The Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne remaster added a lot of new content to the original game. The biggest improvements include better visuals, voiced dialogue, and an easy difficulty as the major pluses. As much as this game added or fixed, it still left a lot on the table. 

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It averages out then to a mid-tier remaster compared to other ones out there like Final Fantasy X for example. Some of these upcoming fixes could be added in future updates to the game or through DLC. However they are implemented, these changes are needed to make Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne more accessible in a modern age. 

10 A Guiding Path

Shin Megami Tensei 3 Nocturne - Demi-Fiend

Getting lost in this game is easy. One really has to talk to every NPC and even then the right direction to go may be misleading. Thankfully, this game is almost two decades old so there are plenty of readable guides out there along with video walkthroughs.

Even with that knowledge out there, Atlus still should have added a guiding or hint system in some respect to this remaster. Something that removes some of the guesswork and reduces the time wasted just trying to find out where to go.

9 Random Battle Scale

Shin Megami Tensei 3 Nocturne battle

Random battles are a thing of the past although some games have figured out how to tweak them for a modern age. For example, Bravely Default has a sliding scale where random battles can generate normally, not at all, or with every step. This was great for when players did or did not want to grind.

In Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne, getting into a fight takes a while, which is annoying since the grind is necessary as the game can be very challenging. There are items to increase the chances, but a built-in feature would have also been nice. 

8 Saving

SMT 3 HD save menu

This remaster added Suspending as a save feature. Players can do this anywhere in the game, but Suspending is only a temporary save. Once loaded up, that save will delete itself.

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It’s like putting a bandage for a finger cut on a broken bone. One can’t even save normally on the world map. Restricting a save anywhere feature would be more acceptable than the current system. 

7 Magatama Skills

SMT 3 HD unlock ingest

Magatama is like this game’s version of Materia from Final Fantasy VII. The main character can equip one at a time, which will grant him a fixed stat boost along with new skills to learn.

In Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne, both the hero and monsters only have eight skill slots. This sort of defeats the purpose of Magatama in that there is no room for any kind of experimentation. Equipping eight skills for battle would be okay if the other skills were in reserve outside of battle, again, like Materia. 

6 Add A Mini Map

Shin Megami Tensei 3 Nocturne - mini-map

To this game’s credit, the map is great. Everything auto-maps itself out for blocked areas or exits. The only problem with it is the fact players have to go into the menu to use it.

Most dungeon crawlers do have mini-maps, and it would be great if this remaster implemented one as well. Going to the menu is a relatively easy and fast process so this grievance is low on the list of needed fixes. 

5 Run Speed

SMT 3 HD world

The main character, the Demi-Fiend, is not the slowest moving character in an RPG. That said, he could be going a lot faster. There is no dedicated run button to extend his speed, which makes traversal more tedious than it should be.

In dungeons, it’s fine; however, the world map is where this fix is really needed. On that note, getting a new avatar for the map would also be more appreciated than the generic current cursor. 

4 Fast-Forward Buttons

shin megami tensei 3 HD Nocturne - encounter

One fix that could solve the running issue would be to add a fast-forward button. The big want for this would be for battling, but making the feature actually outside of combat scenarios would be nice too.

Other recent remasters have had this mechanic, including a few of the Final Fantasy games like Final Fantasy XII. Even modern RPGs that aren’t remasters have this function like Bravely Default II. 

3 Terminal Differences 

SMT 3 HD Jyoji Hijiri

There are two types of Terminals in the game which is odd because they look exactly the same. Every Terminal can save the game which is a plus. However, there is only one master Terminal in a given area that can connect to the Amala Network to initiate fast-travel.

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The others can fast-travel to this master Terminal inside an internal network but not outside. However, that master Terminal cannot transfer players back to them. It is a very limited way of doing business. 

2 Signal Entrances

SMT 3 HD Dungeon

Sometimes it can be hard to see what is and what is not an entrance. One may think an entrance is obvious only for it not to be one and vice versa. That’s where the map comes in to show where these openings are.  

While that is a good enough solution on its own, other games have a feature to show where people can go and come out without using a map. Pushing select in Final Fantasy VII is one such game that does this. 

1 A Costume Change

Shin Megami Tensei 3 hd Nocturne Demi-Fiend protagonist

The main character of this game might be the goofiest-looking in the series. For main protagonists, including the Persona series, that is one hundred percent true.

Who thought it was a good or cool idea to run around half-naked in capris, sporting Tron tattoos? Costume DLC would be nice to see then. All he needs is a single t-shirt and this would fix a lot. Even if someone likes the look of the protagonist, an ability to customize the Demi-Fiend's design would still be welcome.

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