Shazam! Fury of the Gods takes place not long after the first movie. The movie opens with two mysterious villains stealing The Wizard’s staff from a museum. The scene then cuts back to the Shazam family before they go out and deal with a bridge incident.

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It seems like they have been doing hero stuff like this off and on in Philadelphia but they probably haven’t dealt with any more supervillains. That is until the Daughters of Atlas appear. Let’s discuss some things that don’t make sense in Shazam! Fury of the Gods along with some unanswered questions.

Get ready for spoilers because this list is full of them.

7 Will Shazam Get Into The Gunnverse?

Billy in Shazam Fury of the Gods

James Gunn did not take over the DC movie franchise until after the production of Shazam! The Fury of the Gods. So, it’s hard to say if anything in the movie matters when he reboots everything into the Gunnverse. Two open-ended questions weigh on the mind heavily.

One, Emilia and John, from Peacemaker and The Suicide Squad, try to recruit Billy into the Justice Society. Then there is the extra stinger with Thaddeus. Will these end credits scenes mean anything, or will this be the end of Zachary Levi as Shazam?

6 Mary’s Parents Not Recognizing Her Shazam Form

Mary in Shazam Fury of the Gods

Grace Caroline Currey plays Mary, one of the Shazam family superheroes, in Shazam! The Fury of the Gods. She is the only actress in the movie to play her normal character as well as her superhero form. This makes sense given that she is the oldest at college age.

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At that point in development, people don’t change that much compared to the other heroes although Billy should look more like Zachary Levi by now. That aside, Mary makes valid sense, but since Mary does indeed look like Mary, how did Rosa and Victor not figure out her identity sooner from the news?

5 Wondering About Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman in Wonder Woman 1984

Wonder Woman was a good joke in the movie. The Wizard taking over her body in Billy’s dream has to be one of the funniest scenes in Shazam! The Fury of the Gods. It’s teased throughout, but Wonder Woman eventually shows up. She pops in during Billy’s funeral seemingly knowing everything that happened already. She revives Billy and everything is fine like magic. How is Billy completely okay and how did she know about this adventure anyway?

4 The Teams Colors

The Shazam family as heroes in Shazam Fury of the Gods

Everyone’s superhero suit colors are something that didn’t make sense in the first movie either. There is a wealth of colors under the rainbow and beyond and yet that is not represented by the Shazam family. Pedro’s suit is green, Darla’s suit is purple, Eugene’s suit is gray, and Freddy’s suit is a darker blue.

Why go with gray for Eugene as a weird muted color? Moreover, why do Billy and Mary have to share red suit colors? They are differently designed since Mary has a skirt as a girl, but it’s still odd for a superhero movie to reuse colors. Can’t someone have orange, or yellow?

3 The Age Difference Of The Daughters Of Atlas

The Daughters Of Atlas in Shazam Fury of the Gods

Billy makes a joke about this in the movie, but the age difference between the three Daughters of Atlas is wild. Anthea opens up to Freddy and admits that she is over 6,000 years old. It is never revealed how old her sisters are, but given how withered they are comparatively, they have to be triple or even quadrupled Anthea’s age. Oddly, they look so different as well.

There are a lot of things that don’t make sense about this trio in the movie besides their ages. Why did Kalypso betray her sisters, how did Anthea know how to locate Freddy as a connection to Shazam, and why Hespera was able to live after getting dealt a death blow?

2 The Wizard Has Money?

The wizard in Shazam Fury of the Gods

It’s never really revealed how The Wizard survived his injuries from the first movie. Viewers can chalk that up to magic since it is all over Shazam! The Fury of the Gods. The bigger question is how did The Wizard dress up like a fly boss at the end of the movie?

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Where is he getting all of his cash? Is he using magic to trick people into thinking he has money? Is he somehow using the power of the Atlas sisters, Kalypso in particular, to manipulate minds? Also, why did the Shazam family even have the staff to begin with? It felt like an unnecessary scene for him to come back and get it.

1 Where Else Do The Doors Lead?

The Shazam family as heroes in Shazam Fury of the Gods

The secret lair within Billy’s foster home is one of the most imaginative things in the movie let alone in DC movies as a whole. It looks straight out of Harry Potter especially the library and room of doors. Where do these doors all lead? These doors could be a good way for James Gunn to connect his new universe with Shazam’s.

The new Gunnverse characters could hop into Shazam’s reality vis these doors or vice versa. The Flash movie seems to be dealing with the multiverse as well except the titular hero can move through dimensions via speed. There are a lot of opportunities for these doors is the point.

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