In Shin Megami Tensei 5, the latest main entry in Atlus' Shin Megami Tensei series, players take on the role of the Nahobino, a human fused with a demon. As they venture through the game, they will end up doing battle with a great many other demons in their journeys throughout the Netherworld known as "Daat." They can add demons to their team, and must battle various foes.

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While Shin Megami Tensei 5 has no shortage of foes, some are encountered quite often throughout the game, while others are far rarer. For players hoping to identify and locate the rarest enemies in the game, read on for some key information.

10 Ara Mitama


The Ara Mitama, along with the other Mitama, has appeared in many games throughout the Megami Tensei franchise. They drop a particularly valuable item when defeated in Shin Megami Tensei 5, known as a Grimoire. Grimoires can fill a demon's EXP bar when used, causing them to level up immediately the next time a fight is won. Grimoires can only be used on a demon whose level is lower than the Nahobino's level.

Like other Mitama, Ara Mitama can appear randomly in a group of enemy demons. They can occasionally be found on their own in out-of-the-way spots around the map, and can be encountered when investigating a point of interest indicated by a navigator demon. Ara Mitama change their weakness and immunities every time they are encountered. This means that players will need to make use of the Spyglass item to identify their weakness, and ideally use elemental damage items to eliminate them quickly.

9 Nigi Mitama


Much like Ara Mitama, the Nigi Mitama is a rare demon that drops a valuable rare item when defeated in battle, and changes its weakness and immunities every time it is encountered. It also escapes after a few turns, so use the spyglass strategy mentioned above.

Nigi Mitama drop Glory Crystals, which can be used to gain additional glory for purchasing miracles in the World of Shadows. They will always drop small Glory Crystals, which grant 10 glory when used, but after reaching Chiyoda they can also drop large Glory Crystals, which grant 100 glory.

8 Saki Mitama

Shin Megami Tensei 5_Nigi Mitama

Saki Mitama is the third kind of Mitama demon that can be found in Shin Megami Tensei 5. Like the others, they have a valuable item that they drop when defeated in battle. They also shift their weaknesses, so use the spyglass strategy to defeat them.

Saki Mitama drop high-end relics, which Gustave will purchase at a high price. This makes tracking them down a very profitable activity. The relics Saki Mitama drop will change depending on the area they are found in, and will always be the appropriate rare relic for that area.

7 Kusi Mitama

SMT5 A Kusi Mitama as it appears in battle

Kusi Mitama is the fourth and final variety of Mitama demon that can be found in Shin Megami Tensei 5, and has a valuable item it drops when defeated in battle. Once again, use the spyglass strategy to beat them.

Kusi Mitama drop Gospels, a consumable item that fills the Nahobino's experience bar when used. This makes them a highly useful way of leveling up the Nahobino quickly, and it's worth the player's time to hunt down this rare enemy.

6 Xuanwu


The Four Ssu Ling are a group of demons that can only be fought once in a single playthrough of SMT V. They can be found throughout the first area, Minato, after speaking with Huang Long atop the mountain to the east of Tokyo Tower. They must be defeated to complete the quest "The Gold Dragon's Arrival" and receive the Dragon Talisman.

The first of the four is the turtle Xuanwu, who can be found in West Shinbashi beneath the underpass in the eastern part of the area. Xuanwu is level 23 and immune to ice damage, but has a weakness to fire that should be exploited in order to defeat it. This demon mainly makes use of Ice attacks and defensive buff skills. It drops Xuanwu Essence when defeated, allowing the player to teach its skills to any member of the party.

5 Baihu


The second member of the Ssu Ling is the tiger Baihu, who can be found at the southern end of Nagatacho behind a gate-like rock formation. Baihu will charge the player when they approach, and will attempt to get them to part with their money in exchange for letting them go.

Baihu is level 43 and immune to electrical damage, but has a weakness to force damage that players can exploit. Baihu focuses on physical and electrical skills. Bringing demons that resist or null electricity and physical attacks will greatly improve the party's survivability. Baihu drops Baihu Essence when defeated, allowing the player to teach Baihu's skills to members of the party.

4 Zhueque


The third member of the Ssu Ling is the Vermillion Bird Zhuque, who can be found in the upper area of Shiba, which can be reached by traveling south from Tokyo Tower. Zhuque is level 43 and immune to fire damage, but has a weakness to ice that players should exploit when facing it. Zhuque has a variety of status and debuff skills to supplement its fire skills. It will also purge any debuffs placed on itself by using "Dekunda."

Zhueque drops Zhueque Essence when defeated. Like the other Essences mentioned above, the player can use it to teach Zhueque's skills to any party member.

3 Qing Long

SMT5_Qing Long

The fourth member of the Ssu Ling is the dragon Qing Long, who can be found patrolling on the eastern side of Hamamatsucho. Qing Long is the strongest of the Ssu Ling at level 45, and poses quite a challenge.

Qing Long immune to Force damage and resistant to Ice damage, but weak to Electrical damage. It can deal ice and force damage. Qing Long drops Qing Long Essence, allowing the player to teach Qing Long's skills to any member of the party.

2 Michael


Divine Michael can only be fought by making a specific decision during a side quest at the end of the game. Players must first find Melchizedek in Honjo and accept their quest. After completing it, Melchizedek will take the ring and leave to free Michael. Players can then find Melchizedek again in the Empyrean, where they will also find Michael in the Temple of Eternity. Michael asks the player to kill Belial, beginning a quest. Upon meeting Belial, players should side with them to get a quest to fight Michael.

Michael is level 90 with immunity to fire, ice, and light damage. His weakness is Force damage, and he uses a wide range of damaging physical and magic skills. Most notably, Michael uses "Trisagion" to deal heavy fire damage to a single foe, ignoring affinity resistance. Players should avoid bringing any demon with weakness to Light, as Michael to powerful light elemental attacks. Nothing is totally safe, however, as he can also deal severe Almighty damage to all foes. His Magatsuhi skill "Shield of God" allows him to drastically reduce the damage he takes for one turn.

Defeating Michael and turning in the quest grants the player the ability to fuse Belial, who will also automatically join the party once the quest is completed. If players want Michael on their team, check the next entry.

1 Belial


Tyrant Belial is equal to Michael in his rarity as an opponent, since Belial can only be fought by making a specific decision during an endgame side quest. Players must find Nebiros after reaching the Empyrean, in order to be directed to Arioch's Castle where Belial is. Accepting Belial's quest to kill Michael, and then choosing to side with Michael instead, will trigger the fight.

Belial is a level 92 foe with Immunity to Fire, Force, and Dark attacks, but a weakness to Ice. Belial uses the deadly physical attack "Hell Thrust," which deals severe physical damage to a single foe that ignores resistances. He can strike single targets or the entire party with severe dark damage. He also has the "Omagatoki: Savage" Magatsuhi skill allows him to double the damage and MP cost of all his skills for a turn.

Shin Megami Tensei 5 is available now on Nintendo Switch.

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