It’s often known for FPS titles to have quite a crazy story in order to facilitate their unique brand of mayhem, and this is exactly what Shadow Warrior 3 provides to fans. In this crazy FPS title, Shadow Warrior 3 lets players take on the role of Lo Wang, a warrior who accidentally released a dragon, which then ravaged civilization as they know it. In his time of recluse due to depression, Wang is convinced to find a way to defeat the dragon once and for all.

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Considering that the game is set in modern times, Shadow Warrior 3 allows Lo Wang to use a wide variety of weapons - such as a katana as well as a large arsenal of guns - in order to defeat various demons that get in his way. However, some weapons are just much better suited for the job.

7 The Basilisk

Shadow Warrior 3 The Basilisk

Essentially a hunting rifle, players wouldn’t recognize the Basilisk for what it is immediately due to the intricate “armor” surrounding the barrel. Regardless, when players obtain this weapon from “The Damn Dam,” they get one of the best long-distance rifles in the game. Essentially, players can aim and target enemies with precision shots. However, this does take some time to fire toward enemies.

Interestingly, players can boost the potency of the Basilisk with some upgrades. These include slowing downtime during shot charges (Hawkeye), rounds that pierce multiple enemies that are lined up (Piercing Gaze), and immobilizing nearby enemies when shooting a target (Immobilizer).

6 The Outlaw

Shadow Warrior 3 The Outlaw

Obtained during “The Dragon’s Back,” The Outlaw looks like a stylish revolver that can hit targets at long range with quite the accuracy. However, while the Outlaw allows players to shoot enemies continuously, it suffers from increased recoil with each successive shot.

Thankfully, players can compensate for these with upgrades, such as increasing ammo capacity (Ammo Pouch Capacity), causing explosions with headshots (Poppin’ Heads), and setting enemies on fire with bullets (Heat Of Battle). However, players who need a reliable ranged weapon that hits precisely where it’s targeted might not find the Outlaw alluring.

5 Crimson Bull

Shadow Warrior 3 Crimson Bull

Sometimes, players just need enemies off their backs with good ol’ explosives, and Crimson Bull allows this to happen. Obtained in “Motoko’s Thunderdome,” Crimson Bull is a grenade launcher that deals a lot of damage to enemies trapped in its area of fire. Grenades can bounce off surfaces too, giving players some room to play with angles and the like.

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Not only that, Crimson Bull can be upgraded with some unique features. These include boosting its ammo capacity (Ammo Pouch Capacity), boosting the radius of its explosion (Increased Radius), and even tracking enemies whenever it bounces off nearby surfaces (Sucker Punch), allowing players to deal more damage.

4 The Riot Gun

Shadow Warrior 3 The Riot Gun

Again, obtained during “The Dragon’s Back,” The Riot Gun looks like a pump-action shotgun with a heavier look and feel. Players can use this to fire a shot that deals a lot of hurt to enemies in short-to-medium range. This can be further improved with upgrades, such as boosting ammo capacity (Ammo Pouch Capacity), disabling reloads (No Reload), and even going fully automatic (Full Auto).

Despite its ranged limitations, being able to shoot in quick succession without needing reloads can make the Riot Gun live up to its name. And considering how Lo Wang can easily get overwhelmed with enemies in a level, the Riot Gun is a great way to get enemies off his back.

3 The Sidekicks

Shadow Warrior 3 Sidekicks

It’s always nice to be able to shoot enemies a ton of times from afar, and The Sidekicks obtained in “Way To Motoko” do exactly this. Serving as a pair of SMGs, the Sidekicks boast a feature that allows it to be loaded with two magazines each, as though foretelling its capabilities. It allows players to shoot a lot of enemies at long range with not-so-high DPS.

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However, these can be further upgraded with nifty features, such as increased ammo capacity (Ammo Pouch Capacity), electrocuting enemies for damage-over-time (Shocking Rounds), and spawning Thunder Traps when killing enemies with Shocking Rounds (Thunder Trap).

2 Shuriken Spitter

Shadow Warrior 3 Shuriken Splitter

Perhaps the wildest weapon in the game, the Shuriken Spitter looks like a crossbow at first glance but it actually fires shuriken discs that become chainsaw discs that latch onto targets and then deal damage over time. Not only that, but missing targets allow the discs to bounce off surfaces and deal damage to nearby enemies.

Players can further upgrade the Shuriken Spitter with more brutal features, such as increased ammo per round (Ammo Pouch Capacity), discs that continue to target foes after killing their initial target (Predator Disc), and shooting three discs at once to maximize killing potential (Triple Shotcost).

1 Dragontail

Shadow Warrior 3 Dragontail

Lo Wang starts the game with the Dragontail, a katana detailed like the tail of a dragon. Similar to the melee weapons of most FPS titles, Dragontail serves as a nifty melee alternative in case of emergencies, especially when out of ammunition. Perhaps most interesting is its ability to ensure that enemies drop ammo pickups whenever killed with this katana, ensuring Lo Wang can get back to brutal shooting action soon afterward.

When upgraded, Dragontail can start performing Heavy Attacks (Heavy Attack), get assigned with elemental attributes (Elemental Attacks), and even bestow status effects to enemies hit (Elemental Overcharge). Despite its status as a default weapon, Dragontail is easily an ever-reliable weapon.

Shadow Warrior 3 was released on March 1, 2022, for the PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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