As everyone has come to expect in a FromSoftware DLC, Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree is absolutely overflowing with new content. The Land of Shadow has something new to find around every corner, whether it be new armor and weapons, or cookbooks and pots, the new DLC has everything you could ever hope for. Indeed, for the combat connoisseurs out there, one of the most exciting new additions is every new Ash of War. This guide will focus on one in particular: Ash of War: Blinkbolt.

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Ash of War: Blinkbolt – Overview & Weapon Types


"Skill used by the golden knights who served Godwyn. From a low stance, the body is transformed into a bolt of lightning and charges straight ahead at fulgurous speed."

In Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree, Blinkbolt is a new Ash of War that grants its equipped weapon the Lightning affinity. The Ash of War: Blinkbolt Ash of War is usable on all melee armaments.

When you use this Ash of War, the Tarnished literally turns into lightning, moving at high speed and dealing damage throughout. It does not appear that Blinkbolt will allow you to teleport through enemies, though there have been some instances when it appears to work this way. Far mor often, you will come to a stop directly in front of an enemy, dealing damage as you hit them. What Blinkbolt does do, however, is give you a brief window of invulnerability. This means you can use it to dodge attacks, as long as you get the timing right.

Players will likely notice that Blinkbolt is also one of several attacks used by Shadow of the Erdtree's Death Knight mini-boss. The lore states that these warriors fought for Godwyn himself. You will get a good sense of how to use this Ash of War by studying this powerful foe.

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Ash of War: Blinkbolt costs 8 FP to use, and does not have a Strong Attack. This Ash of War cannot be charged to increase its power.

Where To Find Ash of War: Blinkbolt Location


To get Ash of War: Blinkbolt in the Elden Ring DLC, you must head to the Fog Rift Catacombs. They are found north of the Castle Front site of grace. Head through the small corridor where Messmer Soldiers throw firebombs at you. The map may not be revealed yet, but you'll be able to reach the entrance if you keep heading north.

As you make your way through the dungeon, you'll eventually reach a long corridor with a spell-casting enemy launching extremely dangerous projectiles. This new spell causes the projectiles to bounce off surfaces. Make your way across the hallway by stepping into the alcoves on each side. Lookout for holes or gargoyles. This chamber also includes a spiked ceiling that drops. Once you reach the end, kill the spell-casting enemy.

Now, there is a concrete railing on the platform where the enemy was standing. Get very close to it to cause the ceiling to drop. When it reaches the ground, you'll notice a small cutout that you can jump into. Get in, then ride up with the spikes. When you reach the top, you'll see a new platform you can jump to that has a chest. Open the chest to find the Blinkbolt Ash of War.