here's the best build for him.

Beginning A Goddess Stolen In SMTV: Vengeance

A Goddess Stolen is started by finding and talking to the Jack Frost just a bit to the south of the Fairy Village. This quest will still be available to players after the devastating events to the village in the Canon of Vengeance. The location Idun is taken to is just above Jack Frost but will require players to travel north to climb the mountain to get above the road leading to the icon on the map. In the cave on the far side of the highway will be Loki who has imprisoned Idun, and choosing either dialogue option will begin a battle with the demon.

How To Beat Loki In SMTV: Vengeance




  • Poison
  • Light
  • Force
  • Dark
  • Sleep
  • Mirage
  • Seal
  • Confuse
  • Charm
  • Ice

Loki is a level 36 demon with a very high magic stat. He has access to Agilao, Zionga, Zanma, and Mabufula, all of which deal incredible amounts of damage to those around the same level as him. Due to his elemental range, players should focus on blocking or absorbing ice with either an essence on the Nahobino or a demon such as Anahita. All of his spells target only a single enemy except Mabufula, making this spell the best to try and take advantage of to end his turn early.

Tao is an excellent party member for this fight as Marakukaja is great for buffing the entire party's defense to counter whoever will get hit with the powerful single-target spells, and her Light spell can target his weakness. Despite his high damage output, Loki doesn't have very high health, and as long as you have a good defense, he should go down fairly easily.

Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance - What Is Skill Potential

Skill Potential refers to the plus or minus sign next to skills in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance; here's what they mean.

Should You Eat The Apple In SMTV: Vengeance

The Player Deciding To Eat The Apple Or Not

After players defeat Loki, he will tempt the Nahobino with taking a bite of the Golden Apple as it will gift a human with immortality. While given the choice to eat it or not, this decision doesn't have any lasting effects beyond Idun's reaction, which isn't very strong either way. Being half demon means the apple does not affect the Nahobino. After returning to Jack Frost to complete the quest, players will be rewarded with two Small Glory Crystals and the ability to fuse Idun, a level 42 demon.

Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Tag Page Cover Art
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance

June 14, 2024
Atlus , SEGA