As the protagonist progresses through Da'at, the first dungeon in Shin Megami Tensei 5, they will come across a passive Agathion demon in need of some help. This little green goblin in a floating jar will tell the player that they are being bullied by some Daemons nearby, and will ask the hero to defeat a few of them to teach the Daemons a lesson.

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If the player agrees to help, this will begin the subquest known as "Bully Breaker". To complete it, one will have to explore the area to track down some Daemons before punishing them for being unkind to their demonic neighbors. This is a pretty short subquest in Shin Megami Tensei 5, however, it gives players a decent amount of experience, so it is worth doing.

Where To Find Daemons

shin megami tensei 5 bully breaker subquest find daemon location

In the same area that players pick up the quest from Agathion, known as Hamamatsucho, there will be a Leyline Fount to the north of the small, green demon's position. To the east of Hamamatsucho's Leyline Fount, there is a cave that has many Daemons in it. Thankfully, they will only attack if players spring through the area, meaning that 1 or 2 can be drawn out at a time.

How To Beat The Daemons

Daemons, while sinister in appearance, are not that tough and can be taken down easily if they appear in small numbers. However, it would be useful to target their weakness, as this will take them down quicker. Daemons are weak to Light-type skills, so be sure to use these against them for an elemental advantage. After punishing at least 3 Daemons, players can return to Agathion for their subquest rewards.

Rewards For Completing 'Bully Breaker'

When the player returns to Agathion, they will express their gratitude by rewarding the protagonist's party with 200 experience points each and giving them an Agathion Essence. This essence can be used to give another demon a skill normally possessed by an Agathion demon. As such, it will be easy to transfer the offensive Electric-type skill, Zio, to any demon in one's party at a Leyline Fount.

Shin Megami Tensei 5 is available on the Nintendo Switch.

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