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Shadow and Bone builds a lot of its best moments out of character interactions. This season, a bizarre amount of those interactions have taken place in the mind of the main protagonists. The latest episode delivers some crucial information through dreams and some truly shocking plot turns through astral projection. It's a unique way of getting its story across, but it works.

Episodes five and six of this season were directed by Karen Gaviola, who has been in the industry since 1999. She cut her teeth on NYPD Blue, and she recently worked on the 2020 remake of Hawaii Five-0. Both episodes have titles in Shu, "Yuyeh Sesh (Despise Your Heart)" and "Ni Weh Sesh (I Have No Heart.)"

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Alina, Mal, and Baghra find themselves in an unlikely adventuring party across Ravka. Still working out their relationship issues, the childhood friends benefit from the guidance of a woman whose seen ages come and go. Baghra has the wisdom they need to begin truly seeking the third mystical beast that can amplify Alina's power. She informs Alina and Mal that their quest will bring them to the abode of a legendary figure, a mystic who supposedly created the other beasts for this very purpose. Once they arrive, Baghra discovers a deeply troubling new layer to the story. Mal is forced to reckon with new truths about his background. Alina struggles against the Darkling's influence again. It's an emotional journey that culminates in some staggering losses and powerful questions.

Meanwhile, the Crows' quest to steal the legendary sword goes downhill fast. After hunting down the fence that could sell them the blade, almost every member of the group finds themselves trapped by poisonous gas. As they hallucinate, each member of the group gets their own little dream sequence, to very different effects. Kaz suffers an existential crisis at the end of his quest for vengeance. Inej wonders what could come of hope. Jesper finally delves into his backstory and deals with some of the trauma within it. After a member of the crew comes to their rescue, they tangle with a foe who may be more powerful than anyone they've ever faced. When all hope seems lost, they have to try some unusual tactics to get the sword that could save the world. This episode features a great showcase for the individual Crows, and it even gives a tiny bit of extra depth to Tolya.

Kirigan's role in this episode is a bit more aggressive. Early in its runtime, he demonstrates exactly what makes him such a dangerous figure. By leveling a forest and the surrounding town, Kirigan establishes himself once again, reminding everyone that he's a threat with or without his monsters. Beyond his display of strength, this episode features much of the payoff of his connection with Alina. She attempted to use their bond to best him before, but now he has the upper hand. The Darkling's villainous streak is far beyond the realm of understanding at this point, he's a mad danger to himself and others. Though he is still powerful, his descent into madness has cost him almost everything. His greatest enemy still stands, but he has been dealt a major blow by an unforeseen enemy.

One of the surprising aspects of Shadow and Bone is the way it can move characters in and out of the spotlight. The show has managed to bench key figures multiple times, then bring them back when it's their time to shine and give them everything they deserve. Baghra was never the most compelling character, but this episode depicts a lifetime with a few subtle choices and strong lines of dialogue. The show has a staggeringly effective cast of fleshed-out characters who remain engaging every time they pop up. The elements that would feel tacked-on or hacky in other shows manage to feel natural and earned in almost every case in Shadow and Bone. The show has a lot on its plate, but it's still delivering quality at every single moment. It's a staggering achievement in a lot of interesting ways, and though it has to borrow from other sources to patch up the cracks, it's still a work of art.

People who don't enjoy this kind of YA fantasy material might not be swayed by Shadow and Bone, but there's solid filmmaking and acting on display throughout. Fans of the genre will fall in love with the entire cast and find themselves wondering what could happen next at every turn. Shadow and Bone isn't reinventing anything, it's just coming at the material with a solid creative eye and a great deal of commitment. As the series nears its second grand finale, it has everything to play for and a ton of interesting set-ups to pay off. From characterization to costuming, the showrunners seem to know what they're doing.

MORE: Shadow and Bone Wouldn’t Have Worked Without the Crows