Shin Megami Tensei 5 introduced a number of new demons who served as both capable foes and friends across the Nahobino's journey. Their gripping designs and unique skillsets might make it a good idea for Persona 6 to keep a few open spots in the Velvet Room's compendium.

There are the SMT and Persona regulars who have stuck around through thick and thin, like the beloved mascot character Jack Frost, a deceivingly adorable demon with a penchant for freezing its foes, or the iconic Pixie who has served as a charming, capable starting ally across the series' titles. But much like Pokemon, the compendiums of SMT and Persona games have to reckon with a culling of sorts; with a growing number of demon designs, not all can proceed into every new iteration. Luckily, Shin Megami Tensei 5 introduced a few new demon designs in its 2021 release who could be incredibly viable, both as enemies and allies, in the next mainline Persona. With gorgeous animations, compelling designs, and interesting skills, these four demons deserve the chance to stick around.

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The SMT5 Demons Worthy of Another Compendium

Shin Megami Tensei 5 Cover

The Manananggal is a mid-level demon who takes inspiration from the cryptid lore of the Philippines; its appearance in SMT5 depicts it as a half-beautiful, half grotesque creature whose severed body is connected only by its intact vertebrae. The Manananggal's signature move, Sanguine Drain, pays homage to the demon's vampiric mythological influence. Sanguine Drain proves to be an incredibly useful Almighty attack, draining the enemy's HP and lowering their attack for the following three turns. If one of Persona 6's dungeons ends up featuring a darker, almost horror-like aesthetic, then this demon would fit right in.

The demon Idun differs vastly from Manananggal in its design and moveset. Adorned with white and red Nordic style clothing and a basket of golden apples, this demon specializes in healing. Though Idun offers offensive capabilities in Hama and Zan attacks, it is most recognized for its powerful support spell Golden Apple, which raises all stats of the party for the following three turns and boasts HP recovery. As the perfect ally capable of getting the team through a pinch, this demon could prove very useful as a late-game Persona 6 fusion.

Hayataro and Fionn Mac Cumhail are both outliers in that they only become available to the player through certain story beats. Hayataro is a wolf-like demon who serves as the partner of supporting character Yuzuru Atsuta. Depending on the story route the player chooses, Hayataro becomes available as an ally to the party, though it is given only as a level 40 demon during the endgame, which means it isn't particularly viable unless players plan on grinding levels or using it in a New Game Plus SMT run.

With that said, Hayataro's appearance in the next Persona game could be the perfect place for it to shine. With an emphasis on its physical capabilities, Hayataro features three unique skills, including a heavy-hitting physical attack called Carnage Fang, an HP and status recovery spell called Sun's Radiance, and lastly, a spell called Witness Me which draws enemy aggro while boosting the demon's already high Agility stat. Coupled with Enduring Soul, Hayataro could be the perfect Persona to draw enemy fire away from other Persona party members.

Fionn Mac Cumhail is a Celtic-inspired demon whose golden, braided hair and silver sword makes it worthy of standing alongside other powerful warriors like Cu Chulainn and Yoshitsune, though its versatility in Agi, Bufu, and physical spells helps to further solidify its importance. While its signature move, Mac an Luin, might not be as strong as Yoshitsune's Hassou Tobi, it still deals severe damage to an enemy that can be devastating if amplified through a critical hit. On top of its flexible moveset, Fionn Mac Cumhail offers resistances to several damage types, which would make it a great ally for future Persona 6 boss fights in particular.

Shin Megami Tensei 5 is available now for Nintendo Switch.

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