Fans finally got to see Jennifer Walters work her first case as head of the superhero law division in this week's episode of She-Hulk, and were given plenty of laughs along the way. Episode 3 introduced new faces, brought back some beloved old ones, and set up more potential storylines for the future.

With only six episodes left, She-Hulk is already a third of the way through the season, and there are still plenty of loose ends the show needs to tie up. She-Hulk’s most notable comic book rival, Titania, has yet to make a comeback, there’s been no news of Bruce since he departed for Sakaar, and Abomination’s release from prison will surely have audiences and Jen alike wondering what will happen next. Until then, these are all the major Easter eggs from episode 3.

RELATED: She-Hulk Episode 3 Review

Phase Wong Is Still Going Strong

wong easter egg

It’s been a running joke amongst fans and Marvel Studios that Phase 4 should more aptly be named Phase Wong. The new Sorcerer Supreme has appeared in a great number of recent projects, and She-Hulk is no different. Even Jen played into the fun, breaking the fourth wall to tell fans she knows how excited they are to see Wong. She also encouraged them not to get their hopes up for more cameos, aside from her cousin Bruce, because it isn’t that kind of show.

Regardless, there was plenty of Wong content to keep audiences satisfied. The sorcerer took to the stand to defend Emil Blonsky for his after-hours activities in Shang-Chi, claiming that he forced the Abomination to leave his cell and Blonsky shouldn’t be held responsible. It was also revealed that Wong was once a Target sales associate in Kamar Taj, before he became a librarian and Sorcerer Supreme.

Gideon Wilson

Gideon wilson easter egg

A brief flash on the television screen showed a news interview with Gideon Wilson, the original lawyer on Abomination's first criminal trial. Although the scene itself was unassuming, the name should ring a few bells for comic book readers.

In the Marvel Comics, Sam Wilson had a brother named Gideon, who blamed the Hulk for his son’s death. Now that Sam has moved on from being the Falcon to take on the Captain America mantle, fans will be seeing plenty of him in Phase 5. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier introduced Sam’s sister, Sarah, but perhaps Gideon will be coming back in Captain America 4 when Sam returns.

Mallory Book

mallory book easter egg

Episode 3 brought in another familiar face from the comics with the introduction of Mallory Book. Alternatively referred to as “the face that never loses a case,” her character was brought into the MCU during a brief work discussion. She and Jen had a longstanding rivalry in the comics, always trying to out-lawyer one another in the courtroom.

Mirror & Shadow Dimension

mirror dimension easter egg

While discussing the Abomination’s case with Jen, Wong offered to stick him in either the Mirror Dimension or the Shadow Dimension. The Mirror Dimension has been a key point in multiple MCU films, so fans are deeply familiar with how it works. The Shadow Dimension, however, is a name that hasn’t come up yet.

It’s possible that Wong could be referring to the Dark Dimension, which was introduced during Doctor Strange in 2016, but there’s also a chance audiences will be seeing a new mystical world sometime in the future.

Asgard Isn’t A Place

asgard easter egg

When the shape-shifting elf Runa causes legal drama for Jen’s former co-worker, Dennis Bukowski, she tries to sweet-talk her way out of trouble. Runa launches into a dramatic speech and claims she should have diplomatic immunity off Asgard, because Asgard is a people, not a place.

This line came from one of Thor’s most notable speeches in the franchise, and did a great job inspiring the Asgardian people to rise up after they’d lost it all. The judge shuts down Runa’s efforts immediately, though, and says moving quotes from Thor aren’t a valid defense in court.

Megan Thee Stallion Is MCU Canon

Megan thee stallion easter egg

Runa’s antics provided a perfect transition into She-Hulk’s most shocking cameo yet, since the shape-shifter was pretending to be the award-winning rapper, Megan Thee Stallion. It’s not unusual for the MCU to make references to real life pop-culture, but it’s rare for them to cast an actual celebrity to play themselves.

Marvel did something similar in Iron Man 2, where Elon Musk very briefly appeared as himself. However, his role wasn’t nearly as substantial as Megan’s in episode 3. She still produced music and won Grammys in the MCU, implying that her fictional life isn’t much different from her life in the real world.

Megan watched Runa’s trial in court, and the post-credit scene showed her and Jen dancing to one of her songs in the office. It was a great way to end the episode, and confirmed that Jen’s fangirl tendencies extend to more stars than just Steve Rogers.

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